

As Riana sat back to recall every good memory, the setbacks that came with it and the lust to have more, she realized that all along she wasn't the problem. Her path in life was just different. She had to die inside to live in the real world. However hard it was to believe she's won it all, it never seemed like victory but just a sad moment where she only played her cards right. She keeped thinking if it was the end of it all or the beginning of something bigger. Hours had passed and Ariana was still on the kitchen floor with two of her favorite possessions (A gun on her right hand and whiskey on the other) .Her eyes were pale white they have always been . Her golden freestyle dress still intact with six inch heels. She gave herself that "You're are a balller" speech and rose up to conquer the world again. She placed a glimmering smile on a chubby angelic face , applied her topnotch make-up again and left the room as glamorous as she had entered.