
Dream-Weaver System

The story follows the protagonist, Max, as he discovers that he has been imbued with the Dream Weaver System, which allows him to enter the dream world. Max, who was previously an orphan, is now able to enter different parallel worlds and timelines and gather information and resources from them. However, he is not aware of the full extent of his abilities and struggles to figure out the full capabilities of the Dream Weaver System.

ThunderDoodle · Fantasy
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82 Chs

8. The Last Time I Saw The Forest Cabin

The sun was rising and painting the sky in yellow hues as I awoke to the sound of birds singing. I stretched my limbs, still aching from yesterday's battle. My thoughts immediately turned to my statistics, and I opened my window to check them. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had reached level 10, putting me one step closer to leaving the forest.

I stood up and washed my face, feeling energized and prepared to face the day. I noticed that the rabbits I had previously killed had vanished when I went through my inventory.

I couldn't remember where I'd left them, so I assumed they'd been scavenged by other animals in the forest.

I then took the dead wolf and placed it on the table. I had been looking forward to this moment because I wanted to try out my <Dream Predator> skill on it. I felt a familiar sensation wash over me as I activated the skill, and I was sucked into the wolf's dream.

The dream was a vivid and intense experience, as if I was living the wolf's life. I saw its pack, and how it had been injured and kicked out. I saw its struggles and how it had been surviving alone. I felt its emotions and its desire to survive. As the dream came to an end, I felt a surge of power and new knowledge rush into me.

When I opened my status window, I noticed that my Strength, Agility, and Vitality had all increased by four points. I also learned a new skill called "Enhanced Hearing", which improved my hearing and made me more aware of my surroundings.


Name: Max

Race: Human

Hit Point (HP): 100/100

Dream Essence: 50/50

Level 10<(80/51200)>


Strength: 32

Agility: 36

Vitality: 27

Intelligence: 24

Dexterity: 18

Free Stats: 20


Dream Simulation (MAX)

Dream Predator (Level 1)

Agility Enhancement (Level 4)

Stealth (Level 4)

Leadership (Level 1)

Enhanced Hearing (Level 1)


Dream Weaver (passive)

Dream Traveler (passive)


<Enhanced Hearing>: This ability enables the user to hear sounds more clearly and at a greater distance. <0%> (Level 1)

<Night Vision>: This skill enhances the user's ability to see in the dark.

I noticed that my strength and agility stats were ahead of others. Being a perfectionist, I decided to put 5 Free Stats in Vitality, 5 in dexterity, and 5 in Intelligence. I knew I needed to balance all of my stats if I was going to survive in the forest.

I decided to put my newly acquired skills and stats to the test and go hunting again. I had decided my next prey would be bigger and more difficult than the last.

With renewed determination, I grabbed my makeshift knives and set out into the forest, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

With renewed determination, I gathered my makeshift knives and walked out into the forest, ready for a new day of hunting.

The morning light shone brightly as I stepped out of the cabin, casting a warm warmth on the woodland around me. The air was filled with the fresh smell of dew on the leaves and the chattering of birds. I took a deep breath and felt the rush of life sweep over me.

I could sense the presence of animals nearby thanks to my improved hearing, and I knew I'd be able to find prey quickly.

I continued walking, taking in the sights and sounds of the woodland until I came across a herd of deer grazing in a clearing. I activated my stealth ability and walked closer to them, hoping to get as close as possible without being discovered.

As I approached, one of the deer looked up and caught my eye. I froze, knowing that any sudden movement would give me away. But the deer simply looked in my direction for a moment before going back to grazing.

I breathed a sigh of relief and moved closer. I threw my knife when I was within striking distance, and with a well-placed hit, I dispatched one of the deer.

The other deer panicked and bolted, but I didn't chase them down. Instead, I strolled up to the deer I'd killed and returned it to the cabin.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as I sat in the cabin skinning the deer and preparing it to be cooked. I had survived in the wilderness for weeks, growing stronger and more skillful.

I had finally attained a level of ability and strength that would allow me to leave the forest and travel to the village. I knew the journey would be dangerous, but I was determined to complete it. I spent the following two days examining the area around the cottage, seeking any signs of danger.

I couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness and isolation. I was exhausted from being alone in the forest for so long, and I craved conversations and human interaction.

I knew the journey to the village would be difficult and exhausting, but I was determined to do it. I packed my inventory with provisions such as food, water, and a few weapons made from materials found in the forest.

I took one last glance at the cabin, knowing it was the last time I would see it. As I thought about all the trials I had endured while living in the cabin, I felt a mix of nostalgia and sadness, but also a sense of satisfaction at having survived and grown stronger. I took one last look around the cabin before turning around and heading toward the village.