
Drifting Far Away

"Dear Lord," the heavily injured girl heaved a sigh, "If I was to be born again, Instead of love, I want respect." In the early 20th century, humans and vampires reached an agreement and learned to exist together if humans provide their diet. So all the companies have established to provide synthetic blood to the vampires so that they cannot hunt or harm humans. Mia Walker just thought to bring his father's company to the forefront, but suddenly found herself tangled in the game of destiny and unfulfilled prophecy.

pleiadescluster96 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Mister Trash

Three hours.

For the entire three hours, Mia has been waiting for Marcus Wang in the lobby. She was alone. In the lobby. With her assistant. And she cannot even enter the private hall without lobbying because there is no man to lobby for her.

It frustrates her at the lack of respect the Wang enterprises showing to the Walker company. Yes, they are not the biggest company in manufacturing synthetic blood, but the products from her company had satisfied all her clients. They should at least give her a chance to present her sample.

"Akira." Mia whined, "See, I have maintained decorum till now. But they didn't even invite us to the private hall, let alone to the interview room. If we do not take drastic measures now, then we are doomed forever. Please!"

Before Akira can answer, they noticed that Marcus Wang and his associates were leaving the office premises. They heard from the whispers that the boarding meeting will decide the company they will collaborate with.

Mia was enraged, and about to confront the boss when she was pushed by his associates.

"What the hell in cow's shed? Hey, you mister trash!"

Suddenly there is a pin drop of silence. Marcus Wang turned around to see the girl that had lashed out at him in front of everyone. Wow. For two centuries, he never stopped being amazed at the same set of skills of women. To make themselves as the centre of attention, they either talk in a loud voice or pretend that they are not interested in the men. What now? The same old pattern?

Mia Walker knew the second she messed up when she saw Akira facepalming herself and chanting Hindu God's name. Anywhere, anytime in the world if you see the silent, no-nonsense pious Hindu girl Akira chanting mantras or god's name while eyes closed, chances are that Mia Walker had messed up big time.

She suddenly saw that Marcus Wang looking at her ridiculously as if he was waiting to see her humiliation. When the milk already spills, and you have no money to buy more, just lick the ground at lightning speed. 3-second rule.

Marcus Wang suddenly saw her sliding on the ground towards her and then, standing on one knee with impressive reflexes, shoved the proposal copy directly into his face. For the second time in life after 150 years, a girl bamboozled Marcus Wang with eccentric methods once again.

"Oh our old, evergreen, beautiful vampire of the Wang clan, thou my muse, thy handsome face with chiselled jawline, shook eth me to the core to bring up a supplement of thy type. The name is 'Bloody hell'. When someone drinks bloody hell, the drinker will scream "bloody hell" at the delicious taste, the onlooker will scream "bloody hell" at the beautiful physical glow-up of the person drinking Bloody Hell. Our synthetic blood is very healthy as we enrich it with probiotics. Vampires suffering from pale skin will have a rosy glow on their face. It's aromatic essence and distinct flavour will make you feel enigmatic. It also consists of diet supplements for those who want to control their weight and give their body toned look. The Bloody Hell synthetic blood from Walker Family is a dynamic drink for Vampires." Mia rapped the presentation in a single breath with proper hip-hop beats.

Akira just want to dig a hole and die!