

Ryoutomei Sougo is a Samurai from a distant land who wishes to end the feudal war. However, he crashes and drowns deep into the ocean after setting sail into the ferocious storms. He died after accepting his death. As soon as he wakes up, he is in the otherworld. He never knew he survived that and was somehow stranded in the unknown. Unfamiliar with earth, he was guided by a young boy who took care of him after he was lying down injured. Even though he's not from this world, he sees the positive sides of it. No wars, and peaceful life. With that, he accepts his new life. After being recovered, he sets his journey to the new world, the other world. Facing monsters, meeting friends, and harsh roads lies ahead, obstructing his path. gods and divine beings to clear his curious mind about this world. With his friends, he sought to find the truth of this world and why he was fated to be here.

Morororo · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Escape plan

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Mika was in shackles after he was caught by the tribesmen. On his way to the hut, he saw a girl who had been pinned down to the wall with chains and fresh wounds on her feet. She had white hair and her eyes were purple. She had bruises all over her cheeks. Her young appearance almost seemed like she was the same age as Mika's.

It was until then Mika knew she was Lusina. Mika was then pushed down and the chains were pinned tight to the wall. Lusina, as her eyes ran down tears helplessly after her fear consumed her.

"Hey, we're not going to die. Cheer up, I have a plan." Mika tried to calm Lusina down by talking her that he had a plan to escape.

Right now, Mika couldn't use his magic or he would alert the tribes and they would die instantly. So, Mika insisted on timing and quickness to have a higher chance of survival.

"Well, either they will eat us or make offerings to the gods, let's find out, shall we not?" Mika let out a scary grin, scaring Lusina who he recently tried to calm down.

"Were you trying to make this better or worse!?" She got scared and angry with Mika.

"Hahaha, I'm just joking!" Mika laughed in the middle of a dire situation.

"This is not a joking matter! Please, act more responsibly like an adult in this situation!" Lusina was serious and she didn't take the joke very funny.

"Heh... I'm afraid, I'm fifteen. And also, we'll have to wait till sundown, one hour from now." Mika saw the sun was setting down and he planned to wait till night.

"Oh yeah, why didn't you want to show your face before? You looked normal if you asked me..." Mika, after finally getting to know her face, questioned why she didn't want to show her face.

"You see... I'm from a royal family. I'm afraid because of my higher social status, people might be shocked and... eat me until I'm nothing but bones..." Lusina was very concerned that her identity would be revealed and that she might be eaten by people of lesser class.

"WHAT KIND OF STORY IS THAT!?" Mika was astonished by her statement and outlook on people but not by her overall status.

Mika managed to maintain composure despite being in immediate danger and without knowing the tribe they belonged to. Although Mika appeared to be at ease, Lusina noticed that his hands were quivering and realized that Mika was doubting his plans would work.

45 minutes later...

One of the tribe's male members entered the hut while holding his spear after they had both rested and waited till night.

"Utu, mawä?" The tribesman addressed the two in an interrogative manner while using his native tongue.

"Do you wish to eat?" was what he said after Mika interpreted what he was saying.

"Nyi, Utu." Mika said yes.

The tribesman left the hut after that and prepared their meals.

Utu means "eat," therefore interpreting what the man was saying implied that it was their final supper, as Lusina asked Mika what he was saying. Mika accepted his offer because that was the only way he could leave and observe as the escape strategy was carried out.

It was a good thing that they didn't take the small flute attached to his necklace from him, otherwise, he had no getaway ride, his horse. He intended to make it easy by obtaining the key before dawn because on nights like this, not only were the stronger guards occupied, but also when the tribesmen would rest.

After he came up with his plans to escape, they finally were guided by the tribe man to eat.

"Hey, is that your magic staff?" Mika saw his bow being confiscated along with a staff he presumed was Lusina's. The staff had a green crystal ball on top of the staff, and it looked capable of releasing varieties of magic.

"Yes..." Lusina nodded.

They then meet the chief who was preparing to meet them.

"Imatu, meres lapuna (Welcome, dear friend)". Said the chief.

"Amï, Utu Unabī les'a salu (Rejoice, food offerings for the Unabī)". The chief celebrated their arrival and all of the tribes were dancing with joy. After that, he offered them to take a seat.

