
A Whisper In The Night

I was at my "girlfriends" house to start. I had my brother and sister. We were in their house everything was normal, hallway to the right living room and kitchen to the left, couch between the living room and kitchen. Table in the farthest left back corner of the room. We were over to talk to them and have some fun at there house.

It was time to leave after a while and my brother was taking forever so I decide to leave and come back around another way. (But there isn't another way in real life) me and my sister drove out turned left and drove for a while and turned left again into a semi forested road. (There is no forest near her house of that size) there was a hill we had to drive up to get back to her house.

It was curved and went back and forth to get up the hill. It was abnormally tall. I hadn't gone that far down. From the bottom of the hill I could see this strange lady carrying full grown men around. She would pick them out of, I couldn't see where and drop and then pick up the same guy again. My brother was up by her.

He saw us and ran inside the house. I drove up to the house and walked up to the door. There was a screen door that was previously not there. I look inside no hall to the right, kitchen still there, no couch, no table.(none of this seemed to bother me) There were a couple chairs in place of the couch. Old wooden chairs that look like they might fall apart at any moment.

And there on one of the chairs was her mom and dad. (Her mom wasn't home) They were looking at something on her dad's phone. And somehow my brother had gotten into the car and I had a kitten to show the "girlfriends" parents.

I knocked on the screen and showed them and they told me they had some.(they don't and her dad doesn't want any)

Then there was a voice to my left inside the door. A man stood there who looked kind of like my chemistry teacher. (6 foot kind of large nice back hair and a big smile) He said to me "aw that's such a cute kitten what are you gonna do with it"

And then I was home in my bed ready to sleep.

He was talking to me through my phone. Only the camera was open and I couldn't move. It was pointed at my bedside lamp. And I had subtle visions of someone being by my door in the room. A talk dark man with many flowing wings that seemed to move around him. I dont know what he was saying but he kept saying don't look over towards the door.

I kept trying to call someone on my phone but it was only camera and the picture function was off. No buttons anywhere. I kept trying to look at the corner move the phone whatever.

The phone was the only thing I could see out of. And wherever I'd move it, it was just a picture of the lamp. And then I woke up terrified. I looked around and saw nothing. Then not really wanting to went back to sleep.

I woke up