
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Chapter 15: New Quest?

Izumi was thinking about yesterday's fight as he was waiting for his class to start. He was happy because he now knew how to fuse magic alongside Dark Matter which makes it now possible to affect the natural and the supernatural world. He could, possibly, even negate magic. He didn't try it yet. With the devil's magic circle, he only used a flaw inside it to destroy the whole circle. But there was something that has been bothering him for some time.

'How does that work? I thought [Structural Analysis] only worked on physical objects. Not on spells. And why do I keep getting these urges every time I see an unknown spell? It will be troublesome if it happened in the middle of a fight.' Izumi thought.

That's when he felt a presence behind who put his arm around his shoulder"What are you thinking so hard Izumi? You look more gloomy than usual." said Toru.

"Nothing important. I was just thinking about the upcoming test." Izumi swiftly lied.

"That's right we have a math exam in 2 days. What am I going to do? I don't want to be like Yoshikawa!"

"Oi! I'm not an idiot" shouted Yoshikawa and slapped the purple-haired boy on the arm when she heard him. Soon the boy and the girl started bickering and Izumi simply chuckled at their interaction.

"Good morning Miyamura." said a voice. Izumi turned and saw Hori standing at his desk.

"Good morning to you too Hori-san," replied Izumi.

Before she could continue, the bell rang therefore she had to go to her seat. Soon the class began and everyone started listening to the teacher.


Izumi's head snapped at the sound of the notification of the system. He opened it and saw the message came from the system.

[A new quest has arrived]

[Difficulty: Medium

Anomaly detected

Participant: 1

Time limit: Until the end of the year.

Mission: Every year, a world's time is being rewound by a year without its people knowing it. Find the problem and solve it.

Hint: Attend PK Academy as a second year

Goal 1: Find the source of time reversal

Goal 2: Find the anomaly and defeat it

[The volunteer must enter his username to accept]

[Kuroneko]: A quest?

[Tony]: Is this one of the quests you guys talked about?

[Kazuma]: Yeah, but does anyone know what PK Academy is? I read a lot of manga, but I have never heard of this school.

[Korosensei]: Me neither.

[Erza]: We don't even have manga here.

[Izumi]: I have never heard of PK academy either.

[Tony]: Is that even possible? A whole world's time being rewound?

[Izumi]: Anything is possible Tony. And I mean that quite literally.

[Korosensei]: Since the participant has to attend a school, that means, Tony and I won't be able to go because we are too old and Erza won't have the necessary education.

[Erza]: That's right. That leaves Kazuma, Kuroneko and Izumi. We also have to remember that there is an anomaly.

[Kazuma]: I'm not going. I'm not. going back to school. Also, I'm not strong enough to go against an anomaly.

[Tony]: then that leaves Kuroneko and Izumi.

[Izumi]: Do you want to go Kuroneko.

[Kuroneko]: No it's okay. I still want to practice with my abilities before accepting another mission. Also, I don't think I am strong enough to deal with an anomaly.

[Izumi] Then it's decided that I will be accepting the mission.

Izumi entered his name and another message appeared.

[Thank you for volunteering. You will be transported to the world of your mission at 10 pm tonight]

'10 pm today! It gave less time than last time. It seems that since this is a medium mission, there won't be a need to prepare too much.' thought Izumi. Since he will be attending a school, he will need to create an identity. He knew what to buy from the shop. Checking the amounts, of coins he saw that he had 2500.

'Although I wanted to save it for the NZT-48, I'm just gonna have to wait longer,' thought Izumi.

He opened the shop and went to buy skills.

[Hacking: 200 points]

[Forgery: 200 points]

[Programming: 200 points]

[Points remaining: 1900]

Izumi felt a rush of knowledge enter his mind. It felt like he had known his way around the computer and creating identities for years like an expert. Nodding in satisfaction, he closed the system and went back looking out of the window.

Soon the day passed and it was time to go home. As he was packing his things, he saw Hori approaching him.

"Hello, Hori-san." he smiled at her.

