
Dreambound: The Chosen One

"Dreambound: The Chosen One" is an enthralling web novel set in a world where humans are subjugated by otherworldly races like vampire elves and wolf-like beings. Enter the cosmos where dreams are interconnected and a secret society of Dreamweavers holds sway over reality. Follow Ethan Walker, a young man with the unique ability to remember his dreams, as he defies the odds to prove that humans are not to be underestimated. With magic, intrigue, and a harem of allies by his side, Ethan navigates a world where the balance of power is about to shift.

Nux_Walker · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 16: The Dreamwalker's Legacy

Stepping through the portal, Ethan found himself in a realm unlike any he had ever seen. The air shimmered with magic, and the ground beneath his feet seemed to pulse with life.

Before him stood the woman from his vision, her features bathed in a soft, ethereal light. She was a Dreamwalker, a being of immense power who had traversed the dream realms for eons.

"You have come, Ethan," she said, her voice like music. "You have come to unlock the true power of the Dreamstone and fulfill your destiny as the Chosen One."

Ethan listened intently as the Dreamwalker revealed the true nature of the Dreamstone. It was not just a tool of power, but a key that could unlock the barriers between worlds, allowing for travel between the dream realms and the waking world.

But with this power came great danger. The balance between the dream realms and the waking world was delicate, and using the Dreamstone to traverse between them could have unforeseen consequences.

The Dreamwalker offered Ethan a choice. He could return to the dream realms, his duty as the Chosen One fulfilled, or he could take up the mantle of the Dreamwalker, journeying between worlds to protect the balance and explore the mysteries of the cosmos.

After much contemplation, Ethan made his decision. He would become the Dreamwalker, taking up the legacy of those who had come before him and exploring the vastness of the cosmos in search of knowledge and adventure.

With the power of the Dreamstone at his command, Ethan stepped forward into a new chapter of his journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The dream realms and the waking world awaited, and he was determined to protect them both with all his heart.