
Moving Shadows (IV)

"We are arriving at Five points." A female's voice loudly spoke out through the microphone. An annoying static-like sound followed, making Kiyro cringe.

Kiyro got up from his seat and headed over towards the door. "Don't you dare blast that rooster crowing crap in my ears," he threatened Sylph.

"What are you talking about? I have done my job perfectly. If you had slept any longer, you would have stayed on the bust till it left."

"That's not the problem. You blew up my ear. I thought I would hear nothing but a high pitch buzzing sound for a while now." Kiyro tapped his ears with his hands. "Luckily, the sound is gone."

"What's done is done. The location where we need to come up is up the stairs and right around the corner."

The door opened, streams of people went out, and just as many returned. Kiyro power-walked, went into a jog and finally sprinted the rest of the way. He did not want to miss a single second to miss the chance to meet his brother.

"We're here," said Sylph.

"Where?" Kiyro breathed in deeply, trying to steady his rapid heart.

"You're in front of it. Turn around towards the wall."

"The wall?" Kiyro did what he was told. There was a large poster with a white rabbit in a triskele pattern on a black background.

"Ding." A notification for a message appeared before him.

Hey Zero,

I'm so glad that you have decided to take on the mission. It seems your brother has as well. I'm surprised he would have taken the mission. The last time I remembered him stating that he would not do anymore. He seemed a bit strange when he left that day. Because he arrived there first, he would be taking on a different task. His specialties do lie in some other areas. That said, someone will come by to give you all the necessary information. Stay underneath the poster, so the person knows who you are. I'll look forward to your success. Also, the payment has been sent to you in the usual drop spot.

Demon Fox

"He was here," Kiyro said with disappointment. He wasn't too sure if he was a tad bit too late or Kyle was already an hour ahead. Kiyro looked around the area to see if he could get a glimpse of his brother, but even then, the number of people that passed by made it challenging to locate.



"I need you to send Demon Fox a message. Now."

"What would you like me to write to him?"

"Ask him when my brother came to this spot and if Demon Fox has a moment to talk. Also, tell him my number is still the same."

Kiyro's email was brought up, and Sylph began typing up the message that Kiyro had wanted him to write.


"You think he would call you?"


"Why not call him instead?"

"That's the problem. I can't. He uses temporary numbers when it comes to missions. I also lost the old number when I dropped my phone in the toilet, and it deleted all my old numbers."

"Wait. Usually, the phones save all those information on the web. How?"

"Lost password and forgot my mother's old email. She was the one who set it up." Kiyro bluntly stated. "It was a family plan. Not only that, I had difficulties getting most of my friends' numbers, but getting my teacher's number was a bit more difficult. I haven't called Danketsu Ryu's main office in three years."

"Wow. I never expected the school to be so different. There is a huge contrast between the main location and the other branches." Sylph pulled up pictures of the Danketsu Ryu's main office. There were only pictures of the place's exterior; each building did not seem out of place. The buildings were a mixture of modern and traditional Japanese buildings. Plants, trees, and shrubs were neatly trimmed and kept neat. There were pictures of the natural scenery of the surrounding forest and streams.

Students work out and train in the dojo, go fishing and even eat together in a large cafeteria. It was almost like a private college where students from different parts of the world come together to learn and grow.

"Yea. That's just the pictures. If you actually lived there, it's a completely different world. I actually missed that place. It has training facilities that you would be surprised to see."

"I'll give them a call." Within seconds Sylph searched through the internet and found the business number for Danketsu Ryu Academy of Martial Arts. "Though I'm not sure if he'll pick up. Is he someone that just teaches there?"

"No. He runs the place with his sister. I heard it's a family-run business. If I remember correctly, they're second-generation owners."

The phone rang for a couple of seconds, and a female voice answered the call. "Thank you for calling Danketsu Ryu Academy of Martial Arts. How may I help you?"

"um…" Kiyro was caught off guard by the lady picking up the call.

"Come on. Go ahead and talk." Sylph whispered in his ears so that only he could hear.

"I'm looking for Demon Fox. I mean Grand Master Axis Aurelius."

"I'm sorry to inform you, but he is busy now. Would you like to leave him a message?" She replied sweetly.

"Yes. Can you inform him that Zero has called him?"

"Zero?" She paused, slightly confused. Kiyro heard a voice call out towards the lady. "Please hold on a moment." The line went quiet.

"It seems the lady doesn't even know who you are. Are you sure you went to this Academy?" asked Sylph.

"I did. I had never heard of her before. Probably a new hire."


"I'm sorry for the hold," the lady spoke again. "Grandmaster Axis is on the other line. Please give me a moment."

The line switches over. A young man's voice, rich in sound, called out toward Kiyro in a joyful tone. "Kiyro. I'm surprised you called. I just received your message. How have you been doing?"

"Fairly well. I'll be starting college soon. I had some questions regarding Kyle."

"Kyle? Is something wrong?"

"Well, to be more exact, he's been missing, and when you just sent me the message that Kyle has accepted the mission you sent out, I was wondering if you had any contact with him."

"No. Today was the only day that he accepted the mission sent to him. I was surprised that he was not in contact with you for so long."

"Did he say anything to you? And what kind of mission did you send him on?"

"Nothing. Oh wait, he did send me a simple message stating that the gates are closing and to be ready. Also, you should already know that giving out other people's mission is considered a taboo."

"I'm sorry. It's just my brother." Kiyro sighed, and he raised his hands to pull back his hair.

"And what do you mean the gates are closing?" Kiyro walked towards the wall and leaned against it.

"Yes. It would be best if we talked face-to-face, but lately, I've been busy, so it would be better if we set up a meeting time. Would next Friday be alright with you at one of the Danketsu Ryu branch schools? I'll be there all day."

"Okay. I'll see you Friday next week."

"If I get more about your brother, I'll tell you by then."


"No problem. Are you sure you don't want to come back soon?"

"I'll think about it and give you an answer by Friday."

"That would be wonderful. I'll be hoping to hear your answer by then."

"Yes, sir."

The phone line disconnects between the two, and Kiyro sighed with disappointment.

"The gates are closing? Was that all he had to say? Why doesn't he send me any messages?" He curled up his fist and punched the wall in anger.

"You do know if you hit the wall any harder, the wall is going to win," said Sylph. "On the bright side, now you know a couple of things. First off, your brother is alive. Second, he's doing a different quest than yours. Third, he must be on a mission or on the run. Why else would he be so secretive."

"That is true. What the hell did my brother get himself into?" Kiyro's eyebrow was crumpled with worry. He started returning to his old habit of tearing his nails.

A new mission has been sent to you by an unknown user. The continuation of the Real World Hidden Quest: Alpha Division individual quest has been initiated.

Real World Hidden Quest: Alpha Divisions individual quest

You have been given another quest by an unknown user. This quest has been confirmed to be transferred over to Zero. The quest cannot be given to any other person anymore. An automatic call out to the nearest groups of players has been sent to your location.

To begin the quest, form a party of six to initiate the quest. When all six players have been assembled, the next step will automatically be sent to all parties.

Total Individual quest that needs to be completed 3333 worldwide. 1320/3333 completed at this time.

Time Limit: Six hours.

Quest Level: B

Reward: Depends on your completion of the quest. Each individual party member will be different.