
"Are you Mr. Gu?"

Destiny can make rules for you, because you are it's host, without your action destiny cannot take place.

Encounter has to do with the force of apprehension and interaction.

Diamonds is beautiful....

Gold is wealth....

Silver is precious.....

For These quality to be possess by one person.... It's a big deal.

You can force a living person to breathe in the oxygen of death... But his soul.. you can't.

things that are bound to happen will eventually happen.


Lin che drove and stopped at the Gu cooperation.

Her dress was simple, her beauty can't be hidden, having the appearance of a Blooming lotus it isn't hard to get people's attention.

"Who is she?" Employee one said, in awe.

"Mrs. Gu selected her personally to be her son's therapist. She will be with us till further notice." employee two said, in a murmur.

"Does she knows he hates women?"

" Don't you know she is the best student in London to win the therapy award protocol?" He replied enthusiastically.

"She studied here in China, and later on went to the USA to finish her course, I heard she is the belle of her school way back"

"Who knows, her capability will speak for her, besides am going back to work"

Lin che knows they were all gossiping .

But who cares?

She is a therapist, Mrs. Gu said her son has a phobia for women, so she came to try her luck. To be frank she imagined him to be in his forties or so, because most CEO she has seen are all baldies.

She laughed inwardly, she is supposed to be handling the Chen's cooperation.

But since Mr. Gu is her first case in her home country she didn't mind it, besides ming'er is still helping her, so she is buying more time.

getting to the elevator, she brought out a candy bar after disposing the waste she puts it in her mouth, savouring the taste it brings.

'ding dong' the elevator opens.

As a therapist sent by Mr. Richardson from USA to China to help treat Mr. Gu phobia, she is the best in that aspect.

"Since he has a phobia for women, why didn't doctor Richardson send a male therapist instead." Lin che murmured with irritation.

The moment the elevator doors open, she saw a man waiting beside, he clothes were clean, his suit made him outstanding too.

"Miss chen, welcome to our abode" He greeted her making her snap out of it.

"Mr... What's the name again" she smiled pleasantly.

"Mr. Li please, preferably" he replied glancing at his tablet,

"Ok Mr. Li, is Mr. Gu in?" Sliding her phone into her bag she raised her brows.

"Umm, he is a meeting, you came in late, so he left" he answered

' hah jinfeng is running away from women, be ready for a show.

He smirked.

"Oh, so should I wait in for him?"

"Yes, please do" he opened the metallic door in a meticulous way.

"Here, wait comfortably"

"Gladly" she replied sitting in a very comfortable way.

"I will take my leave then," she nods giving him her approval.

' are you sure she is a therapist?' He wondered

He couldn't help but think that the woman Grandma Gu arranged for her grandson is too young.

He shrugged and made his way to the board meeting room.


"So comfy, I can relax all day, hope he takes a lot of time in the meeting, while I go online." she brings out her own laptop and click to her webpage to counsel people who need her help with some issue, her fingers were very swift at typing, analysing and giving tips to them.

She was done in one hour, and relaxed her shoulders.

Suddenly the metallic door creaked open.

Her back stiffened.

"I didn't know that therapist were given such liberties, in my office" a calm and intimidating voice rang into her ear.

She felt goose bumps allign on her skin making her turn abruptly to know the source of the voice.

"Are you Mr. Gu?" She asked in confusion, her gaze slightly scanning him.

she wasn't expecting a real Adonis!!