

In 2066, an epoch-making online game-“World Domination”, planned and developed by hundreds of countries in the Blue Star World and the United Nations. After logging into the game, Ye Yang found out that he actually had a game. A special talent: absolute chance! [Absolute chance]: You will be absolutely successful no matter how low the chance of the challenge is, you don’t need to worry about the so-called chance, and do it boldly! [Effect]: All chances are locked at 100%! Kill any monster, Ye Yang can get 100% of all the items on the monster! All lucky draws are to get the best equipment and props! The best equipment! Brilliant gems! Strengthening is absolutely successful! Chances… In front of Ye Yang, it became an absolute success! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/i-have-a-100-burst-rate-in-online-games/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Games
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34 Chs

Dual Class Transfer Scroll!!!

With six beehives, relying on the powerful [Absolute Chance] talent, all the ordinary giant bees provided Ye Yang with a level five equipment.

Of course, every giant queen bee was also exposed to an extra skill book by Ye Yang.

There are 108 pieces of level 5 whiteboard armor, including 12 pieces of green armor.

Of course, if you count Ye Yang's wear in advance, there are 112 pieces in total.

The 6 giant bee queens additionally provided 5 green weapons and 5 level 5 skill books.

Because the red flame explosion and the green pine rod that the first giant queen bee exploded, they had been worn by Ye Yang.

So now there are only five left.

According to market price.

The price of level 5 whiteboard armor is about 800-1000 gold coins, and the green product is more expensive, about 1500-2000 gold coins.

Level 5 skill book... This time it really costs 10,000 gold coins.

Unlike level 1 skills, level 5 skills have gradually begun to enter the core of the player's early stage.

For example, as a mage, Ye Yang, the flame tactics that he has learned now, and the red flame explosion, are all very powerful skills!

Especially the flame tactics of passive skills, after rising to level 3, the 100% increase in magic attributes is already a magical skill!

Assassin's shadow attack, sneak;

The fighter's blow, strong;

Archer's split arrows and dashing skills.

These skills, no matter which one, are very important skills in the early stage.

The level 5 weapon of the green product is about 5000 gold coins, and the white board only needs 3000-3500 gold coins.

On the way back to Xinshou Village, Ye Yang probably calculated it.

My own harvest in just half an hour this time has actually exceeded 180,000 gold coins!

This is all calculated according to the market price. After all, the price of 4000 copies of the skill book that Ye Yang sold to Bai Yuyue last time has exceeded the market price by about three times, and it is indeed a bit dark.

However, even so, the last harvest was only more than 150,000 gold coins, plus the original gold coins before, only 172,000.

This time, I gained 180,000 gold coins, which is almost a profit!

[Ding, full server announcement: The guild "Bai Yuge" was brutally invaded by "Juxianzhuang", and under the vow to fight back, Bai Yuge successfully defeated it! The guild's ranking has risen to seventh place and has received a lot of rewards! ]

[Ding, full server announcement: The guild "Juxianzhuang" failed to invade "White Rain Pavilion" and the guild's ranking dropped to eighth. ]

"Why did Bai Yuge fight with Juxianzhuang?"

Ye Yang was taken aback by the sudden announcement of the full server.

Although he didn't have much intersection with these two guilds, he couldn't help but take another look.

Although he and Bai Yuge had a business relationship, it was only through Bai Yuyue who acted as a forwarder in the middle.

The beauties of Bai Yuge were really not easy to provoke, and Juxianzhuang, who was originally ranked seventh and had a certain strength, was beaten down by them.

After a smile, he didn't think about it anymore, Quandang watched an undeserved excitement.


Back to Novice Village, Ye Yang directly found the village head.

Intuition told him that the task of exploring the poisonous gas forest was probably a serial task.

After this section is delivered, the next task must be triggered.

And 2,000 experience points are also a very generous reward!

After playing the hive for a long time, I only gave more than 4000 experience. Now you can easily get 2000 experience when you hand in a task, why not?

Moreover, it is getting harder and harder to upgrade now, as strong as Ye Yang, but also feel a little difficult.

It takes a full 10,000 points of experience to reach level 7. This is definitely not something that can be done casually in a short time.

[Ding, you have completed the task: explore the poisonous gas forest. ]

[Ding, you get rewards, 2000 experience points and 1000 gold coins. ]

The village chief was holding a few honeycombs in his hands, and within a short time, the brows were twisted into a knot.

