
Chapter 6: Super hero

In my dreams Hannah got kidnapped by the robbers, she's shouting and calling my name while she's doing that they hit her in the head, that caused her to the unconscious.

I tried to shout but she can't hear me or see me until I remembered Terrence but I know he can't hear me too. If only I can make Terrence a superhero maybe Hannah will be saved...

I stopped thinking of that a while ago, my grandpa told me when I was young that soon I can change the future. And if that happens used it to help others. I've been thinking of that until I remembered that all my dreams came true.. I mean, all my nightmares came true. I think I have the power to change their destiny by using my dreams? If that is true I should change it. But how am I gonna do that?

I kept thinking about that until someone is approaching me but that's not all. he was flying.. like it has a Superpower. When he reached me, I think I saw his face... I tried to remember where I met this person until he changed his appearance and it was my grandpa!

"g-grandpa??" I asked in surprise.

"yes, my grandson. It is me" he replied.

"But how??" I asked.

"you don't have to know this yet, you have the power to change their faith. You should use your power to help the others fate." grandpa said.

"but how grandpa? I don't know how am I gonna do that?" I asked.

"you just have to believe and dream about it. Remember everything you dream, every image you make can or cannot be real. But if you make your path to make this destiny to be real, you just have to believe that you can change their fate. Just dream on how you going to make their future change all of your dreams can be a reality just believe and make the right decision of which is the right path you need to choose" grandpa said then he disappeared.

I tried to search for him everywhere but I can't find him. I remembered what grandpa said and tried to change Hannah's fate again, I forced myself to dream that Terrence can become a hero. He can fly like Superman, he carries heavy things like airplanes, and he has the power of a thousand soldiers. After I dream about that in my dreams I saw Terrence trying to save Hannah from the robbers, Terrence punched all the robbery and when he did that. It drove them all away and I saw Hannah shocked at how Terrence got strong and even him shocked what on he did. But Hannah does not have the ability so she can't become a hero just like his brother.

I smiled at how this is finished and after Hannah finally save I woke up with a smile on my face and I know this is the real world I have.

Being a hero is not that easy, it has responsibilities for helping others in need, saving them, protect them. Yes maybe being a hero is fun, magical, powerful, brave you don't know how it feels when you be apart of the bravest hero in the world. It was like you can do anything with power, it was like you are floating in the sky, flying while shouting out loud that no one can hear you or forbid anything you want to do, of how great to be a hero.

But there's a limit to being a hero, including death, failure, and misery. Not all heroes are brave because even they protect others, their beloved becomes compensation or replacement in every saving what they always did.

I just find out that I was lying on the bed, and Hannah is with me together with Terrence on his left side is sleeping. But that is not what made me cringe, because Terrence is currently floating in the air. Like he was unconscious while he's floating.

"Terrence... Terrence!" I shout in a silent voice that makes him surprised a little then fell on the floor that makes him to awake.

"what!.. what!... what happened"? he replied in a surprised tone.

"you were flying a while ago," I said.

"really? I thought I only have the strength and then I'm flying? Is this even serious?!" Terrence exclaimed.

"Philip you're awake, you never gonna believe it... Terrence has superpowers!" Hannah says full of excitement in her voice.

"I know that, and there's something I wanna tell you," I said.

Both Hannah and Terrence look at each other before they look at Philip to tell him that to continue to speak.

"I made Terrence become a superhero," I said. They burst out laughing and they can not believe what he said.

"are you serious? And how did you make me a superhero?" Terrence asked while looking at him with a serious look.

I explained to them how Terrence got his powers from the beginning.

"how do we know that you're not lying?" he asked again

"Hannah, I know you are Terrence twin sister do you want to have powers too?" I asked her.

"I do, but what kind of powers will you give to me?" she asked and answered.

"wait, don't tell me you're believing in him?" Terrence pointed at me.

"of course he's my friend! And will you please respect him?" she replied.

"fine, but if he can't give you powers I won't believe in him" he finally said.

"what if he really can give me powers will you now believe?" she asked.

"yes I will believe" he answered back, so after their conversation, Hannah nodded at me like she's telling me to prove it

And so I did, I slept in the bed and dream of Hannah having powers that suit her.

I dreamt that Hannah can cure, flying, and the ability of invisibility. After that, I woke up and I tell her to try her new ability or powers. I told her what is her power and she was trying to release her power but she can't do it.

I told her how she can use her powers, that she needed to have emotions to release her powers like thinking of happy thoughts or if she was mad. And just focus on releasing.

And then she tried it again, but now she's applied what had I told her. And it works! And when Terrence saw it, he's now believing in me. Hannah, we're glad to know that she has superpowers like her twin brother. It was like I had twin friends superheroes...

After that I told them what will happen to the next months, I mean I knew now when will all the crisis I made will interact in the world. So I told them everything.. not that part in which I will be the one that created all the crisis. I can't tell them the truth, I'm afraid that I will lose them if I told them the whole truth of the crisis.

They were shocked by what I've said about the crisis, and when it will happen. So they make up a plan for them to help those people all over the world where the crisis hits. They asked me to dream it again where so they can prepare. After that, they will separate while saving lives for them to save everyone...

I want to put Superheroes so for the next chapter 1st crisis is "thunderstorms"

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