

Odlanyer · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Pope of Zahakkan Holy Empire

In a spacious hall inside the cathedral, an ongoing choir sounded, many young bishops singing to appreciate a happy day. Archbishops can be seen leading many bishops and deacons to their own respective area to pray toward the holy one. Different from the festivities that happened in the cathedral, deep behind it, a white palace can be seen standing high to penetrate the sky. It can be seen from every corner in the capital city of the Zahakkan Holy Empire.

A baby crying can be heard in the long corridor inside the white palace. The pope carefully held his youngest grandson while smiling. It's been a long time since his daughter in law became pregnant with his 2nd son's child. The pope's 2nd son is not the brightest but he still loves him nonetheless.

"John, I know you work for The Federation, but shouldn't leave our Emily for a long time without any news. Well.. You did inform me of some important things happening on the continent. I know you are busy with the border skirmishes this month, but it can't be an excuse to leave your wife alone for a long time."

John sighs while thinking about his life nowadays. It's been 4 month since his last return to see his wife. In this world that's the price federation employees pay to continue protecting the safety of the human domain. John felt a little guilty toward his wife, but he didn't regret it. For his belief, even if he is given another chance to join the federation or live his life like his older brother and sister as a successful cardinal continuing their father's legacy, John won't hesitate to pick the former for the safety of many people on the humanity side.

"Father, you know the circumstances of the humanity side nowadays."

"It's been 20 years since many foreign species came to our home planet."

"The orcs, the elves, the dwarves, the beastman, the murlocs, and many others unknown creatures suddenly come with their mothership when the solar eclipse happens."

"Many scientists named this day as the Descent. They estimate that when the solar eclipse happens, the dimensional passage to another unknown universe is open and a much higher existence that has been eyeing Earth for an unknown number of times has decided to come."

"We don't know what their purposes is"

"The flame war has been waging for a long time and the humanity side has lost a lot of their former places to live"

"The orcs with their brute strength, the elves with their magic, the dwarves with their artifact mastery, the beastman with their evolution, the murlocs with their water domination"

"Humanity has been honing our runic power for a long time, but it wasn't enough."

"Our historians and scientists have been searching for a long time to figure out where this runic power comes from."

"Finally one day they found a sign, a crest with holy power residue that can be felt until this day by our runic forces."

"That's how our ancestors built the Zahakkan Holy Empire, because they found that crest in this place."

"The stone tablet branded with the crest in the basement of this palace has been protected for a long time by our family for generations."

"Humanity is always thankful and pray to the holy one. Our fate has been strong for a long time, until that day comes."

John looked at some panels that suddenly opened in this room.


The Horizon Fisherman looks at the child and gives 1000 SC.


The Tailor Of The Epoch gives John a 50% discount coupon for his product.


The Mother Of Fertility congratulated Emily.


The Young Lady With Small Luck gives her blessing to the child.


The Businessman That Sells Grain gives his blessing to the child. .


The Afro Sailorman sponsored Emily and John 100 SC each.


"Humanity can only laugh at that time. Their belief is shaken and some even think that the holy one is just some other entity that has been eyeing the earth."

"They realize that all of these tragedies happen because the gods are boring and want to savor some entertainment in their long life."

"The war that has been burning the earth and all our suffering for decades is just a tribute given by the foreign creature to the gods."

"In return for the wonderful story they created, the entertained gods give some currency that can buy everything in the universe."

"The universal currency named Story Coin."

John clicked at the blue panels in front of him. Suddenly a baby sized clothes appeared in a well designed box beside him. Using his runic power to cleanse his grandson, the pope helped his little grandson to wear the clothes inside the box.

"With the sudden appearance of these things, humanity successfully defended themself."

"But it's far from over. Not long after that, another foreign creature comes with more force."

"The demon has finally reached our universe."

"That day was the real beginning of our despair."

"They multiply as fast as humans, as strong as the orcs, and have weird magic that is as dangerous as the elves."

"Later, something worse happens, humanity realizes that the demon can make a mutual contract with other creatures."

"The demon contractors receive a boost in their power and receive more story coins."

"The worst part of it, as long as the creature makes a contract with them, they promise that when the demon rules the earth, they can let them live and give them more story coins."

"The demon fanatics become a norm where they long for eternal life and become a god."

"Many criminal organizations were born in many locations."

"It's a little late, but humanity finally created the organization called The Federation which consists of the Zahakkan Holy Empire, Grapheon Kingdom, and Xenolith Principality. With centralized command by the strongest and the wisest, humanity finally ushered to a new era and strategic political approach with the other creatures that come to earth."

