
Chapter 1:

My life really sucks, here I am a 35 year old virgin with $15,000.00 worth of debit. I work as a telemarketer, talk about hating your job, I do not even like to talk on the phone.

You know I have always believed that if you kill you're self, you would go to Hell, but I don't even care anymore. I have always thought that Viking funerals were cool, so I got myself a canoe and filled the bottom with fuel oil and slit my wrists.

I let myself bleed until I started to feel really tired, then I lit the canoe up… it really hurts to burn to death.

….And when I came to, I was staring into a Dark Void, then a blue screen almost like a videogame appeared in front of my face, filled with words saying: ["I have taken pity on you. You should have gone to hell, but you made yourself so miserable in your life. I've decided to give you a second chance in a world that has lost its way."]

Oh my goodness, I could not believe it, this really seems like it could be a dream come true. Then the words in the box changed.

[Choose a World.]

I thought: "High School DxD".

[World Choice: High School DxD]

[Choose an Identity]

"I want to be the older fraternal twin brother of Issei Hyoudou."

[Identity Choice: Older Fraternal Twin Brother of Issei Hyoudou.]

[.....Choice Consequence: Issei Hyoudou loses Protagonist Status; Sacred Gear Downgraded to a Twice Critical.]

"Wow, this makes it even better. Always hated that that stupid little pervert."

[6 Power Gacha Rolls:]

[First Roll: Fountain of Youth Empowerment]

+++[Based on the Nanatsu no Taizai World]

+++++[Reality Naturalization]

+++++++[Power Type = Ki]

[Second Roll: Horm+Horm Fruit]

+++[Based on the One Piece World]

+++++[Reality Naturalization]

+++++++[Weaknesses Removed]

+++++++++[Power Type = Ki]

[Third Roll: Saiyan Bloodline]

+++[Based on the Dragon Ball Z World]

+++++[Reality Naturalization]

+++++++[Power Type = Ki]

[Fourth Roll: Sharingan]

+++[Based on the Naruto World]

+++++[Reality Naturalization]

+++++++[Renaming: Heavens Eyes]

+++++++++[Power Type = Ki]

[Fifth Roll: The Seven Powers + Techniques]

+++[Based on the One Piece World]

+++++[Reality Naturalization]

+++++++[Power Type = Ki]

[Sixth Roll: Thunder+Thunder Fruit]

+++[Based on the One Piece World]

+++++[Reality Naturalization]

+++++++[Power Type = Ki]

[All Powers Integrating...]





[Heavens Eyes:

++Eye of Hypnotism:

++++++Eye Contact Mesmerism.

++++++Immunity to Mental Influence.

++Eye of Insight:

++++++Accelerated Though.

++++++Eidetic Memory.

++++++Perfect Perception.

++++++Photographic Reflexes.]


++Eternal Youth.

++Instant Regeneration.

++Total Immunity.

++Unlimited Ki.]

[Ki Power:

++Ki Manipulation:

++++++Armament Haki.



++++++++++Gender Alteration.




++++++++++Lightning Transformation.


++++++Emperor Haki.

++++++Seven Powers:

++++++++++Flash Step.

++++++++++Lightning Pistol.


++++++++++Storm Kick.

++++++++++Thunder Cannon.

++++++++++Wind Steps.

++++++++++Vajra Body.

++Ki Perception:

++++++Observation Haki.]

[Superior Physique:

++Incredible Durability.

++Incredible Speed.

++Incredible Strength.

++Incredible Vitality.]

[Superior Senses:

++Incredible Hearing.

++Incredible Olfaction.

++Incredible Vision.]

Wow these are some really great Powers although it is somewhat strange that I'm going to predominately Magic based world and my powers are Ki based. I wonder what I can do with this lightning transformation will it be like…...

[Beginning Reincarnation into The World of Highschool DxD]



