
Chapter 83: Fairy light or Sunlight fairies?

After the long journey of walking, we are currently eating dinner because we stayed there till night, the book says that the fairies will show up every night to give light in the darkness. So they were like fireflies, that insects got a butt light it will show when the night comes. Hmm, sounds interesting but I haven't seen anything like a fairy with light in any parts of them. I mean I sometimes read and heard something like fairies in fantasy books, but I never heard something like a fairy that can create light or have sunlight.

"Hey, what do you think the fairy looks like?" Terrence said when we were resting near the campfire. It was so cold outside so we sit next to the fire to get warm.

"I don't know, maybe it has wings? I mean Sapphire had beautiful wings and also mermaids the difference is they have tails and their wings colored blue." I said. 

"Then what are the green fairies looks like?" Terrence asks.