
Chapter 15 : Eight Floor

He drawn the bow, targeting a lonely goblin on the fourth floor, he let it free. The arrow hit in the head, killing the goblin on the stop.

He spent weeks fighting only with the bow, the progress is there, he almost doesn't miss when he target the monsters, though, it gets hectic when he tries to go lower, where monsters roam in groups, and he doesn't have any cover.

The bow was a great addition to his arsenal, now, he wants some magic, please, yeah, as if he could it that easily.

He approached the dead goblin and took its magical crystal, and the arrow from the ground.

Sidhe entered the fifth floor, he followed the shadows, being hidden from the eyes of monsters, he prowled like a tiger in the jungle, or a cat in the foliage, looking for his next prey.

He found a war shadow, the monster was lonely, with no other members of its kin, he even saw when it formed. He nocked an arrow, and shoot.

The arrow flew through the air, it entered the dungeon wall, missing completely the war shadow.

It became alert, searching from where the attack came, Sidhe took a deep breath, calming his tense nerves. He let the saber back home, a mistake, now that he thinks about it. He still have his two daggers, so, at least, he has weapons to defend himself.

He again drawn the bow, his hands had a tiny tremble, the bow was not staying fixed, he shoot again. The arrow entered deep into the war shadow's waist.

The monster observed him and started running straight to his location. Sidhe took in no time an arrow, nocked it and let it free.

The monster fell down, with an arrow in its throat, being dead on the stop.

He collected the arrows, one had its head broken, he will need to repair it later.

He was now in the sixth floor, he was hiding in the halls, waiting for monsters to appear and then taking them by surprise, who would expect someone to camp in a dungeon, well, it isn't that farfetched, just unlikely for someone to do that.

He bought the bow from Alazan, it was simple in design, nothing outlandish, he got it to get practice.

He saw an incoming killer ant, he prepared and arrow, then looked where to hit, he locked on a weak zone, then shoot.

The ant scrambled with it's belly upside, wiggling with its little legs, it tried to get back on feet. Sidhe was next to it, plunging his knife deep into the ant.

Noises of metal feet stampeding over, Sidhe was disappointed that he killed it too late, he took an advantage point, and started shooting at the ants.

They were around six, he killed them pretty fast, they were not that hard now, though in huge numbers they could swarm and devour you.

He descended down, to the seventh floor, he needed to be careful, or he will end dead, being with only his bow.

He prowled through the halls, evading the groups of ants and war shadows, stalking the single ones, killing them before they could even observe him.

He didn't use his speed as much now, hiding in the corners and striking with his bow, he was a solitary shadow in the dungeon.

The only real problem with the bow was that it will be hard to carry the backpack, the saber, his knives and the bow, he needed a short bow, or a compact one, though, maybe he should get a supporter?

He didn't like the idea at all, he would need to share the money he got, he needed hard evidence that the income will increase, even if he would get a supporter, because, at the moment, he thought that he had only to lose.

He killed a lizard who was stalking him, he took its crystal, then sat, leaning on the wall, eating a sandwich. His income took a hit because of the time he spent training with the bow, tomorrow he would take his saber too.

He continued to spend his time on the seventh floor, not daring to enter the eight floor, he didn't feel secure to go there with only his bow, he still missed with it, and the monsters there get more powerful.

He returned to the surface with his backpack full of crystals. Sidhe entered the Headquarters and sold them, the he walked towards his home.

Naaza and Lord Miach decided on its name, "Blue Pharmacy" a questionable name, if he was honest, the building wasn't blue, though, well, it was a pharmacy, maybe…

He entered it, the antiseptic smell was increasing day by day, Naaza was falling asleep at the counter, it seems she didn't have clients, again.

The shelves were full of colourful potions that attracted your attention, or just Sidhe's attention, he didn't want to feel the pinch of buying them, he still was able to continue without having health potions with him.

The more he will go down, the more mandatory they will become, another expense… He disliked spending money.

He waited for Lord Miach to come, then he said, "Lord Miach, can you update my status?"

Lord Miach smiled kindly and did it

Sidhe Si

Level one


F-340 > E-410


G-203 > G-284


E-423 > D-526


E-426 > D- 510


I-0 > I-0

Magic ()


(Scath Gaoithe)

His tail was swishing, it seems only using the bow impacted his agility, not a big problem, though he needs to bring it at a status with dexterity. He prepared his bed and took a nap.

At the brink of dawn, he was preparing his backpack, putting food, water, and emergency bandages, he wore his light armor and the put his ash robe over it, putting on knife at the leg, the other on his back. The saber at the waist, and the bow over his shoulder.

Sidhe had too many, but for today it will be not a problem, better over-prepared than ending up as ant's food.

He took a last gulp of coffee and left to his job. Today, he will enter the eight floor.

