
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 43: Four Months

"Who am I? Well, my name is Miyamura Izumi and you could say I'm your kouhai, Nagumo-senpai." Izumi replied with a mischievous smirk.

A few moments earlier, Izumi was standing over the edge of a canyon.

"I see so I'm at the Reisen Gorge. That means one of the Labyrinth is close by," analyzed Izumi out loud.

He had arrived in Tortus a few minutes earlier after reverse-engineering the spell Ehit had used on his fellow students and Ehit. After creating his own spell, he used it and appeared high in the sky falling. He safely landed on the ground after deploying his Dark Matter wings. As soon as he landed I. the ground he immediately noticed the huge canyon and realized that he was at the Reisen Gorge.

Izumi then jumped down in the ravine. He landed on the ground and stood still. Suddenly, multiple mini air distortions appeared and multiple drones made of Dark Matter sprang into existence.

Izumi extended his arms to both sides and the group of drones divided into two before going in opposite directions. While the drones scouted for the entrance. He thought about what he knew of Miledi's Labyrinth.

"Miledi's Labyrinth is an ever-changing maze with multiple traps. It would be easy to complete, but, somehow, magic doesn't work properly in the Reisen Gorge. People can only use magic internally since for some reason they can't project magic including me." Izumi said as he tried to summon a ball of mana. His hand glowed blue and a tiny ball of mana appeared above his palm.

"Well, that won't be a problem with me. I have (Reinforcement), (Dark Matter) and (Haki). I also have my martial arts with super strength. The prize is the Ancient Magic: Gravity Magic. But the real power of this magic is the ability to interfere with the energy of a star. I could think of so many possibilities with this magic and that is only one. There is six more overpowered magic to get." Izumi grinned at the last words.

Suddenly, he got an alert from the group of drones that went to his left. He connected himself to one of the drones and saw through its camera.

[Welcome to Miledi Reisen exciting great Labyrinth!]

Izumi smiled when he saw the sign through his drone's camera. Releasing the connection, he flew towards the entrance. Arriving there, he saw the sign and looked for the rotating door used as the entrance. He examined all over the walls around the sign until he felt an indentation once he pressed a particular spot on the left side of the entrance sign. He pushed it.

At that moment, the door opened with the slightest push. As the revolving door opened, Izumi walked through.

'Let's complete this Labyrinth then get Hori. Hopefully, they didn't start dungeon exploring yet. I remember reading that they had two weeks of training before going in the Great Orcus Labyrinth.' he thought.

Suddenly, just as he walked in, the floor, right behind the door, opened itself revealing spikes for anyone to fall inside and die.

"What the fuck!" Izumi cursed when his first step has already sprung a trap.

Fortunately, he simply flew over it.

"Right, I forgot who's Labyrinth I am challenging. I better keep my (Observation Haki) turned on all the time in here," he chuckled humorlessly.

Usually, he would cast (Structural Analysis) on the walls and floor in front of him to check for traps. Unfortunately, for him, he could project magic in here. And it seems that the effect is stronger in the dungeon.

All of a sudden, a glow had caught his attention and he looked at the source of the glow and saw that it was the stone tablet. He approached it and saw words appear on it.

[A new challenger? How fun! How was the trap? Amazing right?]

Izumi chuckled at what Miledi wrote before replying,

"I'm sure those who die from that trap would curse you out even in the afterlife."

[Then complete the Labyrinth! You'll get a thrilling experience 100% guarantee! There are exciting features like death traps, ever-changing paths and much more! You won't regret it! :P]

Izumi sweatdropped at what she had written.

"Are you a Liberator or a businesswoman presenting her marketing ploy?" Izumi deadpanned.

Suddenly, Izumi's Observation Haki flared and he immediately turned invisible and retreated in a corner. At that moment, A wall split itself into two and three people spilled out.

'No way,' thought Izumi when he recognized the three people that had spilled out.

'That's Nagumo Hajime, Yue and Shea Haulia! Why are they here? Shouldn't Hajime be with the heroes, Yue trapped and She with her family? What's going on?'

He saw Shea absolutely destroying the stone tablet and Hajime looking at her with a wry smile with Yue who had a deadpan.

He then saw Hajime tense and draw his weapons towards him with Yue and Shea following soon after.

"Who's there!?" Hajime shouted at him as both guns were pointed at him ready to fire their bullets.

'Well, isn't this interesting." Izumi said as he undid his invisibility.

"Who are you? Answer me or I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head." Hajime threatened when he saw Izumi appear out of thin air.

