
volume 4

{{{{ Hello everyone, before start reading, you should know that this is my 1st online story writing. I know i made some mistakes, so don't stop reading, tell me where i make mistake and i try to amend them.. An other thing, my native language is not English, it's URDU.. it take some time to stop this kind of mistakes, and i do my best to solve this issue,,, MY HUMBLE APOLOGIES TO READER, if you guys don't understand about anything you just comment me, i try my best to satisfy you. THANK YOU for reading this. }}}

My mom ' Neha alvi' is also belong to the noble family, mom's background is also very strong not to compare with father but mom also made her name famous in boutique and fashion designing. Mom and dad love each other so both family say nothing about this love marriage, because alvi's hold the military power of the country. so after separation from family, both my parents happily lived to the zori states.

After my birth we become a complete family. we are happy but some one is not, due to the separate business of zori, my 1st uncle is not very happy because he will soon become future owner of pasha business and he want to take control of zori properties, he think zori is under the name of pasha family name so that success zori earn is all pasha family, but my father don't agree to him. due to zori support neha also separate from his arrogant family, due to this pasha and alvi families not get any mutual benefit, that they hope to get after my parents marriage.

Its all start when i was 1 years old, grandfather call dad to comeback to the family and start work with 1st uncle, in short to work under his older brother, zori will agree if his father consider his all efforts but grandfather arrogance is so high that he never admitted that zori is talented and even not is older brother accepted. They all think its all pasha family name that zori stand here now, so father starting to argue, due to future owner of pasha family my 3rd uncle also stand with 1st uncle, and my aunt she will always neutral.

All in all both families force my parents to collaborate with pasha business but my parents dont even think about it, both families use resources to apply pressure on my parents businesses, due to this father is in a lot of tension those days.. both families want my parents property they never consider my parents feeling. ME at that time dont know all this. due to all this family war, my parents not spend much time with me, i dont even have much feelings to them,.

Its all that time when my parents stand in front of there families and not bend down to there arrogance and selfish attitude, they decided to leave the country and shift all there business to other country and settle there happily.

My birthday is coming and we are preparing to leave the country and they start to windup business. When pasha and alvi's know about it they both angry, how will they let them do my parents as they wish.. they feel there ego hurts. My parents know that there families are powerful but they thought they never hurt there own kin but they were wrong so damn wrong that they were regret to not to caution about there wolf's family.

And the day my parents decide to leave the country and they give all windup responsibility to there best friend 'basil awan'.. Awan family also strong as pasha family, but they will always neutral to the internal affairs of country. to say goodbye to there friends we all three go to airport, who thought that disaster happened.

my parents happy to start new life in strange country and spend time with me, i am happy that day because its my birthday and my parents is present that day with me and spend time with me. i don't what had happened when we crossing the 'grand bridge' , all i know i feel dizzy and some one shouting my name, some one pull me and throw me out, all that happened in a few seconds, last fizzy memory i know that some one throw me out of car and my head backside struck that door badly. i am in water, i saw dad help mom to unhook the seat-belt but car is full under the water as i was floating away i saw mom is fainted and dad desperately help mom to get-out of car but due to head Injury he also faint, i desperately want to call my parents but no strength left in my body my head so much hurt that i faint in the water and floating away from my parents..

MY dear reader, Dreamer is my first story, so all those friends who read this story please REVIEW about my story, to that i correct all my mistake, THANK you.

blod12creators' thoughts