
Dreambound: The Chosen One

"Dreambound: The Chosen One" is an enthralling web novel set in a world where humans are subjugated by otherworldly races like vampire elves and wolf-like beings. Enter the cosmos where dreams are interconnected and a secret society of Dreamweavers holds sway over reality. Follow Ethan Walker, a young man with the unique ability to remember his dreams, as he defies the odds to prove that humans are not to be underestimated. With magic, intrigue, and a harem of allies by his side, Ethan navigates a world where the balance of power is about to shift.

Nux_Walker · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 23: The Cosmic Nexus Unveiled

As Ethan journeyed deeper into the cosmos, he came upon a phenomenon unlike any other: the Cosmic Nexus. This vast, swirling nexus of energy was the heart of the cosmos, where the energies of creation and destruction intertwined in a delicate balance.

Ethan felt drawn to the Nexus, sensing that it held the key to unlocking the true power of the Dreamstone. With determination in his heart, he ventured towards the Nexus, navigating through the cosmic energies that surrounded it.

As he drew closer, Ethan felt the raw power of the Nexus wash over him. He could see the threads of fate and destiny that bound the cosmos together, and he knew that he stood at a crossroads that would shape the future of the universe.

With a deep breath, Ethan reached out to the Nexus, channeling the power of the Dreamstone and the energies of the cosmos. In a blinding flash of light, he felt himself transcend his physical form, becoming one with the cosmic energies that flowed through the Nexus.

In that moment of unity, Ethan understood the true nature of the cosmos. He saw how every action, every choice, rippled through the fabric of reality, shaping the destinies of worlds and civilizations.

As he returned to his physical form, Ethan knew that he had unlocked the true power of the Dreamstone. He was no longer just a Dreamwalker; he was a guardian of the cosmos, entrusted with the task of protecting the balance of creation and destruction for all eternity.