
Dreams don't equal Psychopaths

It was all a dream, but, I guess it wasn't?

EIRO · Horror
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1 Chs

Dreams ≠ Reality

Adam bobbed his head, he was so sleepy.

The teacher had a quiet voice, which had lulled him into sleepiness. "A long stream leads to a length farther than a river." The teacher gently patted Adam's head.

The teacher, whose name was Jvosvy Chekovsky, had a handsome face that was gentle to the eyes, which was similar to everyone else at this school. "Sorry, Mr. Chekovsky." Mr. Chekovsy gave Adam an unnerving smile, and his smile faded quickly. "Sorry, for that unnerving smile, Young Adam. I'd like to see you after class ends." Adam nodded, slurring his words. "Ah, uhm, ok, Mr. Chekovsky." The teacher smiled, "Ok then, Adam Ychyiv."

He walked back up to the front of the class. The other students in the same room had a lasting gaze at Adam. He uncomfortably shifted, feeling slightly indelible at the feeling being stared at by people like a hawk. He sighed, "Why did I have to end up in this class and not Mrs. Kounyrosr's class?" His eyes drooped, and he stuffed his face back in his arms.

— — —

After class had ended, Adam was just going to leave the classroom before he'd remembered he had to stay back in the classroom.

He'd turned around and walked past a desk that had paint hither and yon. He stared at the paint lazily, capturing the bright colors that were encapsulated with the darker colors with his own black hued eyes. "It's a disorganized mess that is quite appealing, I understand." Adam turned around, his eyes were slightly widened, he took no effort to hide his surprise. "You made this? I'd thought you were a history teacher, not an Artist."

Mr. Chekovsky chuckled, "Well, you've learned something new!" His eyes looked through his glasses, his amber hues seemed somewhat eerie. "Surprising, for someone like you." Adam huffed, his eyebrows twisted. "What do you mean by that?" Mr. Chekovsky was quiet for a moment before laughing again. "Nothing, nothing."

Mr. Chekovsky walked to the desk that Adam was near and smiled lightly. He gently kneaded his pretty hand around the swirls and tapped what was a depiction of a painting on a desk. "This is the aftermath of when I had once had an Art class. After all, I was an Art teacher once." He put a finger on his chin, "Well, before we had a new principle and a newer art teacher came."

His gaze at Adam darkened, though it was not aimed at Adam. "I never liked her." A suffocating silence captured the atmosphere between Adam and Mr. Chekovsky. Finally, Mr. Chekovsky decided to speak first. "Well, I would have expected the aftermath and excess paint from a loved painting I had previously made. One that was terrorized by that stupid Art Teacher."  Mr. Chekovsky's eyes narrowed. Adam was surprised. "What? The Art Teacher? Are you talking about  Mrs. Kounyrosr?"

Mr. Chekovsky once again smiled thoughtlessly. Adam sighed, and went to the desk he usually sat in. He took a glance at the desk that was right across from him and sighed quietly once again. "Mr. Chekovsky?" Mr. Chekovsky, who'd previously walked back to his desk, looked up from the stack of papers.

"What, Adam?" If you could see his face, which was his normal face, you'd feel a cold breeze past your torso. It was cold, Adam thought. "Uhm," Adam hesitated for a moment but was determined. "What do you mean, you were an art teacher?" Mr. Chekovsky sighed. "Exactly what it means, idiot. No wonder you have a D in this class." Adam was annoyed, "why are you being so difficult,"  Adam sighed, mumbling the first part, "I mean, I don't think you were ever the art teacher. Plus, even if you were, I don't think you were a good one."

Mr. Chekovsky's eyes darkened, but he kept his composure. "Do you know Yuri Oonyroun?" Adam was confused. "Yeah? He's like, the most popular person on the internet. He's the best artist?" Adam sarcastically replied. "Yes, him. Do you ever hear anyone speaking or, commenting, about his teacher?" said Mr. Chekovsky.

"No, but I had ben guessing that his teacher was Mrs. Kounyrosr, since he went to this school a couple of years ago and she was still the teacher here at the time, right?" Adam raised an eyebrow. "Incorrect. I  was that Art teacher a couple of years ago. The year before that rat, actually, that jokester, became the Art teacher here, and I was to become the History teacher."

