
Chapter 72: Advertising.

It was a nice, bright, sunny morning when Crystal woke up and took her phone then she saw that Mr. Seho had sent her a message. Crystal placed her phone down and got up excitedly, She then freshened up and got dressed in her white dress with a white headband. After this, She woke up Sana up then went to the rappers room and also woke them then also went to the Maknae's room and also woke them up, They also got up and freshened up

Jennie wore a blue top and a white skirt and had a straightened hair, Sana wore pink top and white knicker and had a hairclip in her hair, Mina had a yellow and white dress on with her tied hair, Nancy had a blue top and blue trousers on and Chaeyoung had a purple top on with her black skirt

Crystal: Good morning, My girls Breakfast is served

Chaeyoung: Woah, Today you made breakfast?

Jennie: I hope you didn't burn it

The girls laughed especially Crystal, The girls sat down and ate their pancakes with maple syrup and orange juice. After the breakfast

Crystal: So, how was it?

Nancy: Good

Sana: Delicious

Mina: And, you stole my mama's recipe book

Crystal: I want to learn how to cook more

Mina: Oh, it's okay

Crystal: I have good news to tell you all

Jennie: We're all ears

Crystal: We're going to be doing our very first advert

Chaeyoung: For who?

Crystal: For McDonald's

Sana: Woah, I love McDonald's so much

Nancy: Me too, Can't wait. So when?

Crystal: Tomorrow in the morning

Mina: That is so great

The girls were so happy about what they would do the next day, Nancy was soon going to Paris next week for Dior Beauty's with Blackpink Jisoo. Wish her good luck