
Dreaming of a Silent World

**HIATUS** Being a slothful person, never ambitious nor outgoing, I always enjoyed staring outside a window, looking listlessly at the dark, grey sky, rain gently tapping onto the window, raindrops distorting my sight. One day, I just woke up in a middle of a dark forest, and somehow I felt as if I belonged here... ------------- Based on the anime and manga, "Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic". If ya'll are confused with something, look it up online.

DaoistofBoredom · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Watching, and being watched

My perception of time has been distorted every since I've come to live in my lovely, silent forest.

Since the rainclouds never let up their rain, nor let sunlight pierce through them, it can be quite tricky to truly tell what time it is. Of course, that is without my [Projection of the World] spell.

Anyways, Scheherazade.

Magi and future Great Priestess of the Reim Empire. She was born a little while ago, and she is quite the cute, ladylike child.

Scheherazade is short of stature, pretty average as a kid it seems. She has big, bright, blue eyes, and when she smiles, her eyes curve upwards. She has long blonde, wavy hair with two braids in the back that reaches down to her ankles with a laurel wreath of grapes and vines around the left and right side of her head. Her attire consists of a long white robe that looks similar to a stola, with loose short sleeves over her shoulders that are secured by a round fibula, and a long pink ribbon tied under her chest. She even walks barefoot.

She looks the exact same as her future self, approximately 258 years later, which is frankly kind of disconcerting.

People have already noticed her aptitude with the Rukh, and have already begun to teach her the ways of a magician, and the stories of Magi.

Despite her age, even as a child, she seems too mature for her age, and exerts a feeling of a mother.

She always looked at them with a smile.

She lectures people as if they're her children, her eyes usually closed and only open when she wants to put emphasis on something or when things go wrong.

Mature indeed, at least on the inside.

Anyways, she seems to be journeying around the Western Continent, more so in the Reim Empire, but nevertheless the continent. The Rukh are guiding her on her fate, teaching her how to be a Magi most likely.

I never ask, and will not ask the Rukh anytime soon about that stuff. I don't care after all. I rather preferred if we never meet, like at all. Actually, I don't want to see anyone, especially right now.

I'm quite comfortable with my life, thank you very much.

After all, I'm a being who once held unimaginable power, as well as a person who 'goes with the flow', so to say. Leave fate to do what she wants.

Anyways, I'm still watching her on her journey, after all I want to see when she meets her first King Vessel, Pernadius Alexius.

A 'King Vessel' is a someone that is rewarded with a Djinn, the giant blue beings who were once of different species infused with Magoi, and riches after 'capturing' the dungeon. The person chosen as the King Vessel can still be chosen even if they are not led by a Magi. Being chosen and led by a Magi helps solidify their status and increase their chances of succeeding in completing a dungeon, but they are not needed.

King Vessels are destined to be great, and if the right one is chosen, he or she shall become the next Solomon.

Pernadius Alexius wasn't that important in the manga and anime, but nevertheless he was still the first King Vessel Scherezade had chosen. He was known to be unreliable and not particularly strong, but he was cheerful, kind to everyone, and as bright as the sun, so the stories says.

Now then, where was I? Ah yes, creating the Ogres, yeah they're taking a while, haven't even finished my first one yet. Oh, I should be watching Scheherazade.

I'm watching her traversed the dry hills and plains with her walking stick, seeing new people and places, such as the familiar, dark gloomy forest she's approaching, its ever looming grey rainclouds that will continue eternally rain for centuries to come...hmm?

Chotto matte.

I zoomed out of my spell and check the map once more. When did she get so close to the forest? Wait, did the Rukh tell her? They shouldn't have...but...

I quickly looked to the left at the Rukh, who seems to be whistling, and looked to the left of them... which is void of anything but trees and rain. Quite suspicious...

They told me that they never told her, which I know it to be true...but still, how did she end up coming here? I wonder...


-[Scheherazade] POV

Ever since I've begun on my journey, I've come across so many people and places, it's very enjoyable. Of course, there's always two sides of the same coin.

I would meet bandits, slavers, and other misguided children along the way, but they were rather weak, me being a Magi and all. As a Magi, it is the duty to protect the Reim Empire, my empire, and guide the lost souls, and so I taught them.

They later left with a smile, feeling lighthearted.

It brings me such joy to see children find the light of hope, especially those who stray away from its path.

As I continued traveling on my journey, I felt a presence wash over me once more.

It was a strange feeling, being observed by something. I've been watched before of course, but the Rukh are always warned me of who and what I'm being watched by.

But this...this is a different story.

This presence has been with me since the moment I was born. I asked people if they felt they were being watched, and they laughed it off, saying it's just paranoia. The Rukh however, are different. They neither told nor warn me of this presence, just flying and chirping about unconcerned.

Truth be told, I didn't mind the presence, even after all this time.

In fact, I'm use to it.

It's a strange feeling, being watched by an unknown being, yet feeling comforted at the same times. In my weakest moments, it shouldered with me my sadness. In my moments of triumph, it shared its happiness. That presence has always been there watching me.

I was never alone.

The Rukh were there to keep me company obviously, but the presence was different.

I've told the Rukh about it, and they stared at me as if I was crazy. The Rukh didn't have facial expressions and eyes, they're in the form of gold-white glowing birds after all, but I get the feeling they were feeling quite perplexed at my description of the presence.

While I was imagining what kind of being the presence is, I've come across travelers, two men and one woman, who were traveling the opposite way. They were nice people, and we talked for a bit, and while we talked, the woman asked, "Are you heading north?"

"Of course", I replied.

"Well you shouldn't, there's a dangerous cursed forest on the way, and if you do intend to go north, go around it."

"Why is it cursed and dangerous?"

"There's a reason why it's called the "Eversilent Sleepy Forest" actually". One of the 2 men piped up.

"Yeah, it's always dark and gloomy, and when you try to talk or make noises, it's barely noticeable amidst the rain. The reason why it's cursed is because there's a rumor other people say. The longer you stay in there, the more sleepy you'll become, and when you finally fall asleep, you will fall into a nightmare, and that person never wake up. Ever."

I said goodbye to them after saying I'll be careful, but I can't help but wonder why it s cursed. I've never heard of this "Eversilent Sleepy Forest" until these travelers told me about it.

I asked the Rukh, and to my surprise...they didn't say anything. Just like with the presence, the Rukh didn't say anything at all...wait.

My eyes widened. Just like with that presence.

The Rukh, feeling my thoughts, quickly flew around me, trying to distract and deter my thoughts, but it was too late.

They just confirmed my theory.

I walked towards the forest with confidence, hoping to find answers.

One of my longer chapters that finally has some real, small dialogue. I'll continue to revise and edit previous chapters as well,

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