
Jaxon - Duty Comes First

The day has just started and I'm already wishing it were night, I order another glass of beer and sip it, scrolling through my phone I check the latest news and my text messages. My mother and sister text me to bring the car to the main entrance. I do just that as they check out of the hotel and load up the car with their luggage, I check my phone again and text Ava to ask if she returned home safely. She texts back "safe :)".

I send my family home and drive back to the hotel. Once I return to the hotel, I head for the gaming room and pick a few darts. I take a shot at throwing them onto the circular board in front of me, trying to hit the bull's eye. I hit it on the third try, and decide to go to the gym. I head to my room and pack a bag with a change of clothes and a towel and a bottle of water, I get to the gym and put my stuff away in a locker.

I blast my favourite pop music on my airpod, before I pick a treadmill and select the pace I want to run at. All I can think about, are these questions regarding Olivia and how we found her and why anyone would tie her up like that and who the blonde lady could be. I feel my phone vibrate and check the screen and it's a call from Sir Raiden just as I finish my last lap on the tread mill. "Jaxon, I should be there by 9am tomorrow morning. Meet me breakfast." "Okay, Sir," is all I say before hanging up.

My shirt is soaked with sweat by the time, I'm done . I sit down to catch my breath, only to realise I'm the only one in the gym, guess everyone must be headed for dinner. I enter the men's room and take a cold shower, after freshening up, I change into a grey shirt and black jeans.

I exit the gym and make my way to the banquet hall where dinner is served and it's buffet style. I take a minute and decide to try the butter corn rice with nuts and raisins, with salade, roast chicken and dragon fruit. I take my time enjoying my meal, after eating I get a glass of iced green apple and mint juice. Sipping my juice, I check my phone for the third time and yup there's not a single message.

Ava must be busy with her new guest I think to myself as I finish my cold juice and head back to my room. I'm completely exhausted by the time I reach my room. I change into a pair of shorts and just crash into bed and let deep sleep overtake me.

In my dream I'm running in a tunnel and it's dark except for a few orange lights scattered throughout the tunnel, Ava is with me and she's telling me we have to get out of the tunnel quickly. I hear a loud sound like the sound of tires screeching against the pavement and I turn around only to be completely blinded by a bright light that is getting closer to us as we run. As the vehicle gains speed and closes in on us, I push Ava against the wall of the tunnel and shield her with my body as the vehicle whizzes just past us at top speed. She is flattened against the wall and after I peel her away from it, I turn her to face me only to find her crying. I hug her and we suddenly pull away when we hear a scream in the tunnel from somewhere in front of us that's when I wake up to find myself back in my room tangled up in the sheet with my pillows scattered on the floor.

I go back to sleep and when I do wake up again, my clock reads 8am. "Oh man, I hope I'm not late." I dash into the bathroom and turn on the showers, remove my clothes and get soaked in cold water. Next, I brush my teeth, wash my face, comb my hair, and change into a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. I glance at the clock and the hands point at 8:30, I drink some water and check my phone for messages. None. Nothing from Ava, man this chick is distant I say out loud smiling to myself. I text her 'morning gorgeous, how's your day looking ahead?' It shows two ticks means it's gone just a matter of time before she sees it. My phone rings and I pick it up, "Jaxon I'm at the lobby," says Sir Raiden sounding impatient on the other end. "I'll be right down sir." I say before, putting on socks and shoes. I head for the lift, hit the G button and I'm at the lobby. I walk towards the main entrance and see a guy in an expensive business suit, with jet-black hair and dark brown eyes, carrying a briefcase just checking in at the receptionist area. "Hello,Sir ".

"Jaxon finally, how's it been?"

"Been good".

"Come let's go for breakfast. My stuff is already on its way to my room".

I wait at a table with the briefcase while my boss picks out his food.

"I'm done, your turn." He says showing up about five minutes later.

I head to the large tables and choose a slab of cheese, grapes,almonds, bread, a tuna salad and some apple juice. I place my food on the table and hear my phone send a gentle ring, alerting me that a message has come through. I swipe my phone and see that Ava has answered my message with "going to get more information out of Olivia."

I text back, "are you good cop or bad cop?" with a smiley face. She replies"definitely good".

"Be careful" I text back before taking a bite out of my salad.