
Dreamweaver of the Apocalypse

Arthur Dreshaw's once-ordinary life takes a shocking twist when he starts getting plagued by recurring nightmares. Initially gripped by fear, he slowly finds himself strangely drawn to these eerie dreams. Little does he know that they hold a profound secret. As reality shatters and a genuine apocalypse unfolds, Arthur discovers the haunting truth: the cataclysm he witnessed in his dreams is now a horrifying reality. Empowered with the knowledge of the horrifying future of mankind in the apocalypse and the extraordinary ability to draw others into his dreams with a host of newfound talents, he embarks on a spine-tingling journey to confront the enigmatic forces responsible for this global catastrophe. As the fate of Earth teeters on the brink of chaos, will Arthur emerge as its savior, wielding his newfound powers to protect the world, or will he succumb to the unrelenting nightmare that engulfs all of humanity?

Seraphinn_ · Fantasy
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14 Chs


After preparing everything and emptying his kitchen by eating everything that was present there, Arthur walked out his room.

He moved about in the third floor and checked if there were any rooms open to look for more zombies, but most of the rooms were locked and there weren't any zombies.

Walking downstairs, he did the same thing on the second floor and actually found a room with its door ajar.

"Hmm? This one's open."

Getting serious, he slowly pushed open the door and entered inside the room.


Arthur saw that there were two zombies in the hall leaning onto the door of the only room in there.

"Is there someone locked inside the room?"

He thought and moved forward, sneaking behind the zombies and slicing apart the neck of one of the zombie.

The other zombie turned behind and jumped at him, only to meet a kick on it's face.

Arthur easily pushed it onto the floor and stabbed his spear into it's head.

Taking out the spear from the zombie's head, he looked at it and saw that it was on the verge of breaking apart.

"I should change my weapon. But it helped a lot considering it was just a makeshift weapon made from a broom and some knives."

Arthur took note of finding a real strong weapon and turned to the door of the room.

He moved forward and knocked on it.

"Hello, is there anyone inside?", he asked politely.

Getting no reply from inside, he knocked again and called for some more time.

"Is anyone there? I'm a human and there's no zombies here."

Suddenly there came rustling noises from the room.

After a few seconds, a fearful voice came out from inside.

"W-Who are you and w-what happened to the z-zombies in the hall?", the man inside asked in fear.

"Oh those zombies? I killed them." , Arthur replied nonchalantly.


The man seemed scared all of a sudden and there was no other reply from him.

Arthur got confused and knocked once more on the door.

"Excuse me, are you not going to open the door?"

He continued when there was no reply again.

"I'm a resident from the third floor, it's safe here and you can come out now."

There was still no reply from inside making him shrug his shoulders.

'Maybe he's too scared to open the door. Can't blame him though, that would've been my reaction too if I hadn't experienced the apocalypse in my nightmares already.'

Arthur decided to leave him be and turned to walk out of the room.

He walked to the end of the corridor and went downstairs to the first floor. There were no other zombies there, so he continued and finally went to the ground floor.

This was the lowest floor of the building and also the most populated as there were a total of 12 rooms here.

Arthur sneaked about the stairs and peeked down at the ground floor.

On the left side of the stairs was the entrance of the apartment building that led outside to the streets and to the right side was a corridor with all the rooms.

Fortunately, the entrance door was closed as every night the security guard would keep watch over it.

So there were no zombies coming in from the outside, but there were zombies roaming around the corridor.

About 8 zombies were present in the corridor limping around while growling hungrily.

Arthur opened his backpack and took out the glass jar which contained the marble balls.

"I won't be able to use these after going out of the apartment building, so better make full use of it."

He bend down holding the jar and threw all the marble balls out onto the floor making clattering noises.

The listless zombies got excited at the sound and turned around to find a human that they were hoping to find to ease their hunger.


In a frenzy, all of them started their limp run toward him.




Arthur walked forward with swag toward the zombies that had started to fall down from slipping on the marble stones.

He danced about the corridor easily taking their lives considering they were in a fatal position and his newfound strength.

After killing all of them without any difficulty, he started to dig into their chests and took out all the mana stones before storing them in his pocket.

"Let's look around the ground floor for anything good..."

Arthur looked around the corridor before entering inside the opened rooms and checking for anything useful.

There was nothing particularly useful in any of the room making him feel a bit unlucky.

"Sigh...I was hoping to find something I could use as a weapon. But it seems there's nothing around here."

His thoughts jumbled up, thinking of how to find a new strong weapon now that his spear looked like it was about to break into pieces.

Coming out of the room, he walked toward the entrance of the building when his eyes caught something from inside the security room.

"Oh that's the map of the neighbourhood...."

Arthur walked over to the security room of which he had already killed the zombified security guard earlier, and entered inside the room.

There were not many things in here that interested him except for the map on the wall.

He had seen it everytime he was walking out and in of the building but had never thought much about it.

"It should be a bit useful for me....."

Saying such, he came near to it and slowly removed it from the wall.

Now that he was close to it, he took a detailed look at the map and identified lots of place he had been to.

"That's the restaurant I sometimes go to.....oh this grocery store too, I gotta visit there and find some food.....hmm and what's this?"

Staring at the unusual symbol on the map that looked like a building or a house with some design on it, he narrowed his eyes and read the name of the place.

"The Wallace Collection?", Arthur spoke out and thought if he had known about this place before.

"Hmm I'm not really a person interested in museums but I think I've heard of a renowned museum in our district."

The Merylebone district was situated in the north west end of the city of London, with lots of residential buildings and a plethora of shopping streets.

Written on the map in Arthur's hand, the place called 'The Wallace Collection' had a seperate column at the side giving a little bit of information of the museum.

It said that there were arts of ancient england and antiques and armour present there, which made Arthur's eyes lit up in excitement.

"This...If there really are armours and weapons stored in that museum, then it'll surely be a lot better than some cheap type of weapons."

What he needed were cold weapons as he knew that after some time, guns and ammunition would lose their power and wouldn't even come to scratch the hideous skin of the strong monsters.

And this museum had what he needed the most.

He stared intensely at the map and quickly found his own location and the distance to the museum.

"It's quite near, only about five minutes away from here."

Arthur decided on the next destination he had to go today.

A place where he could find a strong weapon to fight against lots of monsters instead of using a makeshift weapon made from a broom and some knives.

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