
Dreamscape Online

When Ethan's dad died his mother decided to move back to her home country of Canada. While trying to adjust a new game called "Dreamscape Online" was announced. It was the world's first Full Dive VR game. Ethan then received a gift from his uncle from his dad. To his surprise, it was a VR helmet that everyone wanted. Deciding to give the game as shot he then entered the world of Dreamscape.

AsianJava · Games
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3 Chs

Dreamscape Online!

Ethan opened a form page of the game. 

Of their many posts, however, there was another thing that caught his eye. 














Reading the class descriptions a frown appeared on his face. All the classes seemed basic in his opinion but more would probably be added as the game gets bigger. 

Twerling his pen he decided to make notes about the different classes. After thinking about it Ethan decided to choose the [Spellblade] class. 

There were three reasons. 

He needed a class that would be great in the early games. It will give him good combat capabilities and will have good skills

It would need to be great for the long game as he doubts he can change classes again. 

Finally, it sounded pretty cool

[Spellblade] in simple terms is a magic swordsman. It allowed the player to be able to use skills and spells at the same time. The spells in the game weren't considered skills however but something separate. In the beginner games, he could use sword skills to level up fast then later on he could catch up with spells. 

Nodding to himself he decided to quickly log into the game. Putting on his helmet he turned it on. While doing his research Ethan found that each helmet had a set time frame for how long you could play the game. Surprisingly it wasn't the cause of the battery either actually the helmet had an unlimited source of power which still wasn't disclosed how it was done. 

'But considering I had the best one I should have unlimited time right?'

Putting on the helmet Ethan turned it on. 

His vision turned black and when he opened his eyes again he was in a black room however in front of him there was a screen of squares. In one there was a slot with the game name [Dreamscape Online].

"Hm," clicking on the app Ethan's face then contorted into one of rage "The hell!"

{Would you like to purchase the game {Dreamscape Online} for 199.99?]

Reading the message Ethan's brow twitched 

"Damn game companies and their fucking greediness" sighing Ethan helplessly filled in all of the credit card information and bought the game. 

'Good-by my year's worth of savings' 

After finishing his sulking Ethan clicked on the game and when he did a frown appeared on his face.

In front of him was a timer "Right forgot about that"

After logging out Ethan checked the time. Considering his mom was going to be home at any minute he decided to play some games on his PC. 


A man dressed in bulky armor stood in front of a creature that resembled a wyvern. With obsidian scales and purple eyes. 


Flapping its wings the beast let out a roar. Taking a stance the man ran toward the monster dragging his bulky sword with him. Diving toward the man the wyvern opened its mouth to release a breath attack. Breathing out a purple fireball the man rolled under the attack but then swung his sword. In one cut the blade slashed through the wyvern's feet. 


Letting out a pained roar it flew in the air. Then dived down at tremendous speeds with its mouth open. 

But then a sound entered its ears. Widening his eyes the monster knew what was going to happen however it was too late. Something entered its mouth. 


Instantly the monster exploded causing blood and guts to fill the floor. 

Strecting from on his chair Ethan looked at his screen where he beat the monster. He was about to continue but he then heard a familiar voice.

"Ethan I'm home" 

Hearing his mother's voice he logged out and went downstairs. 

"Hey Mom," he said looking at his mom who was holding a box of pizza causing him to smile. 

"I see you got everything set up" his mother commented

Taking a bite of his slice Ethan swallowed before replying "yea uncle came earlier than expected oh I still have all the decoration in the garage I didn't know how you would want it so I left it"

After talking for a while his mother brought up something he wasn't expecting. 

"I heard there is this new VR game coming out" looking up from washing the plates "Oh yea I heard about it too"

"Did you buy one?"

Ethan nodded "seemed interesting and I thought it could help me make friends at my new school" 

"Speaking of which we need to get you a uniform too don't we?" Realizing this Ethan almost face-palmed 


Suddenly a message popped up on both of their phones at the same time. 

"Huh?" Ethan let out a confused sound 

[Dear all 2034-2035 students

Due to complications, the school will start on October 2, 2034. We apologize for the inconvenience]

"I guess I still have a month" Currently it was September 4 so he still had a month. 

After finishing washing the dishes Ethan went upstairs. He was planning on playing games until tomorrow. 


The next day came and before Ethan could get online his mother took him to get his uniform. 

"Can't I get a bigger one?" Ethan asked while looking at himself. 

Currently, Ethan was wearing a white dress shirt a Dark navy blue blazer, and a red tie. The pants were also the same color as the blazer. On the left side that was near the heart was an emblem. Against a regal blue backdrop, a resplendent dragon, its scales a tapestry of emerald, cobalt, and gold, stood with wings outstretched with Fiery eyes, and silver claws. Finally, Golden flames curled around the dragon,

It was the emblem of the school Ethan was going to attend. 

His mother rolled her eyes "You are not getting a baggy uniform" Turning to the clerk she smiled "We'll take 2 of these" she said with a smile

Ethan preferred baggy clothes due to the simple fact they were extremely easy to move in. 

With shoulder slumped Ethan brought the uniform to the car. 


Opening the door of his room quickly he threw the wrapped uniform in the closet randomly. 

He then made his way to his bed which had the helmet. Quickly putting it on his head he turned the helmet on. 

Entering the black space again he opened the game. 


When Ethan opened his eyes again, he was standing in front of an extremely beautiful girl. Smooth blonde hair fell down her back and her blue eyes seemed extremely clear.

"Greetings dear player my name is Uriel, and I will assist you in your ascension" Smiling she then waved a window that appeared in front of Ethan.

A keyboard appeared in front of him.

"a name huh?" Contemplating for a while he decided to enter his name. But when he did the panel grew red.

"I'm afraid the name is taken"







An irritated expression appeared on his face "Ethan2445324?"


"God Damnit!" trying to calm himself Ethan then thought about his name carefully "Eushin?"

The status window then glowed green.

"Now player Eushin please come and choose your class," she said then wings appeared on her back.


Flapping her wings she flew into the air. Putting his hand in his pockets he let out a whistle. Walking up the stairs a bunch of windows appeared around him.

"hm" Looking around Ethan saw something that caught his eye.


That was a class Ethan wanted to choose at the beginning however there was one thing that decided to make him choose [Spellblade]. 


Choosing his class Uriel smiled "You'll be summed to the beginning town of Greenwood Haven! Good luck player Eushin" A smile appeared on Ethan's face. 

When he opened his eyes again he was standing in the centre of a bustling town. People were talking, selling, and laughing. Then a warm breeze hit Ethan's face. While stretching a question popped into his mind "Is this really all just some game?" 

Opening his status window he looked at his stats.


Player Name: Eushin

Level: 1

Class: Spellblade

Health: 100/100

Mana: 5/5

Stamina: 8/8

Experience Points: 0/100

AP: 0

Coins: 0


Strength: 12

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 8

Vitality: 10

Luck: 5




[Wooden Sword]





[Log out]

Nodding Ethan looked around to see some of the people running toward the forest. 

'Players' Ethan mused deciding to follow them which led him to a plain grassland. 

'"Well then let's start grinding"