
Dreambound: Chronicles of Desolation.

In a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, where monstrous creatures known as "Devourers" threaten the very existence of humanity, a lone protagonist emerges as the last hope. This is the tale of "Dreambound: Chronicles of Desolation." The realm of Astrarium faces an unprecedented crisis as Devourers, nightmarish beasts born from the void, overrun the land, leaving cities in ruins and civilization in chaos. People, known as "Eclipsed," possess a spectrum of extraordinary abilities that were awakened by the Devourers' arrival. However, despite these powers, humanity is losing the battle against the relentless onslaught. Amidst the chaos stands our protagonist, Asher Vaelin, a solitary figure burdened by a tragic past. His family and friends lost to the Devourers, Asher is driven by an unquenchable desire for vengeance. He's a rogue Eclipsed, distrustful of alliances and focused solely on survival. However, a revelation turns his world upside down. A hidden sanctuary, the Sanctuary of Somnia, unveils the existence of an alternate dimension – the Dreamrealm. Accessible only to Eclipsed, the Dreamrealm offers a battleground where they can harness their unique abilities to combat Devourers. In return, they reap rewards that strengthen them in the waking world. Determined to master his abilities and gain the power to avenge his loved ones, Asher reluctantly joins forces with a group of diverse Eclipsed known as "The Dawnbreakers." Each member bears their own scars and motivations, yet their shared goal unites them – to reclaim Astrarium from the clutches of darkness. As Asher delves into the Dreamrealm, he uncovers its intricate landscapes, from ethereal forests to sprawling cities of light. There, he faces not only Devourers but also reflections of his own inner struggles. Guided by Aria, a mysterious Dreamweaver who guards the realm's secrets, Asher's journey takes him through trials that test his strength, resilience, and the true nature of his vendetta. While the Dawnbreakers forge bonds in the Dreamrealm, tensions rise among them as secrets are unveiled, alliances are questioned, and sacrifices are demanded. Together, they must navigate the blurred lines between dreams and reality, battling Devourers in both realms while striving to unearth the origins of these monstrous invaders. "Dreambound: Chronicles of Desolation" weaves a tale of courage, redemption, and the inexhaustible power of dreams. As Asher and the Dawnbreakers fight not only for survival but also for the soul of their world, they discover that true strength is born not just from abilities, but from unity, compassion, and the enduring hope that even in the darkest of times, light can emerge. Will Asher and the Dawnbreakers unlock the secrets of the Dreamrealm, overcome their inner demons, and triumph against the Devourers? The fate of Astrarium rests in their hands as they journey through dimensions, forging bonds that transcend the boundaries of reality and dreams.

Drogo20 · Action
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Whispers of the Slumbering Realms

Deep in the heart of the night, a young man dashed with all his might, constantly glancing over his shoulder to see if his pursuer still gave chase. He panted heavily, driven by fear and adrenaline. The notion of collapsing to rest for a few minutes flickered through his mind, but the relentless pursuit kept him moving. Running was his only option.

The young man bore the name Gabriel and had recently turned 22. Up until tonight, everything had been relatively normal. However, when he chose to spend an evening with friends, fate took an unexpected twist. In a club, fueled by alcohol, he engaged in a dispute with one of the club's rowdier patrons. The disagreement escalated to violence, culminating in a vicious blow to his head from a bottle. Gabriel's memory went dark at that point, leaving a void in his recollection.

The place he now found himself was nothing like he'd anticipated. Exhausted from his flight, he eventually halted, collapsing onto the ground to catch his breath and alleviate the dizziness that spun around him.

A countdown echoed in his mind: (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0). Instantaneously, he felt as though he was being lifted, his body becoming weightless until he vanished into thin air. Moments later, a furious and savage howl reverberated, and the spot where Gabriel had stood was obliterated, a ten-meter-deep crater in its place.

Within a remote building in a secluded city, Gabriel abruptly awoke, drenched in sweat. His heart raced as he sat up, his name echoing in his thoughts. Thirst drove him to the table nearby, where he filled a cup from a jug and drank deeply. The water quenched not only his thirst but also a feeling of deprivation he hadn't realized he had.

After a few gulps, he felt revived, providing a moment of respite for him to reflect on the bewildering events that had transpired. He pondered how he had arrived at this peculiar place, a place that seemed somewhat similar to his apartment. However, he was bewildered by the sword and shield that adorned the wall. The sword gleamed with a deadly edge, far from mere decoration, while the shield, marred with cracks and scratches, appeared on the brink of collapse.

As though waiting for his thoughts to settle, the voice from his dream emerged anew, cold and stern: "Warning: Participant has failed the tutorial two times in a row. After failing three times, the participant will be terminated."

Upon hearing these ominous words, fear and tension flooded Gabriel. Swiftly, he resolved to inquire about the source of the voice and his whereabouts. The answer came swiftly, unveiling his location on Planet Elysium, within the city of Starhaven, in the country of Luminaria. A world resembling his own Earth but comprised of five continents: Aetheria, Solstis, Aridian, Aquilonis, and Tempestia. Each landmass possessed its own distinct landscapes.

Further revelations awaited him. Gabriel learned his true name was Asher Vaelin, a name gifted by his mother. Born as the result of an illicit union between his mother and a nobleman, he narrowly survived his own father's murderous intent, thwarted only by the intervention of his grandfather, who deemed the truth a threat to the family's reputation.

Asher's life took a drastic turn when the Devourers, harbingers of destruction, emerged, heralding an era of impending human extinction. Witnessing his family's obliteration and the rise of the Devourers, Asher's world shattered. The birth of the Devourers also awakened the Eclipsed, individuals endowed with extraordinary abilities.

Becoming an Eclipse at the age of 12, Asher discovered he possessed the power of summoning, though it had eluded him for five years. Ravaged by personal loss, he distanced himself from others, relying solely on his self-sufficiency.

Now, an unexpected opportunity arose—a chance to join a group of fellow Eclipsed, united by their pursuit of the newfound Dreamrealm. A realm where strength could be honed and equipment acquired. However, having failed the Dreamrealm tutorial twice, Asher was now on the precipice of extermination, with one last chance to succeed.

The voice's announcement resounded once more: "Next tutorial in 7 days. Please be prepared."

Deep unease settled within him. Asher knew he was ill-equipped for the challenge ahead, having no knowledge of combat. His recollections of the previous owner's memory were enough to confirm the daunting nature of the tutorial and the formidable monsters that lurked within. Despite the looming peril, he understood that without entering the Dreamrealm, his chances of survival against the Devourers in the danger zone were virtually nonexistent.