Adam's eyes narrowed, hiding his annoyance at the very formal tone and words used of his History teacher. "Really?" Mr. Chekovsk rolled his amber hues, "Indeed, by all means." Adam was a bit doubtful, but he didn't think his teacher would even try to spare the effort to lie in front of a student who he didn't care about. But, Adam was still doubtful.

"Mr. Chekovsky, I'm going to enquire with Mrs. Kounyrosr pertaining to that. Do you mind?" Adam asked Mr. Chekovsky. The History Teacher laughed, "Do you believe I give a crud about that? Go ahead, she will speak falsity, regardless." Adam winced at the very formal and sophisticated words Mr. Chekovsky uses. "Well, ok then." Mr. Chekovsky took a glance at his antique watch and smiled. "Well, Student Ychyiv, this conversation has come to a conclusion," He looked at Adam with drooped eyes, "Or, in your words, our time has ended."

Adam stealthily rolled his eyes at Mr. Chekovsky's snarky comment. Adam got up from the desk, and said his goodbyes to the history teacher. "Well, that's fine with me. Goodbye, Mr. Chekovsky, see you tomorrow." Adam picked up the phone that had been laying on the desk the entire time and slipped it in his pocket. He walked toward the room, and sighed out of happiness and lazily smiled once he was close to leaving the suffocating room.

"Wait." Mr Chekovsky's voice

resounded throughout the entire room. Adam turned around, annoyed. "What, Mr. Chekovsky?" Mr. Chekovsky smiled uncannily, "Mrs. Kounyrosr is quite the monster, after hours." His slender, white finger pointed towards the window that had been covered with a curtain.

He moved the curtain to the side, revealing what was once a beautiful blue sky, with the sun absconding from sight. "It's after hours, after all. Be careful." He stopped smiling, "You wouldn't want to be facing the consequences of joking around, would you?" Mr. Chekovsky smiled forlornly though a seemingly  false one. Adam's eyebrow raised and then he scrunched his eyebrow. "I was not going to be joking." Mr. Chekovsky smiled and laughed, "I know, I was joking!" Adam turned around, and walked out the warm room.

"Mrs. Kounyrosr, were you always the Art Teacher?"

Mrs. Kounyrosr turned around, the smile on her face sickeningly sweet, "Young Ychyiv, who misled you like that?" She walked closer to him, her hands were behind her back, hiding a clenched fist. "I know, Mrs, Kounyrosr, that you were only here for a few years." Mrs. Kounyrosr stopped walking. She had a blank face, and it was silent.

Adam had a drop of sweat on his neck, which slipped into his collar. Mrs. Kounyrosr smiled. "You talked to Jvosvy, right? I'd heard from a conversation between Mr. Chekovsky with your Math Teacher  that he made you stay back."

"Well, I'd have to tell him you eavesdropped on his conversation." Adam sighed and smiled. He felt that he could keep this up. Mrs. Kounyrosr smiled, "Well, I don't know if Artist Oonyroun will agree with that," She laughed maniacally, "Haha!" Adam looked away ashamedly, "I was lying." Her smile faded, "What do you mean by that, Student Ychyiv?" She tilted her head.

"I mean.. That my math teacher, Mr. Adnamyn, he told me to play this joke on you to see your reaction." Mrs. Kounyrosr's high heels began making a tap, tap, tap noise. Adam looked up from the ground to see a face that is devoid of emotion, Mrs. Kounyrosr's originally bright and beautiful face turned pale and dull, like flower that had been wilted for a decade, still as can be. "I doubt that, little Ychyiv."

"Tap, tap, tap." The heels on her feet made an almost eerie sound, and Adam's only heard a static. He felt the need to run, his dark hues reflected the only thing he could see at the moment. The dull, lifeless face of Mrs. Kounyrosr. "Well, I ought to be joking around as well," She tilted her head,

"Should I not?"

Adam's footsteps echoed throughout the hallway, and the last thing he saw, were the paintings on the outcasted desk.

"Wasn't that in Mr. Chekovsky's room?" Adam's eyes dulled at the sight, his eyes were widened as if he was about to die.