He took the first step down to the to eight floor, the first thing he noticed was the light, it was like in the middle of the day, a powerful light like a sun encompassed everything, he didn't even need to make use of his eyesight to see.

The light was coming from a phosphorescence above, the height of the halls got bigger, moss covered brown coloured walls, and on the ground there was a fine grass carpet.

He cautiously walked, observing his surroundings, twitching his ears to hear for any brave monsters. The monsters at the eight floor are stronger, though there aren't any new monsters.

He nocked an arrow as he heard incoming footsteps, from the hall, a war shadow appeared, silent and brooding, with its death-bringing claws.

The arrow flew straight to its throat, the war shadow blocked, then leaped at Sidhe, he let the bow fall on the ground, and unsheathed his saber.

The claws were coming to his face, Sidhe parried. The war shadow kept attacking him, the claws were fast, absorbing any light in their darkness. It was a fast monster, and it was stronger than those on upper levels.

Yet, he dodged another slash, it had the same tactics, fast attacks and speed, nothing new, for the time being. He shouldn't get too complacent.

One swing to his head, he bended his body and passed by. He counter attacked after seeing that the war shadow didn't change its pattern.

One slash to its arm to weak its attacking power, then jumping as a thrust came his way.

The war shadow's attack left a deep slash on the dungeon's wall, that rapidly closed back, Sidhe darted into its direction, closing the distance, he slashed at its waist, leaving a gnash there.

Blows, slashes and attacks were still coming, the war shadow still had energy to fight, Sidhe slithered over the attacks, like a snake he moved his body in ways impossible for a normal human, the cat people had an extremely good flexibility.

He took his knife and plunged it into the war shadow's belly, it tried to attack back; Sidhe cut its head before it could do anything.

The fight ended, Sidhe was tired, the fight was hard, well, it was expected, only with effort he will get strong enough, otherwise his growth will stagnate and be your average adventurer who was only level one, and die as a fool for being too brave.

He took a break to eat and drink, recovered the bow and the shot arrow from the ground, then began to search for his next monster.

He peeked from a corner, in the next room there were a bunch of monsters wandering aimlessly, if he had a group with him… He backtracked to search in another part, as that room was a death wish.

He observed the glinting metal of one killer ant, he took an arrow, draw the bow and shot, the arrow flew into the ant's weak point, dying on the stop. He smiled, this time he didn't attract the entire killer ant's family.

He continued in his prowling, monsters were active, but they were in groups, it was hard for him to find solitary ones. He meet a kobold group, ready to tear him apart.

He draw the bow and killed two kobold before they could reach him, they were six, four now with their two members dead.

He danced with them, evading the attacks, the bites and the measly tries to corner him, their claws weren't as sharp or as threatening as those of war shadow, dumb, slow, they were the better goblins.

He swung his saber and cut one kobold head, they were weak monsters for him, even after they got a boost from the floor, they were not a threat anymore.

Three remained, he evaded the jumps at him from the kobolds, sidestepping the dumb creatures, then cut them to pieces, he collected the magical crystals and continued to explore the eight floor.

The halls were getting shorter, and the rooms more numerous, he found himself in an empty room, not for long.

As from the dungeon walls monsters started to form, he gulped down as they were war shadows, one, two, three, four of them appeared.

He gritted his teeth, let the bow on the ground, unsheathed his dagger made from the claw of a war shadow, and readied himself to fight.

They ganged up on him, attacks came from all places, the war shadows keep the pressure, increasing the attacks frequency, one of them let a shallow cut on his arm.

Sidhe paid him back, cutting its spine as it was trying to disengage, another one tried to plunge its arm into Sidhe's back, he jumped, then hit that war shadow with his leg, as it was falling on the floor, he cut its throat.

Three other remained, he took a defensive stance, he parried the incoming attacks, the slashes and the thrusts, he blocked one swing to his waist, then slashes the enemy's stomach.

Taking advantage of the war shadow's weakness, he plunged his knife into the monster, killing another one of them.

Two remained, one injured, the other was at a safe distance, Sidhe sprinted to his bow, then taking an arrow, putting on the bow, then shoot.

The arrow pierced the head, entering deep in, the other one wanted to leap at Sidhe, it was injured, with blood falling on the grass, painting it in a dark colour. Sidhe nocked an arrow, locking on the throat and let the string free.

The arrow entered deep in the war shadow body, Sidhe has missed the mark, still the arrow took from its advance, and as such, Sidhe easily made his way towards it and cut its head.

Sorry for this week erratic update rate, It's a busy period for me, though tomorrow will be the last day when it's unkown if I will upload a chapter or not.

From the next week, I hope that I will be able to go back to the normal update rate.

Have a nice day.

Baifucreators' thoughts