
Dreambound: Chronicles of Desolation.

In a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, where monstrous creatures known as "Devourers" threaten the very existence of humanity, a lone protagonist emerges as the last hope. This is the tale of "Dreambound: Chronicles of Desolation." The realm of Astrarium faces an unprecedented crisis as Devourers, nightmarish beasts born from the void, overrun the land, leaving cities in ruins and civilization in chaos. People, known as "Eclipsed," possess a spectrum of extraordinary abilities that were awakened by the Devourers' arrival. However, despite these powers, humanity is losing the battle against the relentless onslaught. Amidst the chaos stands our protagonist, Asher Vaelin, a solitary figure burdened by a tragic past. His family and friends lost to the Devourers, Asher is driven by an unquenchable desire for vengeance. He's a rogue Eclipsed, distrustful of alliances and focused solely on survival. However, a revelation turns his world upside down. A hidden sanctuary, the Sanctuary of Somnia, unveils the existence of an alternate dimension – the Dreamrealm. Accessible only to Eclipsed, the Dreamrealm offers a battleground where they can harness their unique abilities to combat Devourers. In return, they reap rewards that strengthen them in the waking world. Determined to master his abilities and gain the power to avenge his loved ones, Asher reluctantly joins forces with a group of diverse Eclipsed known as "The Dawnbreakers." Each member bears their own scars and motivations, yet their shared goal unites them – to reclaim Astrarium from the clutches of darkness. As Asher delves into the Dreamrealm, he uncovers its intricate landscapes, from ethereal forests to sprawling cities of light. There, he faces not only Devourers but also reflections of his own inner struggles. Guided by Aria, a mysterious Dreamweaver who guards the realm's secrets, Asher's journey takes him through trials that test his strength, resilience, and the true nature of his vendetta. While the Dawnbreakers forge bonds in the Dreamrealm, tensions rise among them as secrets are unveiled, alliances are questioned, and sacrifices are demanded. Together, they must navigate the blurred lines between dreams and reality, battling Devourers in both realms while striving to unearth the origins of these monstrous invaders. "Dreambound: Chronicles of Desolation" weaves a tale of courage, redemption, and the inexhaustible power of dreams. As Asher and the Dawnbreakers fight not only for survival but also for the soul of their world, they discover that true strength is born not just from abilities, but from unity, compassion, and the enduring hope that even in the darkest of times, light can emerge. Will Asher and the Dawnbreakers unlock the secrets of the Dreamrealm, overcome their inner demons, and triumph against the Devourers? The fate of Astrarium rests in their hands as they journey through dimensions, forging bonds that transcend the boundaries of reality and dreams.

Drogo20 · Action
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Shattered Realms

As the dust settles from the cataclysmic event that shattered the city and plunged the realms into chaos, Asher stands at the heart of the devastation. The ruins of his former life loom around him, a stark reminder of the tragedy that has driven him down the path of antivillainy. The Eclipse Heart's energy crackles around him, a manifestation of his newfound power and resolve.

The city, once bustling with life, now lies in ruins. The cries of survivors and the distant echoes of fear and despair are a constant reminder of the catastrophe that has unfolded. Asher's gaze is fixed on the fractured skyline, his heart heavy with grief and anger. He knows that the malevolent devourer Zephyr is responsible for this chaos, and he's determined to hunt him down.

Unbeknownst to Asher, the remaining members of the Dawnbreaker team watch from the shadows, their hearts heavy with a mix of concern and understanding. They've witnessed the transformation in Asher, his descent into darkness fueled by pain and vengeance. Though they understand his need for retribution, they also recognize the danger he poses to himself and others in his current state.

Garrick, the team's leader, steps forward, his voice a whisper carried by the wind. "He's on a dangerous path, but we can't let him face Zephyr alone." Evelyn, Liara, Rylan, and a few other members nod in agreement. They know that Asher's connection to the Eclipse Heart gives him unparalleled power, but it also makes him a target for those who seek to control or exploit him.

The team decides to operate in the shadows, providing support to Asher as he tracks down Zephyr. They'll gather information, scout potential locations, and ensure that Asher doesn't fall too deep into the abyss of revenge. Their actions will be subtle, leaving no trace of their involvement as they work to guide Asher toward a path of redemption rather than destruction.

