
Dreams / End

Aiden lived a normal life until the death of his mother happen out of nowhere. He tries to unravel the life his mother has hidden from him his whole life. With his mentor Win Mora (Shin) being by his side to help him uncover his new abilities, while also having his own plans for Aiden. What will Aiden go through? Who will he meet? New people and a whole New World to discover and a rich past to dive into What will Aiden uncover about his family history, and what impact will Aiden have on the New World

EverydayWriter · Action
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23 Chs

Hospital / Hello?

[ Aiden Pov ]

"what the?"

I had finally woken up from my sleep.

I didn't know how much time has passed since i was last awake.

I looked around and noticed that I was in a hospital.

I checked the clock that was right next to my bed.

| 1:30 AM |

Last time I checked the time it was around 4:30 PM

so it had almost been a day since the incident.

I thought about where Holly was and what happened to Mom body.

I had to make sure Holly was ok, so i tried getting o of bed.


"Ah, shit"

As soon as i stood on my own two legs I collapsed to the floor.

My body was to weak to do anything.

I tried putting my body weight on my hands and tired getting up but it was useless, my arms couldn't support my body weight in my current state.

I crawled across the room and reached a button which would call a nurse into your room.


It took a nurse to reach my room a couple minutes

"What if I were dying right now huh"

I let go of that thought and the nurse came inside my room.

"Is everything ok?…oh your awake, i'll call a docto~"

"How's my sister?"

"She's fine. She's currently in another room resting"

She left the room after that to go look for a doctor

I really didn't want to be hear

5 Minutes Late

"How's it going Aiden"

My doctor finally came in to my room.

I had known Dr. Michal for some time now, he had been my family's doctor

"Been better"

"Yeah I can tell, heard you were coughing a lot of blood"


"now that doesn't sound good, oh by the way, i'm sure you know… i'm sorry, your mother was the nices~"

"It's ok doc"

"ohh ok"

From what I knew the doctor had known my Mother ever since they were in collage.

It must have been hard for him when he heard the news.

"Anyways, apart from all the blood you lost there doesn't seem to be anything else wrong with you, but the question is why, why did you start coughing out blood"

I had been coughing for the pass couple days but it never got to this point

"We ran some test on you and, you don't have any type of lung problems"

I had never smoked or vaped in my life and i was overall healthy so it was strange this was happening to me

"The only other weird thing we observed was Red Darkish lightning coming off you whenever your heart stopped"

my heard stopped…, would've been nice for him to tell me that sooner

"I think the best thing to do right now is to wait and see if this continues"

"If it does please contact me again, you can check out when you feel better, oh by the way, don't wary about the hospital bills, i'll take care off them, i'm sure your mother wouldn't want you to be in debt, right after she passed away"

With that he left the room


What Im I going to do.

The only person that was supporting me and Holly was Mother. Without her, We had nobody.

Red darkish lightning?


I remembered that right after Mom died I had seen this large Monster.

What the hell was that thing.

The bigger question was, Where did it come from?

I also remembered Mom telling me to find someone named…Wi…Win Mor~

"You have a visitor"

A nurse came in my room then proceeded to leave after informing me that I had a visitor.

Was it Holly? There was no one else i could think of.

The door finally opened

They stepped in the room

"Well hello Aiden…It's been a while"

A man who I could vaguely remember entered the room.

As soon as he entered the room the atmosphere changed to being happy and delightful and joy but in the mist of all of it there was a small amount of wickedness.

"It's been awhile since you last saw me so let me introduce myself."

I still felt like I'd seen this man somewhere before but I couldn't remember where it was

"My name is Win Mora"

If it was true, this was the man mom wanted me to find, But to think he would come to me.
