

Manifestation of an earthly paradise in a closed world as it is characterised with the glittering of a room, showing the magnificiant color of red and white and a small chandelier coated with silver bragging of it luxuries as it dangles to and fro in the night shadow.

The bed sheets showing the evidence of being use and still in use showed scattered and heavy down as two brown skin bodies lie sweetly on it, clinging to each in satisfied want and happy heart.

The beautiful head resting on her arm with a pillow to support underneath watch her newly made husband sleep soundly.the walls if could talk would certainly tell a story of the wedding night of "ever wanting to have you couples"

The long heavenly locked hair has drop on his eyes, tickling his lashes and caused her to shut the eyes quickly.then was a sudden switch in watch as he watched her eyes blink lovingly making him smile at his wife's childishness."you are awake.this beautiful eyes are blinking"still watching her pretend sleeping,he stretched his long left hand to the lamp and had it switched on and press the switch button close to the lamp to have other light switched on,making a high voltage of lightening in the room."Ben!!!"she shouted opening her eyes forcely.the Iris was clearly showed by then,brown shinny as ever, showing the truth of God's beautiful creation.mere looking into her eye will show one that Lodi is truly a special breed of beauty."Man you got to reduce that voltage now"she said laughing.

"you look stunning with light Lodi"Ben said kissing her tender lips."the voltage Ben"she said pleading, obediently he turned of the light leaving the lamp for them to see each other."how nice of you Mr.Benjamin Efe"Lodi dramatically said.

"how nice"Ben said mimicking and immediately running kisses all over her neck."Beeennnn"she called mumbling"what?" Ben asked stopping suddenly."aren't you tired of kissing?"Lodi asked

"tired of what?"Ben asked being blank

"the kisses you know,the touching.hugging.you know,all the body contact don't you want a break?"Lodi said now squatting and playing with her fixed nails.

"a break you say"Ben said jokingly hissing and join her in squatting also."only a night and you asking for a break, you're kidding me.i just started actually"he added winkling

"not a night. actually,it is several times.infact right from the start,and am wondering if you aren't sick of it"she dramatically said laughing amidst

"one more kiss ma'am"Ben said raising a finger, winkling at her.

"no way Ben,my lips will soon swell"she said preparing to leave the bed since the kissing won't even if she asked for a break"this is crazy Lodi.more kiss for me okay"Ben said running after her as she moved towards the door to run out of the room."no kissing Ben"she said laughing and running down stairs"

"let me chase after you for it then my priceless pearl"Ben said running after her as her laughter fill the whole building.