
Dreaming of a Silent World

**HIATUS** Being a slothful person, never ambitious nor outgoing, I always enjoyed staring outside a window, looking listlessly at the dark, grey sky, rain gently tapping onto the window, raindrops distorting my sight. One day, I just woke up in a middle of a dark forest, and somehow I felt as if I belonged here... ------------- Based on the anime and manga, "Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic". If ya'll are confused with something, look it up online.

DaoistofBoredom · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The beginning of despair

-[Ill Ilah] POV

The next day of what seems to be morning, I gave my farewell to Scheherazade.

"I'll come back again soon", she said with finality, a sad, hopeful smile formed on her face.

'Please don't', I thought with a frown, but its hidden because I'm wearing a helmet.

"If fate allows it, then yes, otherwise I gave you my permission to walk into this forest unimpeded. However, until then, your destiny lies outside this forest, and the Rukh shall guide you along the way."

When I acknowledged the Rukh, they made a tweeting kind of sound.

Looking at her, I thought of the Magi that will come to be 200 centuries later. She is mature for a child, yes, but still naive in the ways of the world, for the most part. She has much to learn and experience.

"Until we meet again, farewell child." I patted her head.

She pouted, but then smiled innocently in response.


She ran away after grabbing her stick, tittering with laughter as I stood stunned by the response.

A few seconds after pondering what she just said, I finally comprehending her meaning.

How dare she call me a grandpa. Does she not know how old I am!?


Do not answer that, please.


After I made sure she left the forest, I decided to focus on my incomplete project: the completion of the Ogre army, or at least one Ogre. I haven't even finished one yet.

I walked to the left of the sakura tree, and looked at the skeleton of the ogre hidden off in the shadows of a hill.

Even though I planted the foundations of it, I never fully focused on its completion since I put it off.

I blame laziness.

And so I began to finish the project. I created muscles, organs, veins, sinew, blood, everything.

A tiresome process, but a needed one nonetheless.

Then, I started the final process. I planted an unremovable thought into its brain, the thought to always obey me unconditionally and unwaveringly, never betraying me.

First step in creating a loyal army.

Finally, finishing the creature, I stepped back to look at the once extinct creature.

A giant monster with its two, strengthened legs. Its skin resistant to magical and physical blows, colored with a mix of light brown and green. It had four eyes on its upper chest, two to the right, two to the left. Its mouth is vertical, from between the eyes, and to its abdomen. It had no head, for reasons I don't know. I just followed the blueprint.

Four muscular arms in total. Two muscular arms on each side, one extending from a shoulder, and one below it.

On its shoulders, mushrooms sprouted out, for reasons I also don't know. Aesthetics I presume.

As for their genders and how they procreate.....heh. I'm not delving into that mess.

I then started to infuse quite a bit of Magoi into it. It's what makes a living being 'living' after all. Without the Rukh supplying Magoi, it's only a husk of a shell.

Infusing enough Magoi, I waited.

And then...an eye twitched, and several moments later, all of its eyes opened. Slowly standing up, full height being two and a half stories high, it staggered a little, probably because it's getting used to its body. It looked around for a few moments, it then turned to look at me.

It blinked.

After it stared at me for a while, it bowed to me.

I smiled.


Using Magoi, I created a pair of durable shoes for it to wear. Even though the skin of an ogre is very resistant to some terrains, I don't want it to be affected by any terrain. I also created a large enough cloth to cover its waist and thighs. A bit of modesty is needed after all.

I also made three large pots, and tied them around its waist with a durable rope I also made. Apparently, Ogres used pots to store resources and consumables as they traveled around.

Then, I made a large spear and pike, and gave those to the ogre, which grabbed them using its upper two arms.

After giving the equipment, and checked to be sure its durable and efficient. I gave the order to stay hidden somewhere in the forest, preferably away from human eyes. Don't want them to know about my army, otherwise I'll have to silence them.

By erasing their memories.

If it doesn't work, I'll have to get the ogre to eat them.

Very gruesome, I know. Ogres seem to be carnivores that hunt and kill humans for food 800 years before Alma Torran was destroyed. This time, I made it so that they can survive eating off of leaves and plants. They're now omnivores that prefer greens, but if its starving, it'll resort eat meat. Doesn't have to be human meat.

As it made its way deeper into the forest, I let out a sigh, moving on to the next one.

Troublesome indeed.


-[Scheherazade] POV

Life continues to move forward.

It's been several months since I've met grandpa.

I can assume he's very old, and since he didn't tell me his name, or rather call him by anything, I can call him by anything I want.

Serves him right for not telling me.

His presence washes over me once again, and I felt a sense of calm.

I'm glad that he's still watching over me, all this time.

Some of the Rukh twitched at the thought, and one shook its head.

I wanted to go back to the forest, but the Rukh kept telling me not to, saying 'it's not my destiny', at least not yet. They say I have to find a King's Vessel, but I can't seem to find those who are truly worthy.

I did meet several people from the Reim Empire, asking me to lead them to a dungeon for riches and power. Seeing as the Rukh didn't respond to them, I declined, saying they're not destined to be a king.

They responded with disappointment, and even still, some are still too stubborn to have their own way.

I taught a lesson to the disobedient children.

As I was walking along the road, I spotted a dust cloud in the distance.

My eyes squinted, and then I saw....someone with short light hair, wearing standard Reim Empire armor uniform sprinting towards me.

Why is he sprinting towards me? Does he know who I am?

My answer soon came, when I saw what was chasing. Beasts of various sizes chased him, trying to bite his behind. He screamed and jumped whenever they got close to taking a bite.

When he noticed me, he called out to me.

"Hey, you there. Little girl! RUUUUUUUUUUNNN!"

I of course didn't do that, and just blasted the beasts with a my magic

And also maybe blasted the guy along with beasts.


It was night, and I was camping on the side of the road, with the Reim soldier next to me.

"Haha, thanks for the help miss..."




He clearly didn't notice I was annoyed, and talked about several things with such passion and zeal, I couldn't help but listen to him.

Couple of minutes later, he must've realized he didn't even bother to introduce himself, because he quickly stood up with an upbeat attitude. He then crudely bowed to me.

"Sorry little girl, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is General Pernadius Alexius", he said with a big grin, pointing towards himself.

He then used the hand pointing at himself to rub the back of his head with a sheepish smile.

"So uh, what's your name again?"

The Rukh fluttered around him, to my growing despair.

If you actually want to see how ogres look like, look it up on Google, the series being Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic.

Edited a few chapters to, checked them to see if I need anymore changes.

DaoistofBoredomcreators' thoughts