
Dreaming of Another World

"A poor attempt at writing in order to overcome writer's block is better than no attempt at writing to overcome it." - WebNovelSins This is a short story about characters who come to realize they're in possession of an almighty ability that can be used for both the good and the bad. A bad mix of every little cliched plot that exists, this isn't a story to read if you're new to other-world fantasies. Original Title: 異世界の夢, Isekai no Yume, 다른 세상을 꿈꾸며, Writer: WebNovelSins Editor/Translator: Urimiya Proofreader: WebNovelSins Cover Art: WebNovelSins Publisher: WebNovel Marketing Officer: [Looking for Volunteers] Social Media Officer: [Looking for Volunteers]

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Behind the Scenes: Prologue

WebNovelSins here to present you the first BtS (Behind the Scenes; not a major boy idol group name)

[After writing the prologue WNS and Urimiya are in a bit of a bind]

WNS: We're out of ideas.

Urimiya: Brainstorm.

WNS: I can't.

Urimiya: Are we going to leave the Prologue's title as Prologue, then?

WNS: Yes! It's perfect the way it is. Anything more will taint it!

Urimiya: *facepalms* Suit yourself. Where are we going to publicize this though?

WNS: WebNovel.com!

Urimiya: ... I would've preferred Wattp-

WNS: DON'T SAY THAT WORD! It's blasphemous to the almighty WebNovel!

Urimiya: or Tumb-


Urimiya: *shakes head and sighs* well, suit yourself. Are we creating a new account for this or do you have an account in mind?

WNS: Why not just publish it on my account? That way we won't run into any of your fans :3

Urimiya: I don't have any fans though. I'm a small-time newbie live-streamer on Twitch, why would I have fans?

WNS: We have to be careful with this sort of thing though. We can't let the media cross-examine us over the fact that we used your followers to cheat in the voting process or anything, heh heh heh.

Urimiya: That won't be likely. I don't have many followers, to begin with.

WNS: But you DO have followers don't ya?

Urimiya: I have less than 20. That's not even going to put a dent in the voting plus most of them are overseas, they'd have no interest in reading something in a language they have difficulty reading in.

WNS: Well, WebNovel it is, then. :D I'm sure the big boss of WN would be happy to hear that we chose them over everyone else.

Urimiya: That's only if we ever get famous with this story, though. And that's also highly unlikely considering this is just a poor attempt at fixing your writer's block.

WNS: Pshaw, don't sweat the small stuff! With me as the writer and you as the editor, we've got the cake!

Urimiya: *eyes brighten* cake? what cake?

WNS: It's a metaphor you dumbnut.

Urimiya: Don't call your editor a dumbnut, you idiot!

WNS: Yeez, relax a bit. We don't have any reason to fight.

Urimiya: Alright then, getting back on topic, what are we going to do with the prologue now that it's in its completed state? As I see it now, it looks more like a rant and conversation with imaginary voice... how many words is this *looks up word count*... only 800words??? That's too short, make it longer WNS.

WNS: Wut! I can't make it any longer than that! It won't be a prologue then!

Urimiya: Just add some more detail. You did good in the first quarter. Describe what the character is seeing more. Add some depth. Otherwise, this is going to turn out like many of the fast-paced stories out there. And believe me, we've got too many fast-paced stories with characters becoming overpowered really fast while also being horribly stupid.

WNS: Most main characters resemble their creators. Only a professional writer would be able to infuse themselves in a minor or supporting character instead of the protagonist. You can't blame the author for writing up stupid overpowered characters. That's just how things are. If the author lacks brains, the characters often lack brains too.

Urimiya: That's the problem.


Urimiya: You're too much of a perfectionist. You don't want yourself to be portrayed in your characters while at the same time wanting yourself to be expressed through them. You need to relax a little and let yourself write more.


Urimiya: and yeah I can see you are. Your last story attempt didn't bring any results. This one, however, might gain some fans, if not some haters.

WNS: I'm not afraid of criticism nor hate. But I would really appreciate some love :D

[There is a short pause]

Urimiya: We'll set a publication timer so that you'll have time to write the next chapter. I'm expecting at least a minimum of 3000 words for it.

WNS: Where the heck do you pull out these random numbers from?

Urimiya: Google.

WNS: oh.

Urimiya: Anything else?

WNS: *thinks hard with this one* Oh! Would it be okay to use this recording as a bts for the chapter?

Urimiya: We already discussed this. If you can't come up with a good bts, might as well use everything you can get a hold of. Now, if that's all you have to say, I've got to run. Got a meeting to catch.

[With that Urimiya disconnects from the chat. Urimiya is a busy person, I'm really lucky to have her edit for me.]

We record all of our meetings and conversations. I pieced together this conversation we had before my editor left the room (voice chat on discord). With permission of course. :3

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