'Wow, he's a lot edgy than I thought. Then again, after what he went through, I wouldn't be surprised.'

"Damn, you need to chill a little," he told him

Izumi released his Dark Matter armour. Once it retreated into his second skin made of Dark Matter, he faced Hajime.

"Who am I? Well, my name is Miyamura Izumi and you could say I'm your kouhai, Nagumo-senpai." Izumi replied with a mischievous smirk with his hands in his pockets.

"You're... Japanese." Hajime stated in shock and confusion as his gun lowered a little.

"Yup, pretty sure my mom popped out a 100% Japanese baby. A handsome one." Izumi replied.

Hajime brought his gun back up,


Izumi raised an eyebrow before shrugging,

"Well, you see when a man and a woman love each other very much, they-" Izumi was about to give him an explanation, but, sadly, he was interrupted by Hajime as the purple glow in the barrel of his gun glowed more intensely.

"No, you little shit! How did you come here? The only Japanese in this world are the ones that fucking god summoned here and they were all from my class except for that girl Hori."

Izumi perked up,

"So Hori-san was with you guys?" asked Izumi.

"Answer his questions first stranger." the soft voice of Yue appeared as she came to Hajime's side.

Izumi sighed,

"Let's make a deal? We each ask questions one after the other."

Hajime was growing more irritated by this guy who proclaimed himself as his kouhai.

"How about this? You start answering questions and I don't riddle you with bullets."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," replied Izumi looking directly into the half-monster half-human's eye.

"Hajime!" suddenly shouted Shea.

Hajime turned around and was about to shoot at whatever was behind him, but froze when a spike made of Dark Matter was hovering right in front of his face. The same thing happened to Yue and Shea as spikes were all around them with Yue aimed specifically at her head.

"Because you wouldn't be able to shoot me. Let's see who's faster you're gun or my mind." Izumi said seriously as he looked at the group eyeing the black spikes all around them.

They didn't know how he did that when magic doesn't work in here. After a moment of silence, Yue spoke.

"Hajime, let's take his deal."

"Are you sure Yue?"


Hajime sighed and lowered the gun, not before glaring at Izumi.

"Stand down Shea."

"Eh? Really?"


Shea also lowered her hammer. Seeing them now calm, Izumi made hai spikes disappear.

"So? Do we have a deal?" Izumi asked.


"Great! Then let me ask the first question."

Hajime nodded,

"How much time has passed since you were first summoned?" Izumi asked as he dreaded the answer.

"About four months." the boy replied.

Izumi froze. He had expected the answer when he saw Hajime and his group, but he just wanted to confirm it. He took a shaky breath when he heard how much time had passed.

'That means Hori had been in this world for four fucking months. Did I mess up the spell? But I cast the spell just a few hours after she was summoned, why did I appear four months later? Was there a time difference between the world? Was the spell more a transportation system than a teleportation system. What the fuck happened?'

"OI, YOU FUCKER!" shouted Hajime snapping Izumi out of his spiralling thoughts.

"What?" Izumi asked.

"I called you multiple times, but you weren't answering. it's my turn to ask a question.

"Ah, right. Go ahead," replied Izumi.

"How did you get here? You weren't with us when we were summoned into this shitty world."

Izumi was about to answer when the stone tablet shone and Miledi wrote,

[You know the Labyrinth is not going to clear itself. Maybe, if I give you some incentives, you will clear it. Have fun!]

At that moment, the room trembled and everyone got up.

"Let's clear this Labyrinth then we can talk. Sounds good?"

Hajime looked at Izumi for a moment before saying,

"You try anything, I will shoot you dead," he said whilst activating (Intimidate) to make his point clear.

Izumi shrugged it off and replied,

"Yeah, Yeah." before going in front of them.

"Why are you going in front?" asked Yue.

Izumi looked at the stoic face and replied,

"Because I sense traps."

"You have the (Fair Scope) skill?" asked Hajime as he warily looked around.

"No, I have something better."

"What is it?" Shea asked.

"That is a secret."

She was a little miffed, but didn't question further and went to walk beside Hajime.

Shea and Yue looked at each other before following Hajime who went behind Izumi. As soon as they entered the door they began walking inside the corridor. After a few minutes of walking Izumi stopped.

"Oi rabbit! Don't take a step further!" Izumi ordered and everyone froze.

"Why?" asked Hajime.

"It will activate a trap that would then open the ceiling and dump acid on us," Izumi replied.

"Hiiiiiii!" cried Shea as she sidestepped the trap and hugged her crush, but the latter simply held her afar.

