
Dream Walk Through Multiverse

An average college-going boy traverses through the multiverse every time he sleeps unknowingly altering them.

Atharva_Blogz · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

Hitman, Back to Reality and Into the Dream

(Somewhere in an alleyway…)

A flash of lightning cracked the air, followed by a loud bang. The smell of ozone filled the alley, where a man in a black robe and glasses held a smoking gun. He had a cigar in his mouth and blood on his coat. It was night, and his face was hidden in the shadows. His phone rang, and he answered it.

A voice said, "Next target, Dalia Beckermann, location is Brendan High School. Make it look like a school shooting, and kill as many kids as you can. I'll send you her picture. Reward is $100,000". The call ended, and a picture of Dalia popped up on his screen.

"Another fucking mission, a kid this time, these rich bastards have nothing better to do...", the man muttered, dropping his cigar. "I'm a hitman, not a serial killer", he shouted, grinding his teeth.

--------------------------------------------XXXXX --------------------------------------------

The day passed, and Cain woke up from his bed. But to his surprise, he woke up in the real world, not the dream. He was in his cramped room, where his stuff was scattered everywhere. The clock showed 8:00 AM.

"Holyshit", Cain exclaimed, changing his clothes, grabbing his backpack, and running out of his house with a half-burnt toast in his mouth.

He barely made it to his class on time and sat for the lecture. He was distracted the whole day because his dreams were usually vague, but this time he remembered everything. He also felt that his legs, which used to hurt when he ran, were not as painful. He also realized that he didn't die to wake up from the dream like he normally did. He was confused about the dream, and he felt like it was more real than his reality.

It was 4:00 PM, and the classes were over. Cain went to hang out with his friends at a nearby arcade and had fun. Time flew by, and it was 7:00 PM. He went back to his house and jumped on his bed. He heard the music from his neighbor's house, and he ignored it, calling his neighbor a "Piece of Shit". He ate his dinner and went to sleep.

--------------------------------------------XXXXX --------------------------------------------

Cain opened his eyes and found himself jogging again in an unfamiliar area. But this time, he heard Dalia behind him, calling his name and panting. "Why did you huff... blank out all of a sudden huff...", Dalia asked, trying to catch her breath. "Did you always jog around this place?", Cain asked, confused. "What do you mean huff...?? When I huff... asked you if I could join you huff..., didn't you agree to it??", Dalia asked, irritated.

Cain realized that he was still in the same dream, but some parts of it were skipped. He checked his call logs and saw that Dalia had called him just after he fell asleep as she said. Cain casually said, "I was just teasing you about how slow you were". Dalia was angry at his remark and punched him in the stomach. The impact was harder than before, and Cain doubled over in pain. Dalia regretted hitting him and started apologizing. They left to go back to their homes.