"We try to communicate with our closest neighbors, the elves and the dwarves."

"A truce has been formed between our border and some technological exchange has been created between our nation."

"Further cooperation was still in discussion such as safe routes, resource exchange, food materials, and many other aspects."

"Our weak strength became a barrier that negatively affects the cooperation between our races."

"To increase humanity's strength to survive, we need to enhance our younger generation's strength as fast as possible."

"The Federation plans to build an academy near its location in The Central City for the sake of student protection and train our younger generation to master and consolidate their runic force."

"Many projects are still in progress as of right now."

"The Federation is still focusing on generalizing the power level between each creature that arrives on earth and comparing each of their data."

"As our scientist said that knowledge is also a deciding factor to enhance our combat powers."

Listening to his son's explanation about conditions around humanity, the pope can't help but be proud of his 2nd son. Smile formed on his old face. Fortunately, as humans get stronger, they also get a long life. The pope, as the strongest pillar of the Zahakkan Holy Empire, can live to see a lot more things and protect his descendant's safety.

"John, you need to take care of yourself."

"Me, as your father, really proud of your decision to join The Federation and protect our border."

"May the holy one always protect humanity."

"Although many have rescinded their belief from the holy one, humanity as a whole can't deny our light element runic force which can effectively deal a lot of damage to the demon."

"This is a power exclusively given to us by the holy one."

"That's why even though we are weaker than the other races, we can still defend ourselves from the demon."

"Zahakkan Holy Empire has a strategic location because it's on the easternmost part of the continent, our only problem is the murloc which occasionally can be seen on our coast."

"We can train our young deacons safely."

"But unlike us, Grapheon Kingdom and Xenolith Principality are on the frontline bordering the elves and the dwarves respectively."

"The demon has built their Black Citadel in the center of the continent."

"I feel a stronger demonic energy slowly gathering there."

"John, you need to warn The Federation, a big demonic power that I never felt before is being born."

"But don't worry too much, from my calculation that being won't be born soon, even a demon still needs time to grow."

Listening to his father's premonition, John cannot help but be a little terrified. John always trusts what his father says. He knows that the only pillar and strongest human alive to fight against the demon is this old man in front of him. His father, The Pope, Auguste van Zahakkan, the first person that stood up on the frontline against the higher level demon when they first descended.

His father is a hero. A hero born from carnage in a war against the previous demon king. The demon that has been killed in his hand numbered 6 digits. Together with The Federation President and many highest level humans, his father successfully dealt serious damage to the demon king.

Humanity successfully repels the demon's first advancement. The war against the demon is far from over. Many battles have been fought, although we still lost, our humanity successfully consolidated the border defense. Many church members advanced by leaps and bound in the war. Our Zahakkan Holy Empire influence grew like never before. Maybe this is what the holy one has been anticipating since long ago.

"Enough with the heavy topic John, give a name to your child."

"I will name him Zeon, Zeon van Zahakkan." answered John as he named the young child.


The Bard That Tell No Tales feels entertained by listening to your past stories. He gives 100 SC to John and Auguste.


Every story is a form of entertainment for the gods and other higher beings, but for the other living creatures it's a chance to enhance their power.

Have you ever played MMORPG games ?

There's a feature called title that you can use to show your achievement to other players.

To earn a title you either need to kill a lot of monsters, do a lot of quests, participate in a game event, and many other forms of activities.

In this reality, that's what they are called as Story.

Unknown to John and The Pope, the little Zeon has been listening quietly to their story.

His eyes opened wider to see all the things that were happening in that room.

Horror flashed in the depth of his mind.

'Wait.. Isn't this that insane hell difficulty level apocalyptic novel world!'

'Forget it.. There's no hope.. I'm just gonna be a salted fish in this life'


[Ordinary Choice System Has Been Bound]

[Initiate Activation]

[Generating Choice]

[1.Continue Doing Nothing. Reward : none]

[2.Crying. Reward : +0.1 STR]

[Countdown Time Begin]

[60.. 59.. 58..]

Zeon has been hearing a lot of weird voices inside his head. His small eyes looked at the white panel that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. It has a different vibe from the blue panel that appeared around the room. It seems that only he can see this white panel.

[2.. 1.. 0..]

[Failed To Choose]

[As The Old Wang Next Door Said Beggar Cannot Be Choosy]

[Try Again Next Time Young Ones]

[Ordinary Choice System Entering Sleeping Mode For The Whole Day]