

"I am very dangerous and I can kill you this very moment" he said with his deadly cold voice, trying to make her run for her dear life "As long as it's you, I don't care" she said smiling brightly at him. What!!, is this girl in her right senses, she was in front of death and she was still blindly offering herself. "Do you know what I am, I am a werewo..." "I know, take me with you" she interrupted him. Aidan couldn't help but gasped in awe at this frail, weak and stubborn creature in front of him. "I can't, only if you want to experience hell with me" He said staring emotionlessly at her. "I want to experience hell with you" She said to him without hesitating. Aidan:"..." "What a brave little cat, sorry but no matter what you say, I can't." Aidan turned around to leaved, but before he could move a feet, the girl made an unexpected move... ~-~-~ She couldn't believe what she saw, the man in front of her transformed into a very big wolf that she couldn't even imagine. She could not even scream, run or even ask for help, it was as if words got stuck in her throat and her body was frozen in place as if she was under some kind of a spell. She could not help but stare into those beautiful eyes, after his transformation only his eyes were still the same, those eyes that she can't avoid to look at even though she avoided it, she always thought there were some kind of spell bounded in those eyes. She walked forward to him despite her heart beating fast in fear, he was growling at her like a wolf would whenever they were threatened by their prey but he stopped when she lifted her hands to caress the fur on his cheek. The wolf purr like a cat and looked at her eyes intently, his gaze was no longer hard on her. The two remained like that until they heard the other werewolves call, he looked sideways in the direction of the call and looked back at her before he ran off still in his wolf form. Immediately she lost contact with him, Dani woke up from her dream panting softly. Disappointed, she walked out of her bed to her laptop, she turned the lamp on walked to the window, the moon was still up. "It wasn't even long this time" she pouted and turned away from the window, but what she saw in front of her made her gasp. "Aidan!!"...

SassyQuinn_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Rena II


"Will you save my sister" She cut him off, and the doctor sighed

Deep inside himself he was rejoicing, but he didn't show it, he had to play as if he didn't want her doing this but seeing her willing to give her life to save this sister of hers was so tempting to him.

"Are you sure about this, even if it takes your life to save her." He asked, he knew he was deceiving her but he had to act.

"Yes, please" She replied without hesitating and this made him smile.

"Okay, as you wish." The doctor said and stood up to leave the room.

"Hey, where are you going to" She said.

"Didn't you say you want to save her" The doctor said glancing at Rena.


"Then why questioning my action" And the next second, everywhere was dark.

"What happened" Young Daniella's voice echoed in the room.

"I thought you said you saw how I resurrected the corpses, right?" The doctor said, and even as she didn't see anything she nodded realizing that he did his rituals in dark rooms.

"Won't the other doctors come here" She asked.

"We are not in the hospital anymore, Daniella" He said and she immediately stood up, afraid.

"I am a witch, Daniella. Not a wizard, and I can do anything I want. You said you want your sister to live, right?" He asked.

"Y-Yes!" She stammered.

"Good, did you know that your sister is a witch herself. But she didn't know that before, and she is dying now because she as not been exercising her abilities" He said.

Young Daniella couldn't see the person she was talking to because everywhere was dark, which made a more scared.

"She is a witch!, no you are lying" She immediately retorted.

"Witches have silver eyes that can be seen in the dark, I guess your sister has that" He said.

It was true, Rena had eyes, silver ones that could be seen in the dark. Everyone thought it was a gift.

"You are a witch you don't have one"

"Oh, sorry. I haven't show you my real self" He said and the next second, she saw a pair of silver eyes staring at her.

"Please, save her." She whispered.

"I can't" He shouted, his voice sounding like a thunder strike.

"You promised to save my sis...

"She is not dead, this is just her human form being dead" He said.


"You know, Daniella. She is not dead, but you are"


"She used you to get to her world. And it would take a life to do that, so she used yours. Remember, your heart has only a few hours to fail it functions and those hours are gone. But it seems like she has some affections for you so she gave you another life in another world. You did not die today, Daniella. You died three years ago, but she gave you life, another chance to live." He said.

Of course, she remembered the day she fell from the bridge and died. But the next day she woke up everyone looked at her like nothing happened but she remembered, she remembered that she fell from that very high bridge and died. But she thought it was a bad dream. But now he was saying it's real.

"I am dead?, but I am still alive and kicking. I hear you, you hear me"

"This is the problem humans have. Rena really cares for you, but she doesn't want to be a part of our mission in this world, so she decided to give you a life in a world very comfortable." And then he laughed, his laughter sounded to devilish and loud to her eyes until she realized that she was paralyzed. She wanted to say something but some force was stopping her.


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