
B 1

Soil; does it cover when you die?

Our hurt,

Our disappointments,

The truth is that everything we dream of is just a dream,


The pain



Maybe the rains are pouring to erase everything that is disappointing


While the young woman was reading the diary she found in the attic of her new home, she tried to swallow a huge knot that grew up to her throat and finally let go of her hiccups, and the rain drops draining from her eyes with the hiccup and wet the collar of her shirt while bending the page of the diary.

For a while, he looked at the symbol that was skillfully drawn with charcoal on his diary notebook, and while he ran his fingers over the symbol, he realized that it was a female figure depicted on the trunk of the tree.

An eye would never notice if they didn't look carefully at two pictures intertwined so beautifully.

He left his notebook on the table and went out onto the porch to watch the magnificent view of his newly moved home.

As the metal-made table chairs were newly painted, he leaned against the railing in the corner without touching them at all, and looked at the forest standing like a dress on the slopes of the mountain, which has every shade of green that stretches as far as the eye can see. He turned his gaze away as far as his eyes could, he knew that even though the bitterness of a search still hurts like an illness somewhere in his heart, it is the best way to try to treat his soul with peace. He almost made his real homeland feel.

Even though she had just moved in, the young woman loved it, feeling as if she had belonged to her for years from the first moment she saw the house.

"Who knows how many lifetimes this house was home to before it became its own?"

"Who knows what sadness or happiness they experienced on this porch?"

From the bushy area where the tree branches were intertwined, he saw the white furry dog waiting for his help in a voice between moaning and barking.

5 years ago......

When he opened his eyelids, his mind was still under the influence of the dream he had seen, while he opened and closed his eyes several times, he reached out to the phone he had left on the bedside table before going to bed to find the meaning of what he had seen in his memory, but he got angry when he could not find the phone there

He looked up and looked down from the bed.

He glanced the edge of the bed into the lower part of the nightstand, hoping to see the phone.

"Damn little fellow has found a way again and got the phone," said angrily, leaping out of the bed and heading towards the kitchen where the delicious smells of food came.

She forgot what she jumped out of bed for, with the delicious smell of the food her mother was cooking in the kitchen.

Forgetting that he was angry, he approached the pot of the food being cooked on the stove and opened the lid of the pot.

He gently sniffed into the woman who complained that "you're going to burn, my son," putting her head on her shoulder and sniffing her smell into her lungs.

She smelt the neck of the woman saying, “Ohhhh, it smells wonderful like your food, Mommy”.

Esma responded by giggling to this love show of her son

"If you're kissing me for this delicious meal, I don't believe it, you've come to the country and it's been a week, but my son is just coming to see his mother," he looked sadly at the young man.

“Oh queen Esma, if you were going to scold me, there was no need for dinner, you can even eat me raw,” she joked to make the woman forgive.

Standing on the doorstep and giggling as his son is dealing with his wife, Asaf Bey explained the most reproached issue to his wife's son in order to deliberately pull both mother and son into his trap in order to make him and his son work harder.

The young man's face fell when he said, "He is now old enough to play games with my wife, find yourself a playmate and let us love grandchildren, son."

He turned to the meal that was being cooked on the stove, saying, “We grow the black earth until this boy, my husband, gives us grandchildren, there is no such thing to marry, let's not rejoice in vain”.

When Hakan came back to his room, he drew the silhouette of the woman he saw in his dream on his notebook, which he always kept from his side.

Since he saw the same image over and over, he drew the picture of the image he had recorded in his memory, he studied the picture absently, and the words poured out of his mouth with a strange feeling inside as he ran his fingers over the picture.

After saying "one day I'll find you, I know you're the only person who can rest my soul"

She looked at the sparkling eyes that looked at her alive even from a piece of paper.

She took a quick glance at the picture, unknown to how long she had been watching, and she unintentionally closed the notebook.

He made a short conversation with his secretary, who received information for today's appointments by dialing the phone he had taken from his brother by force.

He headed to the side of the bathroom and his first appointment was today in the afternoon, his mother huffed at Esma's complaint and combed her hair back with one hand.

"I think I found something to keep my mom busy," she smiled and entered the bathroom.