They continued to walk with Izumi pointing out all the traps in their way. The only problems were the changing walls as Izumi's Observation Haki didn't cover that far yet. To compensate for that, Hajime would mark the walls for easier mapping.

At one point, they came across another stone tablet.

[This is so lame. How did you find all the traps? It won't be fun if you don't spring them. :(]

"That's for me to know and you to find out Miledi-san," Izumi said as he enjoyed the fact that Miledi couldn't do anything.

The three behind him didn't need to do much as the traps were avoided. The only time they had to do something was when an inevitable situation happens like stumbling across a den of scorpions without any way around it. They would then kill them all with Hajime using his guns and Shea her Warhammer.

Haki for the win!

He would regret enjoying it with Miledi's next words.

[Well since you think it's too easy, let me show you something harder.]

"This bitch!" he cursed.

He turned towards the group and said let's go.

"I thought Labyrinth we're supposed to be harder," said Shea.

"That's because they are. The only reason we are having an easier time is because of whatever he is doing." Hajime replied as he eyed Izumi who was walking in front.

Yue looked at Hajime,

"Is he really from your world?"

"I don't know. Maybe, but he spoke Japanese so it's most likely."

"But you said that the heroes were the only Japanese. How is he here?"

"I don't know and I intend to find out."

"You know, it's rude to talk about someone when they're right here," interjected Izumi while glancing at them.

"I'm going to need some answers from you after we clear this place."

"Don't worry, we'll share lots of stories once we get out of here."

At that moment, Izumi tensed and, the next second, slits opened in the walls and sharp saw discs came out to slice them.

"Watch out!

Everyone ducked under the dangerous saw discs. Once they passed over the group, they stood up and continued to walk.

" I thought they were goners." whimpered Shea as she held her ears low.

"Stop crying you useless rabbit. If you can't do this then you are worthless." mercilessly said the monster-human hybrid.

"That's mean, Hajime!"

A few more hours later, after many traps spring by none other than Miledi herself to stop them, they finally arrived in front of a pair of giant doors.

"Alright guys, we are almost there. I'm pretty sure there is one more challenge before defeating the boss," Izumi said to the group.

"How do you know?" asked Hajime while eyeing the doors.

"Because I don't sense any other room behind this one."

"Then let's go!" Shea said and opened the doors.

She opened the doors and they all walked through them. On the other side. They saw a huge room with golem knights stationed on the side.

"Damn." let out Izumi seeing the wall on both sides covered with golems. As soon as the last person of the group stepped through the doors, their "eyes" began to glow red.

"Oi rabbit, since you have the monstrous strength, go wild. We'll support," said Hajime

Shea's bangs covered her eyes as she let out an ominous aura.

"Hehehehe. Finally, I'll smash that bitch for tormenting us!" she yelled and jumped at the golems as they came out from their stations.

Izumi whistled in appreciation at the destruction she was causing.

He then saw Hajime raise Donner and Schlag and start shooting bullets decimating the approaching golems. Yue had two barrels of compressed water that would shoot out beams of water strong enough to destroy the golems since she couldn't use magic here.

Izumi then looked around the room and saw the other pair of doors on the other side of the room.

"There! We have to go over there!" he said as he pointed at the doors.

Izumi closed his eyes and felt out all the golems in the room. He then raised his hand in front.

After a second of pause, he balled his fist.

*Schling* *Schling* *Schling*

Suddenly, all around the room, the knights began sprouting spikes of Dark Matter and stopping them in their tracks. Then they began to transform into sand as every particle inside the golem began to crystallize.

"Eh!?" shrieked Shea when she saw the spike-filled golem begin to turn into sand until the whole room had nothing but sand.

"What?" asked Hajime.

Yue had a shocked look before they all turned towards Izumi after they had recognized his spikes. Izumi lowered his hand,

"We don't have time to fight them, let's just get the magic and get out of here," Izumi said and started walking towards the other pair of doors.

"I thought we couldn't use magic here," said Shea

"We can't" replied Yue.

Hajime looked at Izumi with a wary expression before following him to the door.

Izumi looked at his hand,

'Looks like I'm a level 5 esper now. I'm able to infuse Dark Matter into things and transmute them.'

Once they arrived, Hajime blew it up with missiles.


They walked through the wreckage and saw the other side. Everywhere, they saw platforms floating in the air. There was nothing else except for platforms.

"This is the final room. I can feel the magic coming from the other side of this place." Izumi said.

"Alright, let's go," Hajime said before grabbing Yue and Shea and jumping on one of the platforms.

