In this story, Sasha is a strong woman good for being cunning and independent. She was dropped into a world of beast men, where females are treated as delicate and a treasure. She now has to face a whole new set of boundaries and obstacles, in this world where males do the world for their female. This story is about a harem of beasts and how she will thrive in her new world.
Sasha was on her way home, the way she always walked.
'I remember my mother's words. She always said she was from another world, she called it the world of beast. She told me about the animals and that even the people were animal at nature.' She said "You would be a woman to be proud of, so you should never settle for less."
Sasha could never understand why her mother would leave such a wonderful place, "Those men must have been strong and some very proud." Sasha let her mind wonder on her mothers words. 'She would tell me every man there cared deeply for their wife. I know no place is perfect but that world seemed much more honest and open.'
As Sasha day dreamed about the endless beauty of beast city, never did she notice that time and space around her was shifting. She walked into a warp in space and time caused by her desire to return to the birthplace of her mother. The flashing images of beast city overwhelmed her with joy, so before she could make a choose the port began to move her to the place of dreams.
'I trained, and will continue to do that so one day I'll meet a man I can love. Wait for me beast men!' Sasha from the moment her mother said that they were other worldly, did she train to one day return with her mother. Mei, Sasha's mother, in all honest was happier on earth. Mei had no plans of going back, but never stopped Sasha from her dreams of wanting to go there.
"My daughter, I hope that world treats you better than it treated me. I love you and so your dreams are yours to grab. I hope your training was enough." The stars had realigned, like they did almost 20 years ago. Mei felt it and just prayed for her daughter. She remembered her first steps and her first words, with those memories she sent her biggest smile as a departure gift. "This world wasn't good enough for you, I hope my birthplace will serve you better.
A beauty dark in complexion, an ebony goddess whom's hair was curled and kept long. She was muscular, her body tough like stone. She face was glamorous plain with no make up, her long big curls being ones you could lose yourself in their luster. Her eyes a piercing green like emerald.
The beauty walked smoothly and dazed, into a battle. A battle quite large between a Tiger of an unusually white strips and merigold fur. This Tiger's name is Luke, beautiful and majestic in it's terrifying ramble against Tyme the Falcon. Tyme was majesty, itself in his large wingspan and the sleekness of his feathers. They fought ferociously, only the noise of their combat brought Sasha to her surroundings.
Started but what she saw, "What the hell is going on here?", she screams just as they were about to collide. At first they didn't hear her over the beating of their own hearts, this forced Sasha to take action to stop what was before her. Not knowing where she is or what to make of the beautiful and unusual animals, she tries one more time. She jumps to clear the smoke and with a roar does she, bellowing out her words, "What is going on here?". With that they stopped and strange was they noises the strange female.
"WHERE DID A FEMALE COME FROM? HOW DID SHE FIND US OUT HERE?", Luke and Tyme said in sync. As they spoke and looked at her, Sasha had remembered a very important thing about her mother's birthplace….. The men can transform into beast.
As Luke and Tyme trying to regain some control enter a human state, 'I didn't just see two beasta turned men right?' The bewildered look on her face had her presence all the more startling for the two beastmen, "What? Why are you looking at me like at?", out bellows the prideful tiger. "Is our battle so shocking to a female such as yourself?"
With the million questions running in her head, she began to release a long dominant energy not needed in the modern world. In that moment time stopped, Luke and Tyme lost themselves to the strangely dressed female. They finally recognized her beauty lessening the tension, as the power she released was quite overwhelming and enhanced her beauty tenfold.
"What are your names? I'm Sasha…", nervous as she has never once thought of what she would say when she finally met the beastmen of her dreams. A gust of wind released her mind from the momentary tension. She stood tall in a meadow, somewhere far from a city or village. The sky as clear was water and beautiful like nothing she has ever saw before. All this wild untamed land spoke to her, the wild flowers calling her name.
Unaware of the men she just confronted and confused she began her search of her new surroundings. The men puzzled first by her ghost like entrance, next by her cloths, then her scent and finally for not letting them get a word out before she began to leave.
"Luke, is it just me or is this female very… different?", said Tyme.
"Well yeah she smells different too, like a hmm I can't say. For all that strangeness tho her beauty does exceed most I have seen.", Luke states as he follows her with his eyes.
She was terrible focused on the fight that the scenery was almost forgotten. The grass a shade of green soo bright and vibrant, not a single blade of the modern would could compete with. The sky a bright blue so pure that no natural disaster could ruin it's brilliance. She sees a world pure of the pollutions plaguing the world and it's people.
In this she takes pleasure, "Mother if you can hear me… Thank you for making me and I'm going to stay. Don't wait for me.. I have a journey to start." Speaking aloud as if her mother could hear her from such a longs way away."
"Hey, just what did you mean about by staying here"
Bonus content
The day Sasha was sent to the world of beast, her mother felt the same feeling she did the day she went missing that day about 20 years ago. She had been getting ready to move in case of an event like that, Mei had pulled Sasha out of school and moved somewhere further from people for the disappearance to raise less questions.
Mei was about 18 when she appeared on Earth for the first time, currently she is 38 about. I say about as time is different and kept differently between the two worlds. On Earth, exact dates and times are kept, but on Beast World it's kept on a more rough one by season and the growth of crops.
Mei was born during the hottest season, as for the location of where she was born, it was roughly the equivalent of the Southwest near the equator. She was born in the middle of hot season, assuming that the seasons time can be made equal, she was born roughly mid-January.