Meanwhile, Asher's journey takes him through the fractured remnants of the city. He encounters survivors struggling to rebuild their lives, their hope slowly rekindling amidst the rubble. Their stories of loss and resilience serve as a reminder of the cost of his actions and the potential for redemption.

As Asher navigates the shattered streets, the air is charged with an otherworldly energy. The Dreamrealm's echoes resonate with his every step, a constant reminder of the power he now wields. The Eclipse Heart's energy courses through his veins, infusing him with a heightened sense of purpose and an unquenchable thirst for justice.

With the city's ruins as his backdrop, Asher's encounter with the devourers is inevitable. Shadows dance at the periphery of his vision, whispering of impending danger. A rustling in the darkness signals their approach – grotesque forms emerging from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with malevolence.

His heart racing, Asher's grip tightens on his blade. He is alone in this fight, a solitary figure against the nightmarish creatures that have brought chaos to his world. Adrenaline surges through his veins as he meets their charge head-on, his movements fluid and precise.

The clash is fierce and unrelenting. Asher's blade glints in the moonlight as he parries their strikes, his movements a deadly dance of steel and shadow. The devourers' limbs lash out, their forms shifting and twisting as they seek to overwhelm him. He feels their claws rake across his skin, leaving painful gashes in their wake.

Despite his skill and determination, Asher is not unscathed. Blood drips from his wounds, mingling with the darkness that surrounds him. Fatigue threatens to weigh him down, his breath coming in ragged gasps. But within him, the Dreamrealm's energy pulses like a beacon of hope.

As the battle rages on, Asher's focus shifts inward. He delves into the wellspring of power that the Eclipse Heart has awakened within him. The Dreamrealm energy surges through his veins, resonating with his very essence. It is a connection to the past, a link to the countless lives he has lived before.

Amidst the chaos, memories surge to the surface – fragmented images of battles fought and victories won in lifetimes long past. He remembers the strength of his bond with his wolf, a companion that has stood by him through the ages. In that moment, Asher realizes that his wolf's presence is not confined to mere memory.

With a fierce determination, Asher extends his senses, reaching out to the ethereal realm that lies beyond the tangible. He can feel his wolf's spirit, a dormant force waiting to be awakened. Drawing upon the Dreamrealm's energy, he focuses his will and summons his companion's essence.

A howl cuts through the night, a haunting melody that resonates with the very fabric of the Dreamrealm. And then, from the shadows, emerges a spectral form – his wolf, a guardian of ages past, now empowered by the energy that flows through Asher's veins. Eyes ablaze with determination, the wolf lunges into the fray.

The tide of battle turns as Asher and his empowered companion fight side by side. The wolf's form flickers with ethereal energy, its attacks striking true and inflicting a heavy toll on the devourers. Their screams echo through the night as they falter, their forms dissipating into shadows.

When the last devourer has fallen, Asher stands amidst the aftermath – bloodied, battered, but victorious. His wolf companion stands by his side, its form fading back into the ethereal realm. The Dreamrealm's energy hums within him, a reminder of the power he has harnessed.

As he catches his breath, Asher surveys the scene. The city's ruins are a testament to the chaos that has unfolded, but amidst the destruction, a sense of purpose burns brighter than ever before. The Dreamrealm's energy has allowed him to tap into his past, to empower his wolf and turn the tide of battle.

With newfound resolve, Asher knows that his journey is far from over. The echoes of the Dreamrealm resonate with the shattered reality around him, guiding him toward a destiny intertwined with the fate of both realms. The cataclysm has shattered their world, but it has also revealed the potential that lies within him, waiting to be unleashed in the battles yet to come.

As Asher delves deeper into his quest, he uncovers Zephyr's trail through the Dreamrealm's shifting landscapes. He battles devourers and shadows along the way, his power growing with each confrontation. Yet, the echoes of his past and the flicker of doubt gnaw at his determination. Is revenge truly the path he wants to follow?

Unknown to Asher, the Dawnbreaker team's subtle interventions prevent him from descending further into darkness. They redirect his path, guiding him away from unnecessary bloodshed and encouraging him to find a way to sever the devourer's hold on the artifact. Their actions are a testament to their belief in Asher's potential for redemption.