"The platforms are floating?" asked Yue.

"Move!/Get away!" shouted Shea and Hajime. She leaped at Hajime and Yue before carrying them away from their spots and onto another platform while Izumi used Dark Matter to deviate the thing from impacting directly onto the platform.

Not a second later, something huge crashed at top speed at their previous spot before tumbling away from the platform leaving a crater.

"What happened?" asked Hajime after standing up.

"My (Future Sight) warned me of that. If we didn't move, we might've died."

Izumi came a few seconds later,

"Are you guys okay?"


"Good, because something is coming."

Everyone tensed when two small lights glowed into the darkness before revealing themselves to be the eyes of a huge golem knight.

"Damn, that's huge," Hajime said seeing the size of the golem.

"It really is the final boss," added Yue.

Shea had her mouth opened in shock at the sheer size of it.

'It's bigger than I thought.' he thought before cringing, 'That sounded so wrong.'

The golem was silent before a cutesy voice came out of it.

"Yahooooo! Nice to meet you. I am the one beloved by all Miledi Reisen-chan!"

"Oi, Miledi is supposed to be dead since she was only human, right? It was written in the book written by Orcus," said Hajime as he narrowed his eyes at Miledi.

"Ohh! You conquered O-kun's Labyrinth. What did he say about me?"

"I don't have time for stupid questions. Answer mine" ordered Hajime and Izumi sighed at his rudeness. But he couldn't fault him seeing Miledi bad annoyed them a lot.

"How rude, well no matter. I am indeed Miledi Reisen and this Labyrinth and my appearance were created using the god's age magic."

"Then answer my quest-"

"I already answered your question. Now answer mine. Why do you seek the God's age magic and what's your goal?" interrupted Miledi with an edge to her.

Hajime explained his story about how he was summoned here and simply wanted to go home.

"How interesting. That'll do it." Miledi said with a thoughtful pose.

"Then what's your magic? he asked.

"Not telling." she cheekily said.

"Then die!" Hajime said.

At Hajime's response, Izumi was reminded of a certain blonde pomeranian.

In another universe, a certain blonde sneezed as small crackles exploded from his hands while doing homework.


From a distance, a woman's voice was heard,




Back to the Labyrinth of Reisen Gorge, Hajime and Miledi were about to attack each other when someone interrupted them,

"If you move, you die," Izumi said with a hand raised at Miledi.

The golem turned towards Izumi and saw the hand raised towards it.

"It's you, the one with the unusual abilities."

"Yup, that's me. Izumi Miyamura at your service." He gave a gentleman now.

"I like you. See you should take examples from him." Miledi said to Hajime.

Hajime had several tick marks on his forehead and the golem turned back to Izumi.

"Then will you answer me this? Why do you seek the magic of the God's age magic and what is your goal?"

"I simply came to this world to save my friend, after she got kidnapped by Ehit, and to beat the shit out of that god if possible whilst going home."

"So you came to this world on your own. That shitty god did not summon you?"


Hajime looked at him in shock.

"Wait does that means that you had magic on Earth?" he asked.

"Yeah," Izumi answered.

"How is that possible?"

Izumi sighed and looked at the shocked teen,

"Our world has lots of secrets Nagumo-senpai. They are just hidden. I'll tell you when we get out. Let's deal with her first."

"What do you mean "deal with me"? That's a really rude thing to say," interjected Miledi.

"What I'm trying to say is that you are already dead."


Izumi balled his fist and Miledi felt her golem's core being crushed.

The golem's eyes dimmed as it's the source of power was destroyed.

"There it's done."

"The fuck?" let out Hajime when he saw the golem being easily defeated.

Suddenly, its eyes lit up and Miledi's voice came.

"Well, that was anti-climactic," she said.

"How are you still alive if Miyamura destroyed your core?" Shea asked.

"I always gathered a small amount of mana for when occasions like this arise," she replied.

"Why?" asked Hajime.

"To deliver a warning."


"Yes, you must collect all seven Ancient Magic from the Liberators to make your wish come true."

"Then where are the locations of the other Labyrinths," asked Izumi.

"I barely remember them so listen up as I will only say it once. The giant volcano in the middle of the desert. The trial of heat: The Grand Gruen Volcano. Near the shores of the western seas. The trial of Madness: The Sunken Ruins of Melusine. The head temple of the church. The trial of Will: The Divine Mountain. And lastly, the Great Tree, Uralt, in the eastern forest. The trial of Bonds. The Halshia Forest. That's all."