She looked at the desk, and looked back at Adam, a forlorn look on her face. She then darkly smiled, which quickly shaped into a disappointed face.

"You wouldn't understand, would you, Streyh? You need to wake up."


Nyrim woke up, gasping as hard as he could. Oddly enough, his ribs hurt, as if he'd been running the 20 miles his school usually forces them to do. He sighed and brought the hair that was a little damp from his sweat away from his face. "I didn't run though, plus my dog would have woken up."

Nyrim smiled, comforting himself. "I... didn't do anything. Just a dream." He felt a phantom touch on his foot and quickly retracted it from sight. His hands were shaky, a sign of his anxiety heightening.

He pursed his lips and closed his face, rubbubg his eyes harshly. "Muos?" he heard. a small noise from the side of his bed that was shrouded in darkness and smiled, his dog being here comforted him.

He stretched his hand out in the darkness and patted his dog. Muos' fur seems. a bit more rough and matted than usual, but maybe he just needs to groom him or bring him to the groomer tomorrow. His fur seemed a little wet too, but that'll dry tomorrow. After all, Muos' fur matts easily.

He turned around, and crawled to the ither side of the bed, turning on the lamp that stood on his nightstand. He turned it on and when he turned around he though he saw something on it. He turned back at the lamp to see what it was, only to see a small, red liquid on it.

He reached for it, but then saw the same red liquid on his hand. "Muos..?" He turned around, and crawled over to the other side of the bed he was previously on. The first thing he saw was Muos' fur. Then, he saw the red liquid. "Did you get wine.." He smelt a metallic smell. All of a sudden, a disgusting, rotten, old smell erupted up his nose.

"That is not what the wine in my home smells like. Blood?" He instantly thought of the worst. He quickly jumped off his bed, and his eyes hurt. There was blood all over his bed. He glanced at his shirt and also saw blood all over it. He ran over to where Muo's was, only to see his dog, laying there.

Only the skin of his dog, which still had the fur, was there. It laid on a pillow, his favorite. He fell down and broke into tears. "What.. the fuck!" He cursed, crying. He walked to his bathroom, about to call 911, when he saw blood on the handle. "Oh God." He grabbed his dogs small blanket, crying as he was holding it.

He turned the handle slowly, crying at what he was going to see when he opened the door. "God, please, no, why, no." He muttered, refusing the truth right in front of his eyes. He opened the door, harshly closing his eyes not wanting to see anything.

He opens his eyes. Surprisingly, there was nothing, but why was there blood on the handle then? He walked into the bathroom, but instantly closed his nose. The stench was absolutely horrendous in here, worse than out the bathroom.

He quickly hunched over the toilet, vomiting dryly. It was quite painful. He panted, shaking even more after. He looked at the shower, and noticed the shower curtains. "They usually aren't covering the whole thing from sight." He muttered, hoarsely of course.

He walked up to the shower slowly, and quite cautiously too. He still closed his nose, breathing from his throat instead

although after this his throat might hurt. He slided the shower curtains away, and fell.

His dog. It's organs, bones muscles, brain, teeth. He could see it's gallbladder, shoulder blades, liver, stomach, Heart. It was bloody. Everywhere. His veins, an it was all torn. He could see dried blood flowing out of his dogs brain, and his heart staying still, rotten. It wasn't all fresh, it was rotten.

It was all dry, stuck to the shower floor. Muos' leg was missing, his left eye was missing, and his upper jaw. Nyrim fell to his knees, his eyes were filled to the brim with tears. "Muos...?" He quickly got up to run out of the bathroom, but once he turned around he felt a sharp pain in his brain. He fell to the ground, his body was immobile. He saw his best friend standing above him.

"Mainak, what..?" Mainak did not say anything. Mainak simply bent down and ripped off Nyrims skin on his abdomen. He then darkly said, "I hate your dog so I killed it, and it bit me but it was dead. So I'm killing you, and eating you."

Nyrim could not say anything, as Mainak ripped out his intestines, his small ones first. He couldn't do anything but watch and painfully squirm in pain as he saw his best friends eating his intestines, going after his liver next.