
Dreams And Nightmares(Deleted Version)

Kimoro Tatsyuyaki got his task for saving the world against a unknown person that call for revenge. For "Kimoro's Second life he must take risk by using powerful gems that he can use against the unknown person.Can he do his quest to save the world even it only takes him a month before the upcoming end?

Ordinary_Hooman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


"Alright!This is the Day we go out" Kimoro said as he wake from the conversation with the girl."I guess I should went to the mine first and find out what it really looks like,when that Tragedy happened.He left out his house and prepared his weapon to stay guard himself.After a ton of walk he finally reach the mine, he saw that the mine was crushed and really destroyed.There's no passage to go out because of the rocks blocking it.While he's there he also saw many people going in the mine to lay a flower for their love ones that have been affected.Kimoro picked up a flower a went towards the mine."Ross,I'm sorry that I can't save you and join you where you are,I've got a task to save this world against someone,pretty weird isn't? Well that's only the way I can live now I need you're help there if I got in any danger.Can you do it Ross? I know you can't answer but I hope you're happy there.As he talking he saw someone with a mask that have the same looks as before(related to chap.3).

Kimoro runs to chase the guy and the guy panicked and run as he's been chased by Kimoro.They have run in the market with many people in it."I dont have any choice I need to use it. IN THE POWER OF LIGHT GO! LIGHT PACE!!".Kimoro suddenly got fast and able to catch the guy.Kimoro hold him in the ground angrily "Tell Me! Tell Me! Are you the guy who destroyed the mine? Tell Me! Tell Me!" Kimoro suddenly cried."Hahahaha! I'm who did and what's the matter huh! All of them are trash." The Guy said while many people gathering there.After a minute Many guards have come and captured the unknown guy."Hey! Can you join us! At the Guards Headquarters " One of the Guards said towards Kimoro." Sure! I want to know everything." Kimoro gotten serious towards to guards.

After a While the Guards and Kimoro reached the Headquarters."Now we want to talk to you.Do you have any criminal groups that you're involved.Kimoro asked the unknown person.The Person just laugh and said "DO YOU HAVE A POWER TO BE THEM!!!" Kimoro got pissed "Then tell where is it?" "Its at the Scarlet Woods you would see them I don't think you could beat them I'm the weakest among them all Hahaha! The Person said in them."What's You're Plan? One of the Guards asked Kimoro." SUPPORT ME AND I WILL COME IN ALONE AGAINST THEM!" Kimoro blacked out with revenge saying it.Kimoro just walked instantly towards the wood.

"Ross and the other miners,those who lose their love,friend or family,I will avenge you all".As the time went night,Kimoro finally reach the criminal hidden base."Many Guards are defending their hideout,as the person said he's the weakest though,so I should be careful I guess this will do." Kimoro showed up."IN THE POWER OF LIGHT!! LIGHT PACE!! Kimoro have gotten fast, the persons who defending the base tried to attacked him but he's fast."This will do next IN THE POWER OF LIGHT AND DARK!FANGS RAIN!" A rain of fang went in the criminals forcing them to use there defensive magic."Now its my chance DARK PACE!" his power and damage rose up and attack the criminals.With such power their defence didn't stood a chance and their magic broke.Kimoro started to kill every single one of them until they have been wiped out."Going inside is a risk then I should use this CRYSTAL ORB!" Kimoro got a shield surrounding him."This should do" Kimoro slice the door and went inside.

Magics are attacking him as he slice through inside.Kimoro runs and started to kill "LIGHT PACE" with his accuracy and speed he can't be attack by everyone.Every second a life was taken by Kimoro until he reached into someone."So causing this damage inside My teritory was a big mistake by the way I'm Dank the leader of this Criminal Group and will kill you with my bare hands."Skill Activated" "Metal Gear". Dank got himself covered with high defence.Kimoro tried to attack but his skill isn't enough after that Dank got him with a punch. Kimoro got in the ground "Oww! that hurt but I'm just starting "IN THE POWER OF THE LIGHT AND DARK" "BLADE ASTONISH". The gems suddenly gave power in Kimoro's weapon."Now let's start" Kimoro confidently said. Dank gave Kimoro a powerful punch, Kimoro got thrown out. "Do you think that punch is powerful" Dank gave more punch but all of them are getting missed "All of You Here should leave this world,can you think how many innocent people you've killed,how many people was suffering because of your doings" . "Then what is the difference of you in us" Dank followed.Dank's armor gotten rippen out and with Kimoro final slash he successfully destroyed his armor "My difference huh! This is second life was a weapon after all, and a task to remove all the darkness getting in the world." Kimoro stab Dank straight to his heart causing him to die. "That was a stupid question he asked" Kimoro left their base. The guards and waiting outside and waiting for any respond until they saw a shadow of a man walking towards them. "Wait isn't that" a guard said "Yeah thats the guy we talked before"