"Well, that's was helpful. What was with all that annoyance before?" Hajime asked.

"Hahaha. I just wanted to give you a taste of what's to come when fighting them."

"I told you I won't fight them."

"Oh, you will. As long as you continue to be you, you will fight them. But I think it's for the best of this world if you continue like this. So live on, make your own choice and let no one dictate them for you."

The group stayed silent at her words.

"Well, it looks like it's time for me to go. I wish you luck in fulfilling your goals." Miledi finished her speech before her golem dissolved into particles of light.

"She's nicer than I thought she is," said Shea.

"Hn." Yue agreed as she looked at the particles fading away.

"Are you done?" Izumi asked.

Three nodded.

"Then let's go," he said as he pointed at some platforms that were going into an entrance.

Once they caught one of the moving platforms, they rode it until they passed the entrance. The platform then carried them to a pair of doors.

"I think we're here," Shea said as he walked towards the door.

Once Izumi got off the platform, he released a huge grin. Nagumo noticed it.

"Why are you grinning?" he asked as he narrowed.

"Oh nothing much, I can't wait to get the Ancient Magic." Izumi quickly replied.

Hajime's gaze lingered on Izumi before turning back to the doors.

All of a sudden, the doors slide open and they entered.

"Surprise! We meet again! It is I the absolutely adorable Miledi Reisen-chan!"

Shea, Yue, and Hajime stood still in shock before an expression of massive irritation appeared on their faces. Izumi began to laugh out loud.

"How was my acting? Was it amazing? Did you cry, did you mourn? Was it dramatic? How did you feel?" Miledi asked them.

"You're not dead?" asked Yue as an ominous aura surrounded her and Shea.

"Well no since my soul is in this golem," Miledi answered.

She then noticed Yue and Shea brandishing their weapons.

"Oh, was I overboard? Wait, wait, wait, wait! I will really die if you destroy this golem."

"Yue, Shea, that's enough," ordered Hajime.

"Thank you! Thank you! I would've really died."

"No, it's more like I will kill you if you don't hand over the magic." he threatened.

"Alright, that's enough guys," Izumi interjected.

To be honest, he was getting tired of their edginess.

He turned to the little golem.

"Miledi, will you give us our reward? It has been a long day, and everyone is a little irritated."

"Don't worry! Just step right on that magic circle," she guided them to a large magic circle.

As soon as they stood in the circle, Information about (Gravity Magic) appeared in their mind. After a few seconds, all the knowledge finally appeared in their minds.

"Hm. It seems like you don't even have the affinity for it" Miledi said as she pointed at Nagumo.

"Shut it! I just need to train with it." was his reply.

"You seem to only be able to change your weight," she said as she pointed at Shea.


"But you two have the highest affinity to magic with you being the same level of affinity as me. It's like you were made for this magic," she said to Yue before turning to Izumi in surprise

Izumi wasn't surprised with the assessment. His Reality Marble enabled him to use every form of magic as long as he learns it.

"Here's the proof of this Labyrinth's completion," she said as she handed Hajime the ring.

"Where's the rest?"


"I asked, where's the rest. Orcus gave a bunch of stuff. Wher's the artifacts and research."

"Wait, Wait, Wait! They are over there!" she pointed at a storage closet.

The three soon began pillaging of anything she had while Izumi stayed behind.

"Why aren't going with them?" she asked.

"It's because I don't need anything. I only needed the magic."

"You're different."

"So I've been told."

"Are you really going to beat that shitty god?"


"What makes you so confident?"

"Because I defeated worse than gods before," Izumi answered her as he smiled at her.

"Then I shall wait. It's been so long that bastard has been playing. Someone needs to take him down for good," she said seriously before a rope descended from the ceiling.

"I will wait for the news of Ehit's downfall Izumi Miyamura. But for now, it's goodbye."

"Don't worry, Miledi. That fucker won't know what hit him before it's too late."

Miledi smiled before pulling on the rope and the challengers were flushed out of the room. Once all the water was gone, Miledi noticed something wrong. She turned around and Izumi was still there.

He gave a fierce grin,

"You think that would work on me?

" Huh yes. Sowwie" she replied cheekily while knocking on her head.

"I already knew what you were going to do as soon as that rope descended. Now, where is the real exit?" Izumi said.

"There," Miledi replied and a part of the wall split open revealing a set of stairs.

"Goodbye Miledi," Izumi said before flying up the stairs

"Goodbye to you too Izumi Miyamura," she said before returning to her chambers once she saw Izumi disappear.