
Happy Moments


By evening you've to type the final documents.do that's the reason I want to finish off with the case file of Mr. Verma, so that we can relax and by the way I've to ask for your opinion also regarding Neelakshi.".

"What do you think about Rajveer? I know that he and Neelakshi are interested in one another. It seems that you are available, so why not your opinion? "

"We in that case , both are mature enough to speak out their minds, let them don't poke in your nose in their affair. ".

He was just praising her for she openly spoke her mind without any botheration. He, being the elder brother, was worried about her future.

Though Anamika said so but she was impressed by his behaviour.

"Sir, your files have been kept in the study." The servant cane and informed.

"Ok, thank you " , then he turned to Anamika and said,"ready to meet the challenge?"

"For sure, and when I know I'm going to win."