
Dreambound: The Chosen One

"Dreambound: The Chosen One" is an enthralling web novel set in a world where humans are subjugated by otherworldly races like vampire elves and wolf-like beings. Enter the cosmos where dreams are interconnected and a secret society of Dreamweavers holds sway over reality. Follow Ethan Walker, a young man with the unique ability to remember his dreams, as he defies the odds to prove that humans are not to be underestimated. With magic, intrigue, and a harem of allies by his side, Ethan navigates a world where the balance of power is about to shift.

Nux_Walker · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 18: The Cosmic Nexus

As the Dreamwalker, Ethan's adventures took him to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, where he discovered a place of immense power known as the Cosmic Nexus. It was a place where the energies of the universe converged, a nexus of power that could shape reality itself.

Ethan sensed that the Cosmic Nexus held the key to unlocking the true potential of the Dreamstone. With determination in his heart, he embarked on a perilous journey to reach the Nexus, facing dangers that tested his skills and resolve.

After a long and arduous journey, Ethan finally reached the Cosmic Nexus. As he stood before its shimmering energies, he felt a surge of power unlike anything he had ever experienced. He knew that he had to be careful, for the power of the Nexus was vast and could easily overwhelm him.

Drawing on all his training and inner strength, Ethan channeled the power of the Dreamstone and the Nexus, unlocking new abilities and insights. He felt the fabric of reality shift around him, and he knew that he had tapped into something truly extraordinary.

With his newfound powers, Ethan vowed to use them wisely, to protect the balance of the cosmos and ensure that the dream realms and the waking world remained safe from harm. The journey ahead was long and full of challenges, but Ethan was ready to face them head-on, armed with the power of the Dreamstone and the knowledge that he was the protector of the Veil of Illusion.