
Dressed for revenge

Abused and hurt all her life , Zina decides she will take it no longer .Anybody who stands in her way will be destroyed ,she will never be at the bottom again.

Cecereads · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter two

I woke up to a gentle tapping on my right soldier.Ah ,it was Lorena ,rubbing my eyes I took in my surroundings .This wasn't home ,why were we here? Much to my dismay ,all the memories of yesterday rushed back to me ,being kicked out and suddenly becoming homeless.Wait a minute ,this wasn't the alleyway where we rested the day before.My grip on Lorena tightens, we were in a normal bedroom ,quite spacious and large ,next to the bed there was a small drawer and next to that was an old cabinet black an faded in colour.Other than that the room was empty instructing Lorena to stay behind me I crept off the bed and walked to the door .I was about to open it ,when it swiftly swung open ,pushing me onto the floor .

I looked up to see a man ,he was about 5,11 and had tan skin with brown hair ,he looked to be in his fifty's.Eww he wasn't a very good sight to look at .He had two warts ,one under his right eye and the other near his mouth .Who was he ,why were we here ? About to get mad ,I opened my mouth to speak but i was interrupted by a loud and arrogant voice .

"Done checking me out ? " .The man asked me ,as if ,who would be checking out this kinda guy anyway .

"Who the fuck are you ,eh ? and why are me and my sister here ?why have you taken us ,we were perfectly fine where we were!"Fuming was not enough to describe my emotions .I stood up and looked him right in the eye ,i readied my stance ,ready to try and throw a punch but my hand was stopped . "Feisty one aren't you ," he flipped me around held my arms back and covered my mouth .I could hear Lorena begging him to stop ,oh god I hope he won't **** us ,or put us into some sort of trafficking ring ,now that we had left our 'mother' I wanted to turn the tables for Lorena .Find some orphanage and we would both go to school ,but this stupid guy had spoilt it all .I tried to move but I couldn't budge ,he was too strong for my 13 year old body ."Stop resisting and follow me , unless you want the girl getting hurt ." 'What girl was he talking about ,surely not Lorena ,I couldn't take that chance .The man walked away ,and I had no choice but to follow .