
Dreams / End

Aiden lived a normal life until the death of his mother happen out of nowhere. He tries to unravel the life his mother has hidden from him his whole life. With his mentor Win Mora (Shin) being by his side to help him uncover his new abilities, while also having his own plans for Aiden. What will Aiden go through? Who will he meet? New people and a whole New World to discover and a rich past to dive into What will Aiden uncover about his family history, and what impact will Aiden have on the New World

EverydayWriter · Action
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23 Chs

Goodbye / To You

Shin swiped his hands in a half X motion

My Kin disappeared.

"What was that"

"I think your Ronin sensed that you were unleashing your Kin and tried to come out"

"That hella hurt"

"Let's take a break"

Shin took me to the 4th floor and showed me the living room.

"Uh sit down ima make food"

Shin only had a couch in his living and a window


"huh looks like it's raining"

Shin left the living room

I sat on the couch which was positioned in a way that allowed me to look out the window.


I put my back on the end of the couch

I had one knee up and the other one resting

I rested my left arm on my knee that was up


The rain continued

I looked out the window and thought

"I wonder where she is"

The heavens were sad

and me too

Nat was my first and only crush

A sadden looked built apon my face


A wave of sadness struck me


I put my head down

"why…why couldn't she be here"

As I looked down tears began to come out

I knew i'd never see her again but every once and a while I would truly understand the meaning of these words

I thought of the future Her and I could of had

I looked up and out the window


The rain started to come down harder

These emotions…They were emotions I couldn't understand

As I closed my eyes and thought about everything one more time, I had the realization that…

I opened my eyes and looked out the window




I feel off the couch

When I opened my eyes, I looked out the window

I saw a reaper

When my eyes met it's endless void of darkness, it rushed at me then before hitting me it flew up then disappeared into the night sky



Shin came back to the living room and put a plate on the table that was right in front of the couch

Shin sat next to me

"I called Holly and told her you where at my place"


"She's coming to see you tomorrow, So do me a fever and don't mention anything about the New World"


I continued to eat the grilled cheese Shin made me but every time I took a bite it left a strange taste in my mouth


I had fallen asleep on the couch, I noticed Shin brought me a blanket while I was asleep

I woke up and called out Shin

"Shin, You there?"

Shin had probably gone out to do something

In the mean time I wou~


Someone rang the doorbell

Before I got up from the couch I noticed that it was still raining.

It was around 6:30 AM and it was really cloudy

and the rain had only gotten worse


I went downstairs and opened the door

"Oh, Hey Aiden"

Holly had shown up at the door

I didn't think she would be here this early

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, the coughing has gone away, apart from that I seem to be in good shape"

"I got lucky I didn't get any big injury, just a couple scratches"

"That's good"

Holly came inside and she put her shoes on the shoe rack

"Let's head upstairs"


As Holly and I got to the forth floor I sensed that something was off

I looked out the window and noticed weird energy.

I couldn't make out what it was

Holly sat on the couch as I continued to look out the window

"You gonna sit?"

"I need to walk for a bit, i've been laying down for the past couple of hours"

"Whatever you say"

I continued to look out the window sensing something approaching


I soon as I blinked A huge monster came in and crashed threw the wall




The monster had crashed right next to Holly


The monster stood and looked at Holly then it grabbed her


Shin was no where to be found

I didn't know what I could do

I tried using my Kin

I closed my eyes put my hands together and tried making a sword



The monster knew what I was trying to do and hit me to the other side of the room with his hand that wasn't occupied




I got up and closed my eyes again

This time

I wanted a gun

I closed my eyes


This time I didn't even get my hands in position

The monster started flapping its wings and

It then charged at me ramming me threw the wall

with Holly in hand


Blood shot out my mouth

I was now in the monsters hand and we were flying threw the sky


All of a sudden the monster dove down at a rapid pace

During all of this pouring rain was hitting us




why is this happening

why is this happening

i just want a normal life

i didn't ask for any of this

i wish i wasn't here

please someone


"their is no someone"

a voice started talking in my head

"Aiden your alone, you have no one, no mother, no father, and shin, well shin is…

anyways no one can save you

you are alone in this world

not even Nat, no matter how long you wait for her to come back"

"Get out of my head bitch"

"bitch? well look Aiden, i'm the only one that might save you here. you understand that right?"

I had realized that my Ronin was talking to me

I knew that this would probably be the only way to save me and Holly.

But was I willing to take the risk?

"how can i trust you"

"you can't, i'm a ronin."

