

DayDreamWithMe · Fantasy
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Good Morning! I think…?

Hello once again Journal! I had a great morning

like usual, but it just feels weird. It feels like I'm in a dream or something, but who am I to know? Oh shit! I forgot to introduce myself! Hello, my name is Valentine, I'm 16 years old! But anyway, I got to go to school. The school I go to is basically just a prison. All we do is work, work, work. I honestly hate most of the teachers too. During black history month they immediately started talking about slavery, not even Martin Luther King! Just slavery, and I'm the only African American kid in my history class, so it seems kinda weird. Anyway! I'm on my way to school now, my mom gave me her morning kisses which is kinda embarrassing, but that's my mom for you.

But as I walked out my house door the first thing I heard, was a loud


"What the hell? What was that?"

But of course, me being dumb I ignored it and went on my way. I wonder what'll happen…..