"Hey, Miyamura-kun. Do you want to come to my house to study" she asked when she saw that no one was listening.

Izumi looked at her in confusion.

"What?" she asked looking a little flustered.

" You never asked me to come. Usually, you say that it's because of Souta, but not today. What changed." he asked with a teasing grin. Hori's face started to turn red as she blushed.

"Shut up! It's only for studying," she whispered-yelled and tried to push him in his shoulder. Unfortunately, for her, it seems that she hasn't learnt her lesson last time and just her hand again.

"Ow! How do you look so skinny yet you are so strong?" she asked as tears brimmed her eyes and pouted.

'Damn! How does she look so cute?' he thought

"I'm just built differently Hori-san," Izumi replied shrugging with a smug grin.

She harrumphed and turned around.

"Just come," she said before storming out of the class. Izumi simply chuckled and took his stuff before heading to his apartment. Seeing that his mother was not home, he simply changed clothes, took his books and a cake, and started walking towards the Hori household.

Arriving there, he knocked on the door,

"Come in." a voice replied.

"Thank you for the invitation," Izumi said and entered the house.

"Oh? Who's this?" asked an unfamiliar feminine voice?

Izumi looked up and saw an older version of Kyoko Hori. Izumi realized that it was her mother.

"Hello, my name is Miyamura Izumi." greeted Miyamura.

"Ah! So you are the mysterious boy that Kyouko-chan was talking about."

"Mom!" cried out Hori in the kitchen. Her mother simply giggled at her reaction.

"Well, don't just stand there. Come in. Come in." She said and Izumi entered the living room. She then turned towards Kyouko and whispered,

"So when we're you going to introduce me to your new friend?"

"He's just a friend mom," Kyouko said as pink dusted her cheeks. Yuriko nodded slowly as her maternal instincts were telling something else.

"I'll go talk to Izumi while you go prepare something for him ok?"

"Wait!" Kyouko tried to call out to her mother, but the latter already left the kitchen went to the living room where she saw Izumi sitting at the low table putting the cake on the table.

"Oh. You didn't have to bring anything Miyamura-kun." Izumi looked up and smiled,

"It's ok, Souta likes the cakes so sometimes I bring some."

Yuriko looked at the strawberry cake that he brought and recognized it.

"Is that Cake Shop Iori's cake?"

"Yeah, it's our family cake shop," said Izumi proud

"Amazing." She sat in front of him.

"So Miyamura-kun, tell me about yourself," she asked. Then Izumi presented himself and the mother sometimes asked more questions about him. In the middle of the conversation, Yuriko's phone rang. She answered when, suddenly, she had a worried expression. She looked at Miyamura apologetically,

"I'm sorry Miyamura-kun, I have an emergency at work. Can you tell Kyouko?"

"Sure. Bye Hori-san."

"Bye Miyamura-kun, please take care of Kyouko-chan," she said before leaving the house. As soon as she left the house, Kyouko entered the living room with the snacks.

"Eh? Where did mom go?" she asked confused

"She said that she had to go to work. I brought cake," Hori smiled at the dessert he brought and took a piece. As they were eating, the door opened.

"Onee-chan, I'm home!" Souta shouted.

"Welcome home Souta-kun." Hori and Izumi replied at the same time.

"Ah! Nii-chan is here!" the little boy said in delight. He ran to the teen and hugged him really hard.

"Hey there Souta, I brought cake."

"Cake!" the boy cried as drool began to flow out of his mouth. Soon all three began to eat the cake and the snacks.

As they finished, Souta went outside to go play with his friends and the two teens started to study for the upcoming exam. But, 30 minutes into the study session, Hori felt frustrated.

"What is this?" she asked with a tick mark on her head.

"What?" Izumi asked confused. Hori slammed the papers on the table,

"This! I don't see any wrong answers! And you also did it so fast. If you were that intelligent, why are you not at the top ranks right now!" she shouted.

"Because... school just started? I don't know what to tell you Hori-san," Izumi replied confused.

She groaned.

