
History of the past pt. 2

The kid slowly notices that there is something wasn't right. He becomes to realize that maybe someone is trying to harm them. Eventually, he was right but since his mother and father were beginning to get into more trouble he can't say it aloud to them. He thinks that someone or something was trying to persuade their lives. When the grim reaper is finally satisfied he begins to harm the kid... And how will he do that? Of course physical pain, after that mentally, and emotional pain.

The grim reaper tried his best to harm the kid but it won't work. He even uses some goons to lured him but it won't work. So he stops by using that pain. He now begins to emotionally pain, the grim reaper tried hard so the kid got emotional pain from his father. His father has now killed the kid currently crying by losing one of his family members. Luckily his mother got a small job it was not so easy at first but still, she got something so she can raise his child.