"Sure enough, the poison of that war is still affecting the once-vibrant forest and swamp."

Sighing slightly, the village chief cleaned up the hive, then turned his head and said to Ye Yang, "Warrior, I have an extremely difficult task now. Do you want to accept it?"

Perhaps because of doubts about Ye Yang's strength, the village head did not directly state the requirements of the mission.

Could it be a terrifying task?

Ye Yang frowned.

Exploring the poisonous gas forest was a task that Ye Yang could not bear. The village head didn't hesitate to speak.

This time...

"The village chief, can you still talk about your request?"


The village chief's eyes suddenly became solemn, and then he said earnestly.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, on this originally peaceful Anriel continent, two tit-for-tat goddess Helena and Demon Lord Tias appeared."

"The war that has lasted for thousands of years has made Anriel's continent chaotic, but fortunately, Goddess Helena has won the victory, destroying the demonized ruler Tias, and even the body has been turned into Scattered pieces are scattered all over the world!"

"Thousands of years later, Anriel has gradually recovered its original vitality."

"However, after the body of the Demonized Lord was damaged, his body fragments gradually turned into a strong and extremely poisonous gas in the Liu family over time, which remained for a long time on the Anriel continent."

"A creature contaminated with the poison of devil gas will become manic and angry because of being demonized."

Having said this, the village chief glanced sullenly, and the honeycomb was left with dark purple dust in the palm of his hand.

If the guess is correct, this should be caused by the infested poisonous mist on the hive.

The long-term poisonous fog infestation turned the originally vibrant forest into a poisonous gas forest, and the giant bees living in the forest also became manic.

"That's it."

Ye Yang nodded heavily.

"Warrior, you really helped us find very important information."

The attitude of the village chief has obviously become much more friendly.

"However, to dispel those devilish energy, only the most sacred profession in the world can do it."

"Holy Spirit!"

"Holy spirit immortality is one of the advanced professions of wizards, and only their purest spirit-clearing art can purify this **** devilish energy."

Ye Yang frowned.

Hearing the four words of holy spirit fairy magic, he was ready to give up this task.

Indeed, as the village chief said, mages after level 10 can be advanced in the terminology of the game, called job transfer.

Blazing Yin and Yang!

Holy Spirit Fairy!

As a mage's two advanced professions, one is a fierce and unmatched flame manipulator, and the other is a nanny who really cares about the world.

That's right, although the Holy Spirit Fairy Art sounds good, in other words it is just the nanny in the game.

Why did Ye Yang choose the mage for?

Isn't it for the pursuit of amazing burst output?

If he chooses a nurse who can only add blood for a task, he will not do it.

However, when Ye Yang was puzzled, the village head spoke.

"Young man, I know, it is a sin to force others to do something they don't want to do."

"If you can help Qingshui Village to clear the poisonous mist in the forest and kill the crocodiles infected by devilish energy, you can use this precious holy spirit fairy experience scroll to clear away the devilish energy."

"Moreover, if you can really complete this difficult task, this double-professional transfer scroll that I have treasured for a long time is an extra reward exclusively for you."

"Because by then, you will already have the absolute qualifications to be a holy spirit magic!"

[Ding, accept the task and rectify the gas swamp! ]

[Task requirements: Purify 5 remaining devil energy of Tias, kill the poisonous crocodile X20, the poisonous crocodile lord X5, and the poisonous crocodile king X1. ]

[Task rewards: 30000 experience, 10000 gold coins, 24-hour experience scroll of the Holy Spirit Xianshu X1, double career transfer scroll X1]

[Whether to accept? ]


[Holy Spirit Fairy Experience Scroll] (only)

Level: 5

Time: 24 hours

Description: The advanced profession treasured by the mayor of Qingshui Village: the scroll of experience of holy spirit magic. After using it, you will gain additional 3 skills below level 20 of the Holy Spirit without changing your original profession.

[Double career transfer scroll] (only)

Level: 10

Description: After completing the task of rectifying the poisonous gas swamp, you already have the absolute qualification as a holy spirit fairy. When the level is increased to 10, after using this scroll, you will be able to ignore your original profession and holy spirit The advanced assessment of Xianshu automatically owns the advanced profession of the wizard: Holy Spirit Fairy, and gains another opportunity to advance the profession.