The Dreamrealm energy, a vibrant tapestry of ethereal hues, cascades through the air like tendrils of shimmering light. It weaves between dimensions, resonating with the threads of consciousness that bind all living beings. This energy is a manifestation of the Dreamrealm's essence, a force that blurs the boundaries between dreams and reality. It shimmers with an otherworldly beauty, reflecting the emotions, memories, and desires of those who traverse its landscapes.

Within the Dreamrealm, the energy manifests as a current of power that surges through everything – the air, the ground, and even the thoughts of those who navigate its depths. It's both tangible and intangible, a force that can be harnessed by those who possess a connection to it. This connection is particularly potent for Eclipsers, individuals born with a heightened sensitivity to the Dreamrealm's energies. It's also amplified by the Eclipse Heart, which acts as a conduit between the Dreamrealm and the wielder.

As Asher walks through the Dreamrealm, he can feel the energy brushing against his skin like a gentle breeze, carrying with it echoes of distant memories and untold possibilities. It's a sensation that tingles with both familiarity and enigma, as if he's touching the very fabric of existence itself.

Just then he hears a voice in his head. "Can you hear me, boy?"

Shocked, he looks around for the source of the voice.

"Am here, boy," the voice continues and right after that his wolf appears in front of him. "Ughh," he utters and shifts back. "You can talk?" he asks.

"I can and that doesn't mean a thing, but let's leave that for another day." It continues. "Okay," he replies.

Then they leave and sit under a tree.

"You can ask your questions, boy. I can feel that you have a lot to say." It says.

"Well, how are you here? I saw you in the vision of my past and you were different. Or is that your father or grandfather, perhaps?"

"Hahahahahahah," a sonorous laughter fills the air.

"Boy, you are so funny. As for your question, it is still I, ******, that you saw and the one speaking with you." The wolf replies.

"What is your name once again?" Asher asks.

"Oh, I forgot that you are still too weak to hear my name." It replies.

"Hmm, my time is up. Well, boy, you are still too weak to make me stay for longer periods. If you ever need me, just call me Noctis and I shall heed your call. Remember kid, there are still many of us that will need your help. Always leave that confined space." With that, it disappears.

Amidst the whispers of the Dreamrealm energy, Asher's thoughts drift back to a distant past, to a life he barely remembers. Fragments of memories flash before his eyes – a sprawling landscape, a wolf companion, and a sense of purpose that transcended time.

These memories are like fractured shards of a mirror, reflecting a life that once was, and yet he can't quite piece them together into a coherent whole.

Suddenly, Asher's head is thrown back and then he starts seeing visions on how he can improve his power. For someone like him who holds the power of the Dreamrealm in its entirety, the way for him to improve on his abilities is for him to look at the stars and form a bond with them. This is known as Stargazing; however, he can't access the other things he should for now. But based on what his companion said, he is still weak.

In the midst of his introspection, Asher becomes aware of a subtle resonance within the Dreamrealm energy. It's as if the energy itself is offering guidance, nudging him toward a deeper understanding of his own potential. He realizes that the key to growing his powers lies in forging a stronger connection to the Dreamrealm's essence.

As he delves further into this newfound insight, he learns that growth isn't just about mastering techniques or increasing raw power. It's about embracing the harmony between the Dreamrealm's energy and his own consciousness. It's about tapping into the reservoir of memories, emotions, and experiences that reside within him, using them as a foundation to build upon.

Guided by this revelation, Asher begins to experiment with the Dreamrealm energy. He learns to channel its currents through his body, allowing it to surge through his veins like a second heartbeat. He practices meditation, learning to quiet his mind and listen to the echoes of the Dreamrealm's whispers. And in moments of battle, he finds that his emotions become a wellspring of power, shaping the energy he wields.

As he hones his connection to the Dreamrealm energy, Asher uncovers a truth that goes beyond mere power – it's a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. He learns to read the currents of energy that flow through the Dreamrealm, to sense the ripples of emotions that traverse its landscapes. He discovers that his power isn't just a tool for revenge, but a bridge that connects him to the past, present, and future – a bridge that could help him reshape his destiny.

In the heart of the Dreamrealm's energy, Asher stands at a crossroads. The echoes of his past intertwine with the possibilities of his future, and the energy that surrounds him carries both the weight of memories and the promise of growth. As he continues to explore this realm of dreams and shadows, he's faced with choices that will shape not only his own path but the destiny of both realms hanging in the balance.