Before enjoying their final dinner, they sat on the chair, and Mika took a chance when the chief turned around by utilizing his quick hands. He took the keys and unlatched the shackles when the chief was giving a speech in front of their meals and the guards weren't watching.

Mika and Lusine pretended that they were still in shackles, even though now they were free, it wouldn't be a great idea for them to escape while being surrounded.

"*Gulp* Is that... Mulkum's blood wine?" Mika gulped as he saw a disgusting drink in front of him.

They were given their customary beverage, a Mulkum's blood. Although Mulkum's blood contained potent acids, it could be prepared carefully so that it could be consumed. Even though it was edible, it produced a potent kick when consumed, much like beer.

Mika switched from calm to pale after he saw that drink, remembering the horrible past when he first tasted it. It had a very sour taste and a very bitter aftertaste.

Contrarily, Lusina appeared to have no idea what was in front of her. Although it may have appeared delectable at first, she immediately lost her appetite and became white as snow when she spotted someone's head on their plate.

"Utu, may! (Dig in!) " They declined the Chief's offer to feed them till they were satisfied by shaking their heads violently based on the expressions on their faces. Even though Lusina didn't know what the chief was saying, she completely understood it when he said "Utu".

They then decided with resolve to eat it, and after that, their faces went green...

Once their meals were over, they returned to the hut and were once more shackled to the wall. This time, it was easier for them to escape covertly and undo the chains.

They snuck passed the drowsy tribesmen who were snoring loudly and completely asleep. Once they have their weapons back, Lusina accidentally stomped on one of the guard's feet.

They were beginning to worry but fortunately, the guard didn't wake up and kept snoring.

Now their next objective was to leave the place without alerting the guards who were on night duty. Mika attempted to use smoke magic but he had second thoughts. If he triggered a smoke, off chance they would get caught. However, if he used mist magic high chance they would escape.

"Although I'm only efficient in electricity magic, I don't think my mist magic will be effective enough. But I got to give it a shot." Mika claimed that his elements of efficiency were electricity magic.

"No need..." Lusina stepped in and stopped Mika from using mist magic.

She made use of her staff, which the crystal ball's green light illuminated. The plant's roots then started to protrude from the ground. Like a bubble, a yellow-green sac packed with gas protruded from the roots.

"Incredible..." Mika was impressed.

Understanding the biological and structural underpinnings of life is a prerequisite for using plant magic. Mika praised her refined knowledge as a result.

The gasses' storage sac burst like a balloon. They were starting to feel a little sleepy as the gas crept over the tribe's tent. The guards then took a seat and relaxed while setting their spears down.

No time to waste, they make haste, escaping from the tribes.

Unfortunately, as they were running, Mika stepped on a trap that restrained him and quickly gagged his scream. The pain was brutal and he almost lost his left foot after stepping on the trap. Mika hurriedly released himself from the trap whilst Lusina helped him. Mika was in terrible pain and he lost control of his left foot. 

Lusina then healed him with her hands, without the need to use the staff. Mika then presumed she was an expert at healing magic, or maybe it was her bloodline magic.


A loud trumpet sound was heard once more. The sound of the horn roused the tribes, and Mika and Lusina took off running.

Then Mika called his horse with a blow from his tiny flute.

Though the tribes were catching up to them, his horse arrived just in time.

To slow them down, Mika used his bow and initiated an attack strategy. Mika fired the electric-coated arrow that was in his fingers at the tribes that were pursuing them. But one of the tribes' large, hulking brutes grabbed the arrow. To buy some time, Mika told Lusina to ride his horse.

"Get on the horse! Find that mister and get away as far as you can!" Lusina then hopped on the horse and waited for Mika.

"Give me your hand!" Lusina lent her hand to Mika but he was too far away...

"I'll be fine. Trust me." Whilst fighting the tribes, Mika smiled. He gave one last smile before slapping his horse, allowing Lusina to run away. Due to his damaged foot's incomplete healing, he was aware that if he hopped on, his escape plan would fail. His second backup plan was to fend them off so that Lusina could flee. The marksmen who were under fire were hit by Mika's electric-coated arrow, attempting for Lusina's safety.

The horse then took off with Lusina and she finally escaped, leaving Mika alone with the tribes...