
Driving me Crazy ( Last book)

Behlul was in love with Bhiter. He never find out when he fall in love with her. Maybe the day he saw her , maybe the day they became friends. The only thing that was less in him was wealth and fame and for Bhiter these two things are most important. Even important then love. Bhiter left Behlul after dating him for a while saying that he doesn't meet her standards. She got intrested in her Cousin who was rich and a bad boy. She left everything for him and he left her for. another. Now she. is mute with the betrayal with the abuse. With the assault but was that a assault or she allowed it herself

Secretstar2244mj · Urban
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22 Chs



When I reached college. I parked my car and unlocked the car. I was unbukling my seat when the door open and behlul sit inside.

" You know what time is it? " I smile looking at his hand and pissed him off a litlle more and said " You are wearing a watch still don't know what is the time? "

He gave me a glare and said " I am waiting for you from 15 minutes. " I smile and said " Ok I woke up late. What was my fault, You were txting me till 3am in the night, how would I wake up 6 o clock in the morning? "

He look at me and said " Like I wake up. I wanted to meet you so I wake up on the alarm. But you. you don't give a damn." I held his hand and said " If you want to keep fighting then I am leaving. "

He held my hand and pulled me towards him and pressed his lips against mine. I smile between our kiss and held his hairs. His kisses went down to my neck on the locket he gave me.

He said while kissing my neck " I can't live a minute without hou bhiter. " I smile and held his hairs and said

" Me too, graduation near talk to my father about us. "

He look over at me and said " That's not the right time Bhiter, I don't have a job yet." I pushed him back and said " At least show them that I am dating you. So they know I have someone."

He nodded and said " Ok I will soon. Let's go to the class now." We. went off and head to the class. Because of me he join the college aftee 2 years of his school so he can ssit with me in same class.

Once the college was over I head to my car and hug behlul one more time and head for my house. When I reached my home I went inside and saw Ilyas. I smile looking at him and said " Ilyas , Merhaba , What are yoi doing here?"

He stand up and said " I just came to give some papers to your grandfather. " I nodded and asked " How is Uncle Ibrahim and aunt Tia? " He nods and said " Baba and mother are fine. " When mother came she hug him and said " Ilyas you are getting handsome day by day. "

He smile and blush and I sat in front of him and asked

" My graduation is coming , I want a treat from you. " He smile and asked " From me. Why? " I smile and said

" Because you wanted a day off with me and I want dinner on you on the day off. "

That's when mother said " Don't mind him Ilyas, She is like that from childhood, She likes men to spend their money and time on her. " I gave her a stern look and stood up " Excuse me. " I went to my room .What the hell is wrong with this woman. She still thinks I liked Sean's touch.

The door knocked. I look behind and saw Ilyas. He smile and came in amd said " Come on bhiter, Don't be sad. I can sense she still doesn't like you. " I smile and said

" She will never going to.By the way I was joking about the dinner or treat. "

He held my hand and said " But I am serious I want you to come with me on the treat dinner. I would love to spend time with you. ". I look down a tear drop from my eye and I said " I never liked his Ilyas, I hated him. " He hug me and said " I know , give her time to understand. "

I shared once everything with Ilyas. And he believed me. He still likes me. He have feelings for me but he doesn't know that I like behlul. I will tell him on the dinner date.