

Luciana Vendore, a typical adult woman living a medicore life with face paralysis and a withdrawn personality trying to adapt into a normal life. With no way to show her emotions, she learn to mimic people from observation. But fate is playing trick on her. The woman find herself dawdling in various world to regained what was taken from her far before she was born. Various journey show her new things and also a new feeling was starting to bloom from it. Starting from hate and misunderstanding, who know the man that keep being a nuisance to her also chasing her in every world. Following this hatred and love.. A tragedy is starting to unfold.. Welcome to the Dreamland!! A journey of emotions and adventure. .... hello, I'm a newbie here. this is my first attempt making a novel. I have so many ideas about this novel. I hope you guys can enjoy it. I'll work hard!!

Lone_Reader_3523 · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: New Life

[system loading... Transmitted player consciousness.. Reloading... Welcome to Dreamland]

As my consciousness starting to gain it's clarity, I can feel an extremely cold surface under my exposed skin crawling my arms like a maggot. The coldness that was so cruel as if I was stake naked during a blazing winter numbing my skin and freezing my blood with it's sharpness. Making me chill and want to escaped. Like a small animal who sense danger, I subconsciously distance myself from the source of the abnormality.

My rushing step toward the back created a small gap and a clear sound of crack follow within and a small ripple was made as the fallen pieces fall. Somehow, I was now standing on the frozen water, perhaps a lake. I couldn't see anything but a thick fog pass the horizon. Making the place eerie and mysterious. "It's like another world. Perhaps I did accidentally come to another world" I muttered.

Everything we seen is not exactly what it is, even in the world of technology I live, There's always a story or a myth about others living beings that was hidden from human's sight like ghost. Perhaps I was accidentally trespassed on one of that unseen being's territory. There's a lot of story about human who was accidentally come to another place that wasn't a human's territory and most of them never return or missing for years or even decades. Some says they married them and some says they was being care by them or the worse being their slave but who knows.

However, I heard from old generation that there's indeed a beings that love to kidnapped people because they like them. They can be described to look like a human and live like human, house, economy, entertainment, marriage, social.. they have them. In eastern Asia, their village was describe to lean more toward ancient and very beautiful without pollution, usually live on a forest. In western, they can be called as the elves.

Like human, they can be a good one or a bad one. If a good one, you probably will be return one day but if it's the evil one, you might die. I guess those Urban's novel fantasy creatures was inspired by this mythology. Very interesting. "So where am I exactly?" I mumbled. I look toward the white universe in front of me, more accurately the crack surface. I really don't dare to move now, afraid to waste my useless life so soon.

As the crack being separated more and more showing a black colour water underneath. I know, that I won't survive if I ever fall in that hole. That's how deep the water is. As my panic risen, the black water suddenly start rippling. Every second was bigger and bigger and finally I was shrouded in a sudden night as the huge creatures the size of megalodon jump out from it, startling me into a stupido, unable to move and then I was made into a squashed potato.

[Game over.]

I gaps. I was now in a cramp space with a bunched of light flickering around making my eyes blind temporarily. A psychological tears slid down my cheeks. In front of me is a system notice saying that the game over with classical font as big as half of my head flashing and flickering annoyingly in front of my eyes. Blinking and not knowing to do, I struggle to open the lid of this cramp space. Even tho I live in a pretty advance world and have heard about VR capsule, I never see or touch it on my whole life. Even if I want it due to curiosity, it was impossible till my death and I, myself is not an addict gamers pro in rpg. I only play puzzle or casual game occasionally.

As such, a high class technology was out of my profession. After too much tossing, finally the capsule was open. My body feel weak as I get out from it. Even my feet feel like jelly and a little pain was feel as if I was shot by an electric , it's tingling and every step feel like hell. My face pale due to how uncomfortable it is that I don't dare to move forward boldly. My feet is cramping that I had to take a deep breath and start moving my numb toes slowly trying to make the blood flow back normally but the pain has become more intense. I can't feel my feet at all and every stretching is too horrible.

Distressed, I once again start walking slowly and the tingling had me grit my teeth but the stubborness of a young adult is impossible to get a gap on it. At the end I decide to ignored the uncomfortableness and walk a distance toward the huge bed on the left side and immediately sat on it while dangling my feet and make another stretching hoping to release some of it's terrible numbness.

A dangling curtain somehow caught my eyes and between the occasional up and it's down as if dancing delicately, I caught quiet a sight from the gap of it especially the sky that look like it was filled with a gigantic bug of various size and colour. Driving by curiosity, I walked slowly toward the huge french window, slightly surpressed its cover's movement and finally had my clear view of what is outside that leave me in awe.