"Then why did you not use this intelligence in class. School started almost 1 month ago."

Izumi shrugged,

"I just didn't want the attention." Hori just banged her head on the table.

"Woah! Are you okay?" the boy asked worried.

"No. I study really hard to get my marks and this guy does not simply because he does not want the attention," she replied her face buried into the table.

"I'm... sorry?" Izumi helplessly said.

She raised her head and sighed.

"Whatever," she said and continued to study. As they continued to study, she saw something black under Izumi's sleeve.

"Miyamura, what's that under your sleeve?" she asked curiously.

Izumi looked at where she was looking and internally panicked a little before sighing

"Shit! I forgot about my tattoo. Oh well, it doesn't matter."

"Oh. This is my tattoo" he said casually as he lifted his shirt off. Hori was taken aback at how he casually lifted his shirt off but was soon distracted by his body. A huge tattoo was covering the left side of his body that was very muscular. She could see the muscles and the abs popping out in the right place. She was speechless and continued to stare at his body with a blush.

"You know, if you continue to stare like that, I might mistake you as a pervert." the black-haired boy said with a sly grin.

"W-W-What? I'm n-not a pervert." she stuttered blushing furiously.

Izumi chuckled which made Hori blush even more.

"S-Shut up! Besides, Since when did you have a tattoo and why?" she said in surprise trying not to think about the boy in front of her.

"Since when did he have a body like this? He doesn't even look like it. It's the clothes. It's got to be the clothes." she convinced herself.

"I just got those because I wanted them. They look nice right?" Izumi replied with a smug smile

"Are you an idiot or an idiot?" she asked bluntly with a deadpan.

"Hey! I'm no idiot." he pouted. They laughed and fell into a comfortable silence in addition they continued to study.

After some time, Izumi looked at the clock and it was already 7 pm.

"I think it's time for me to go Hori-san," he said.

"Eh? already?" she asked surprised.

"What you wanted me to stay longer?" he asked teasingly.

"Shut up! Just go home." She started pushing.

"Ok! Ok! You call me to your house then you kick me out. I feel used here." he said as he wiped a non-existent tear from his cheek. Hori simply resorted to slapping his arm.

"Bye Souta!" Souta came barreling out of his room when he heard his nii-chan.

"You're going nii-chan?"

"Yeah, I have to go. I'll see you next time."

"Bye Onii-chan!" Souta said while waving his hand.

"Bye Hori-san. See you at school."

"Bye Miyamura-kun," she replied and Izumi left the house. Soon he arrived at his home and saw his mom.

"Hey, mom."

"Welcome home I-kun. Did you study well at your friend's house?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Well food is ready and I am going to watch the TV."

Izumi ate his food and went to wash himself before going to his room.

"Good night mom," he called out.

"Good night son," came the voice of his mother.

Little did she know that he was not going to sleep at the moment. He packed his bag, checked his sword in his soul, but it seems like he was forgetting something.

'Why don't buy that too?' he questioned himself. Opening the system, he went t the shop and bought what he wanted.

[Swordmanship: 500 points]

[Total points: 1400]

He nodded to himself satisfied. He checked the clock and saw that it was 9:30 pm. He still had 30 minutes left.

'Let's play some video games.' he thought. Usually, he wouldn't play video games because they quickly lose their appeal when your life is a real-life game setting. It's still a great way to waste time.


[Your mission will start soon. You will be transported in 10 seconds]

Izumi opened the chat and texted,

[Izumi]: Alright guys, I am leaving for the mission.



[Korosensei]: Good luck student Izumi

[Tony]: Godspeed kid


[Erza]: Good luck Izumi and be careful



[Kazuma]: Ok good luck pretty boy



[Kuroneko]: Good luck Izumi. Fight!

[Izumi]: Thanks guys


[You will now be transported to your mission's world. Good luck and may your mission be successful!]

A flash appeared engulfing Izumi and he disappeared leaving once again a time-frozen world.

Sorry guys I won't be able to post a chapter tomorrow because I have an exam.

Arcanum_02creators' thoughts