Could I trust my ronin to defeat the monster,

Who knows what else it might do

I hesitated but I knew this was the only way

"fine, what do you need"

"your body will do"


"I will temporarily take over your body and defeat the outlander"


"that's its name, whatever ill take over your whole body, apart from your left eye so you can see;)"

I didn't know weather to trust my ronin but i didn't have any other choice




As soon as my Ronin took over, the monster screamed, My Ronin screamed in response


From what I could see I had turned in to a monster just like the one that was attacking me

My Ronin started to attack

The first punch landed on the monsters face witch made it drop us off on a roof top where we would settle this

The Outlander and my Ronin then rushed at each other

The Outlander went with an uppercut but my Ronin dodged

My ronin countered with a quick jab to its stomach

Even tho it was quick it made the Outlander stumble to the grown



My Ronin noticed the difference in power

The ronin then jumped on top of the outlander and continued with the punches

The Outlander was now bleeding





Right when My Ronin was gonna deal the finishing blow, The outlander pushed My Ronin back with its feet

We were now on opposite sides of the rooftop

The Outlander stared us down

wondering what are next move would be

"Haha, Let's finish this:)"

With my Ronin saying does words

He brought his hands together

My Ronin was now in a praying position

It then closed its eyes


My Ronin then released a large amount of Kin

Darkness then consumed the rooftop.


The only thing we could hear was rain hitting the endless void we were in.

The Kin was surrounding My Ronin and I.

He then opened his eyes


He then swiftly pulled back his right arm like if he were pulling back on a bow

He then put his left hand in front making a piece sign with it

He seemed like he was aiming something we couldn't see


Out of no where a large light source started to build behind us

It seemed like a large amount of Kin was building behind us. But I couldn't see


"Kin Awakening, Forth Preyer, DANCING LIGHT"


A huge light beam behind us swiftly passed us and went forward

It was almost instantaneously

The speed of the attack

The outlander didn't stand a chance

When the attack hit The Outlander a huge amount of dust went into the air

I couldn't see

After a while the dust cleared

And all I saw was the Outlander on the ground Lifeless


With my Ronin saying does words the void surrounding us disappeared

With that, the outlander was defeated

Holly who was standing on the other side of the roof was staring


My Ronin turned and looked at her

He then slowly walked towards her


"in order for me to take over your body you must face extreme hardship"





"please don't do this"

I had realized what he meant by this and also understood his next move

"I don't care for you or for anyone apart from my self, as long as I take over your body, that's all that matters"

"Their must be some other way"



i couldn't do anything….i gave my ronin full control of my body…he had given me one eye to see…so I could see Hollys death

My Ronin was now staring down my sister

My Ronin raised its hand and formed a fist

"Aiden what are you doing"

Holly started walking back a little

And then stumbled to the grown

From the one eye i had control of, red tears started to come down


I looked away and saw in the distance the reaper that i saw last night but this time it was just standing their.

watching from afar

"Say goodbye Aiden, you'll never see her again"

Holly had realized what was about to happen

Her finale moments of life were filled with the realization that her end was near, and there was nothing she could do

"Goodbye, Brother"


Hollys blood was all over the place

As soon as she died my Ronin disappeared

and I had returned to my normal self

I feel to my knees

and looked up to the sky

with the rain hitting my face


I took my hands and touched what was left of Holly

I looked down and saw the her.

Im sorry mom…i couldn't protect her

"Even after you risked Hers and Your life… I'm still the problem…"

I started crying as I talked to myself

"I'm alone"


"i'm alone…i have no one apart from shin, a stranger to me"

"Mom, Holly…Dad I'm sorry for what I've caused"


I continued to look at Hollys remains

"uh…uh…i can't continue mom~~i can't, even tho you would've wanted me to continue and live a happy life"

I looked to the sky once's again while holding Hollys remains in my hands




I heard steps approaching from behind me

I didn't care who it was

If it was a monster sent to kill me

i wouldn't care

I had lost everything

There was nothing left for me to live for


"Hey Aiden,I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone, I should've been here"

Shin got closer

he was right behind me when he kneeled down

and grabbed my shoulder

"Come on, you'll get sick"


This was a day I would never forget

These last two days would live in my mind forever

I had lost everyone

Allen, Mom, and Holly,

My closest friend and my remaining family,

had all moved on and left me to deal with the storm that is approaching

ending could’ve been more in detail but i was to lazy so yes

EverydayWritercreators' thoughts