It's a world that's far surpass of what I was recognized and familiar with. A world that only exist in a novel. Everywhere I glance had me dizzy with how incredibly it was being advance. I can say that, if I was still I my world now, it might be possible to be this amazing in a hundred years but at that time, I might be unable to saw it's proudness. Honestly being born with various novel with incredible fantasy and imagination, I was already being hypnotized of it's possibility. Another world. This is where I was now as how the transportation did, I have my doubt. It must be that distorted space fault. Now I can't help but to be curious about my previous world situation. Is it being spread wildly creating chaos as the first step of the end of the world or that was just my hallucinations.

Either way, I'm indeed have a chance to be a protagonist of a munchkin novel. Transmigration and a system. Human are stupid yet was given a gift that was called a brain inable them to plot and creating things, becoming creative and then rise a little from zero point. Unfortunately I was also that living things and I still like it. I was being made classified with intelligence but at the end I was a nobody and I feel unworthy and shameful to be one because I didn't do my supposed duty. Being a mere human.

"A protagonist, I don't want to be one. But a new life, I will take it. Since I can't go back according to the process, then I won't. After all, a protagonist is illogical. They only exist in a man-made world created by desperation and interest. Not my cup of tea." I muttered coldly before directly distance myself from the view without hesitation as if it was a normal life. Well it is but only with a different customs. Just take it as you suddenly had to move abroad then.

Just like that, my time pass as usual without change except that it's already a week and I still have no idea about my identity. No one visit me nor greet me when I go outside but there's one thing that I was so sure about, I was pretty loaded. Look, the balance is unbelievable and just yesterday directly on the last day of the month, my bank account was being credit with amount that can even buy a mansion in my previous world which is never once exist in my dream. Super rich. "This life seems pretty good." I was in a good mood until today that is if only that scum didn't exist. My eyes cold.

Unlike the novel, I have no AI aid with me. So I remained clueless as I took my real name as my now new identity. As expected, even if I change my world, I'm still a loner as before. I guess I was really fate to be one but it's fine, due to constant distance from people, I have a terrible social skill and I refuse to socialize because I try before but I'm still ended up being the one that feel like an outsider to others. Joking is impossible and talking is even more. Except for my family, I rarely speak to the point that my teacher say that I hide a gold in my mouth. Unless to answer, I would never asked.

But yesterday, a scum that only his face worthy to be look at knock on my door. My reaction that time was quiet memorable because I was stunned stupid. A man that's tall and good looking with blonde hair and blue eyes, looking like a prince charming on the first glance somehow have a key to my apartment and now trespassing into it.

I was stunned silly that time and unable to speak. In my whole life, I never once getting close to a man nor standing close to them. It has me panic at once. Well, if only he just stand and don't speak, at least I can feast on a beauty, because no one dislike a beauty right.

It's a strange situation that had me look like the good husband waiting in a questioning look after finding out that his wife cheated. Except the gender is wrong since I'm a girl but the subconsciously tense and dignified posture when nervous make me look so intense. I saw the man actually frowning at me. I bet that he feel annoyed about my existence but seriously what's this body's character anyway. He look like a male lead to me.

"I thought that you are dead already." The man spoke. I frown. This hostility and this feeling of disgusted toward me, am I the villainess or perhaps a supporting character? Did this body chase this man due to obsession or something?

"Stop acting. I told you that I'll never like you. We were just being engage out of our own choice. Aren't you tired pretending to be innocent?" The man continue with a cold and indifferent voice.

'ah.. this man is this body's fiancee then and what's up with this 8th syndrome way of talking? But sadly the voice sound so nice.'

"I see you are still alive. You life quiet long then." The man spoke again. My lips twitch. 'this bastard.. can I hit him?' but at the end I only can flash an awkward smile to him.

He sneered. "since you can move, then I'll go, also even if you commit suicide In front of me, I'll be the one who feel happy for it and please, stop worrying your sister anymore. She already so tolerant toward you and kind enough to care about you." The man spoke with indifferent but become gentle when he mention about a sister that I don't know it's existence.

'ah this familiar phrase. Why am I not surprised? isn't this the legendary male lead defending a white lotus character? The heroine? So I was put a green hat?' however, due to the inability to talk normally, I remained indifferent as I let his insult replaying so boldly but my heart remained stagnant. I don't feel anything as if it was a casual talk.

After finishing his insult, he directly go out without looking back at all. I was speechless. He come univited and go unescorted.

"Ah.. since you want to play then I will play along." I might not good at talking or refusing but I prefer to show it with action. I can act as another white lotus as well. After all, I really hate white lotus but.. i need to meet this supposed sister too. She might be a real pure person which I don't belief to be exist but I also don't liked to harm innocent people.

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