

Hi! I am Ari and this is a story about my life. if you're wondering what is so special about my life, then let me tell you that in my story I am born twice in one life. "how is that possible?" you might ask. Well, you have to read the story for that but before you begin let me tell you something about myself;

I am an 18-year-old girl who has no parents and is living with two toxic relatives (Jane and Mark). I used to be a girl who had zero self-confidence and who would just let anything or anyone step over me. I used to feel so inferior when I was surrounded by people, therefore I preferred to stay alone. I was not always like this...

The reason behind my character starts from my school days when I was just a 10-year-old girl. I was a small little girl who barely cared about her physical appearance. At that time even people around her were not judgemental and I lived a carefree life.

Everything changed after I left my old school and transferred to a new one. All the girls were so beauty conscious and were so beautiful and graceful, while on the other hand, I stood there like a malnourished kitten who was completely covered with body hair and scars. Initially, it didn't bother me much but once people began to notice my flaws and started making fun of me I knew I was in the wrong environment. there was not much I could do as it was too late to move back. so, I just went with the flow, but as time passed it started to get out of hand. I went from controlling my tears to crying every day in school. I truly felt like i did not belong where i was. I had no friends, most of the time I would just sit by myself and would try to ignore the hurtful comments passed by my own classmates. I was being judged for the way I looked, for the way I eat, for the way I dressed, and so on. If I tried to speak up, I would have to hear a lot of inappropriate, curse words which would upset me even more. so I started to ignore and stay quiet, and that eventually became my character and attitude.

I hated myself for being too weak, for being born with a body that is so unacceptable by other people, for being too soft spoken, for not being able to stick up for myself. even on going through so much in my school, I made sure to never show it in front of my parents as I didn't want them to worry for me.

Well, life continued and many events took place that watered the plant of self hate and eventually coming to a point where I became that insecure, inferior, non confident, human bieng.

I personally loved and still love music. Music is my comfortzone. when I am sad, happy, angry, I listen to music which takes me to the world of my dreams where i am always happy, free and most importantly I am MYSELF. I love to dance and sing and to try new things, but i tend to do it when I am alone in my room as I am afraid someone is going to pull me down or say something that might discourage me from pursuing my interests.

So that was some information about myself. Now for the rest of the story I will pass it on the author and let her explain the story through her point of view.