

In 2066, an epoch-making online game-“World Domination”, planned and developed by hundreds of countries in the Blue Star World and the United Nations. After logging into the game, Ye Yang found out that he actually had a game. A special talent: absolute chance! [Absolute chance]: You will be absolutely successful no matter how low the chance of the challenge is, you don’t need to worry about the so-called chance, and do it boldly! [Effect]: All chances are locked at 100%! Kill any monster, Ye Yang can get 100% of all the items on the monster! All lucky draws are to get the best equipment and props! The best equipment! Brilliant gems! Strengthening is absolutely successful! Chances… In front of Ye Yang, it became an absolute success! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/i-have-a-100-burst-rate-in-online-games/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Games
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34 Chs

Juxianzhuang's Revenge!


"More than a hundred pieces of equipment? And all of them are level 5?"

Bai Yuyue's exaggerated little mouth could not conceal the surprise and excitement in her heart, and her little heart thumped and thumped.

"Yes." Looking back at Ye Yang, he was not so excited, as if all this was something that should be done. "Moreover, there are 12 green quality weapons in the armor and 5 green weapons."

"Oh yes, there are five more skill books, which are also level five."


Bai Yuyue was shocked!

She was really shocked.

A series of "five levels" made her scalp numb.

Players at this stage, let alone exploding level five weapons and equipment, are lucky enough to be able to bring a first level novice equipment!

And he actually still has five level five skill books? !

God, what kind of monster Ye Yang is!

After more than an hour before and after leaving Xinshou Village, Ye Yang exploded so many precious things. This, this...

"Okay, keep your voice down too."

Ye Yang kindly persuaded, "You have just defeated Juxianzhuang, even if they lose, I am afraid they will not be convinced in their hearts. Maybe they are staring at you now."

"Don't wait for you to give your equipment to your guild leader. It will be very unhappy if you are cut off by them halfway."

"Yes, yes, God's beacon is right."

Bai Yuyue nodded repeatedly.

Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe Ye Yang felt something dangerous.

As he had just expected.

Behind a small mound not far from the position of the village chief, there are really sneaky figures hidden.

[Juxianzhuang]Strong Sword Injury (President)

[Juxianzhuang]North Sea King

[Juxianzhuang]Mu Yebai


Everyone has different professions, and behind that small mound, there are a total of seven or eight people moving.

Among them, there is also in Juxianzhuang, the only Beihai King who has seen Ye Yang.

Not only that, there are members of Juxianzhuang ambush in every hidden place in Xinshou Village, and all the places add up to at least thirty or fifty people.

And they are all elite members of Juxianzhuang!

"Boss, did you just hear that, over a hundred pieces of equipment!"

The words of Ye Yang just now were heard clearly by the Beihai King. Even if he was hiding behind the mound, he couldn't help his restless heart. He wanted to rush forward and kill Ye Yang ten thousand times!

Beihaiwang is a level 5 fighter player.

Unlike the merchant name Bai Yuyue, he is a real super-main member in Juxianzhuang.

Because... he is one of the three vice-chairmen of Juxianzhuang!

Relying on Beihaiwang's European Emperor's fate, he now possesses up to 3 pieces of level 1 armor and one level 1 weapon.

Moreover, he has a level 5 skill.

The fighter's level 1 passive skill with a 10% increase in both physical and strength attributes: strong!

Corresponding to the five-level passive learned by Ye Yang, the first level increases the magical power by 20%.

The characteristic of a fighter is the balance of offense and defense, so the first level of strength also has a 10% increase in physical and strength.


Ye Yang's Flame Art has been promoted to level 3, and the increase in magic attributes is no longer a mere 20%.

But 100%!

That's a five-fold increase in level 1 Flame Art!

Ren is so, the strength of the North Sea King is also seen among ordinary players, and it is also strong enough.

Previously, Bai Yuyue was pretending to be counseled, but she just hoped that she could tell some news about Ye Yang in her mouth.

But now, their dreams were shattered, and Ye Yang sold all equipment skills to Bai Yuge.

Juxianzhuang was also jealous, and even more afraid that Bai Yu Pavilion would become stronger in the future because of Ye Yang's bias, so it launched a guild war and invaded Bai Yu Pavilion!

But... the action failed.

The rank of Juxianzhuang was lowered, and Baiyu Pavilion raised the rank of the guild by fighting and raising the battle. After the guild war was won, it also received a lot of rewards and war compensation.

Compared to them.

Juxianzhuang is a bit horrible.

It was like actively invading other guilds. After the guild war failed, Juxianzhuang was not only punished by clearing the experience of all players at that level, but also received a 24-hour debuff status.

[Punishment of the aggressor! ] (Debuff, Immune Purification)

Grade 1

Time: 24 hours

Description: Your guild took the initiative to initiate a war of aggression, but due to the failure of the war, you were severely punished by the ruler of the world. The experience you gain will be forcibly reduced by 10%, and all your attributes will be forcibly reduced by 10%. This effect can stack without limit.

If a single person is reduced by 10%, it may not affect much.

But this [Invader Punishment] status is applied to all players in the defeated guild.

This punishment is quite terrifying!

Even more terrifying, it also has the characteristics of immune purification.

In other words, [Punishment of the aggressor] cannot be driven away, only waiting for the end of time.

As the president of the sword, his intestines are now regretful.

But fortunately, they have now met Ye Yang.

Those gathered here are all super elite players from Juxianzhuang!

And they also heard something extremely exciting: Ye Yang actually has more than 100 pieces of equipment on his body now! And all the **** equipment is level 5!

"No loss is the legendary Beacon Oudi, this wave is worth it!"


Although Ye Yang didn't know this, his deeds of the Emperor of Europe, had been circulated among major guilds and casual players since the last time he refused to trade with Beihaiwang.

Countless people admire Ye Yang's Oudi fate, and countless people admire Ye Yang's ability to climb the beauty guild of Bai Yuge.

Ye Yang's luck alone can even be worth hundreds of thousands or millions of people combined.

He is not called Oudi, who would dare to call Oudi?

Enduring the excitement in his heart, Lie Jianjian seemed to have seen the feeling that more than a hundred pieces of equipment had been held in his palm!

"A team of soldiers, ready to go to war!"

"The second team of Assassins, wait for the opportunity to go back!"

"The third team of wizards is gathering energy, and the fourth team of archers is ready for me!"

After explaining the guild's elite members, Lie Jianhuan turned his head to face Beihai King and Mu Yebai, "This action must be foolproof, you know?"

"Got it!"

King Beihai and Mu Yebai, who are also the vice-chairmen, gritted their teeth and are already about to move!

More than 30 members of the most elite of Juxianzhuang, the two vice-chairmen and the chairman Lie Sword wounded at the same time!

In order to deal with Ye Yang, of course, the biggest reason is also for the foolproof action of this action, they have come up with the strongest lineup!

Another vice-chairman who was an assassin was full of sorrow and joy, squatting near the Bai Yu Pavilion Guild, staring at the movement of Bai Yu Fu and Bai Yu Pavilion.

Because, if Bai Yuyue was killed in this war, Bai Yufu, as the president, would be prompted by the system for the first time, knowing that the player who killed Bai Yuyue still has a time and place!

This is a privilege of being the head of the family, and it is also convenient for a player whose guild leader supports his guild as soon as possible.

Therefore, Liejianshang made up his mind and sent a vice president-level assassin who already possessed stealth and could hide in ambush!

This operation absolutely cannot, and there is no possibility of any mistakes!

The war begins!