
Chapter 35: Return to Home

I keep running and running and running until I felt that my feet can't stand anymore. I sit on one of the benches before I proceed to walk and reached my apartment. Sadly, as long as I want to enter my room but I'm afraid someone might recognize me. If I will enter now in my apartment in daylight they might saw me and throw me again garbages, it would be easier if I wait until midnight. I know that no one can see me entered my apartment once the daylight fades. I knew that my friends will find me later because I escaped to their home but I have no choice but to do this. If I still wait until the night my friends might found me where am I. So there is no choice but to enter now, but how am I gonna enter my apartment without nobody notices my presence? This is hard because all people were around the apartment it's not easy to get inside. I looked at my window sadly it was also closed. Then how am I gonna do it? I look up until there's a pop up inside my head. I should go to the rooftop, the question is how am I gonna get up on the rooftop if I am on the grounds?

Until I remembered that I still have fairy dust left in my pocket. If I used this I can fly and reached the rooftop without nobody noticing that it was me all along. I showered all over my body with the dust so I can fly.

I flew myself higher in the sky and when the people were not looking directly in the sky, I reached the rooftop and immediately opened the door for me to get inside.

I somehow know how to sneak around the apartment because the last time I remember was I forgot to get my room keys but the owner of the said apartment wasn't here so what I did is used my lock picking skills which is I learn in the movies. It may look like a robbery but I don't have a choice but to do it. I need to pick up everything important and went back to my province. This is where my grandfather lives when he was young.

I successfully get inside my apartment and grabbed my things, all important things like phone, keys, money, my baton, and other stuff that I will need. I looked around to see if there's someone outside and when it's none I grabbed the opportunity to finally exit my apartment. I was almost at the entrance door when suddenly someone saw me. I stood there for almost not breathing and also nervous, but he just didn't mind me and did not say anything. He went inside to his apartment room which is room 201. Well I don't know him so I continued pacing the entrance and when I get out of my apartment I sighed in relief after that I quickly wear my hoodie so no one can ever recognize me.

I'm now waiting for the bus when I notice Terrence car, I think they were looking for me. I quickly turned my gaze to the other side so he wouldn't know that it was me. I finally saw Terrence and Sapphire looking everywhere, I think they were searching for me when the citizens are now walking to the entrance of the bus. I glance once again at my friends before I went inside the bus. I looked through the window until the bus drove away, Hannah notice me and tried to run but I shrug my head telling her not to follow me. She cried in the roadway I felt sorry for her, I know that they're my friends and they're trusting me but I have to reconsider that this is the last time that we will cross our paths. I will never forget them. I sit next to the window and looked up at the blue skies. It looks so pure and innocent, looks like a peaceful place. My tears flow in my face, I want to question my fate. Why the god choose me to face this trial? I'm not that strong, I was once a nobody, an introverted person, an outcast. But why I have to face this? Is this already written in my fate? Fairy Liz once told me that I shouldn't look at my fate, I shouldn't change my fate or dream at it. But I want to know what is inside my destiny. My faith in God is almost disappearing I don't want to blame him but every time I face this, I don't know if I can still make my faith strong in him. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and change what I did. So maybe I wouldn't experience this fate.


Fifteen minutes or so and I finally arrive at my province which is the Metro town. You only can see in my town are grass, animals, trees everywhere, there's no polluted air, or noisy roads, buildings. There are no gadgets or any kind of mobile phones in my town, it was a peaceful and quiet place. I told to the conductor that I'm here at my destination, after that, I got off the bus without nobody recognizing me. Maybe they can't see my face because of the hoodie that I'm wearing. I breathe in and out heavily as I smelled the fresh air coming from my town. There are so many bring back memories in my town especially when my mother is still alive.

I noticed that there's nothing changed in my town, everything so familiar. I remember the day when I was 7 when I'm with my mother. The girl from our neighbor named Rhea was a friendly girl I met but she is two years younger than me. She's the one who approached me and make friends with me. We used to play all the time and when I turned 10 she always protecting me even though that I should be the one who protects her from the bullies. She also introduces me to Evan, a genius boy that I met. I wonder where they are? I just shrug that thought and walk to find my grandfather's house.

I was getting near when someone collides against me. I sat on the dirty floor and looked up to who was it. "I'm so sorry, I was in a rushed so I didn't see you coming," He said.

The light from the sun makes it hard to see it properly until it offered me a hand. Based on the appearance it was a man, so I held his hand to make myself get up.

"It's okay, it was an accident," I said. I look at him until I notice who it was, he was my formerly childhood friend Evan Angelo. He's one of the top students, a genius and the most handsome in my school. I couldn't believe I will collide with my long time friend. He was also shocked to know that we will meet here, he smiled wide and greet me. "Hey, my man!" He said then he slightly punch my left arm. So I did the same.

"Hey, I never knew I would run after you. How many years, five?" I said.

"Yeah. You've been gone for five years. So how's it going?" He asked. I looked at him first and I know something new about him. He's now wearing glasses which suits him even more but I like the old version. His suit is white with two-sided pockets it looks like a Lab coat.

"Here studying but there's something came up so I needed to stop. How about you?" I said smiling at him. I saw something shines it was a bracelet with a strange design around it. He understood what I want to say. So he raised his arm and show it to me.

"That is my latest invention a Hi-Tech invention," He said which makes me confused.

"Latest Invention?" I asked.

"Oh sorry I forgot to mention, I'm not a student anymore, in fact, I'm one of the Researcher in our School. You are now looking at the "Researcher and Robotic Engineer Professor" He said proudly to himself that makes me gasped in surprise.

"Oh my god! Congrats bro! When did you become like that?" I said and asked while clapping in awe at him.

"Two years I presume? But it's not that important. The important is you are here now! Rhea would be so delightful when she found out that you came back." Evan said that makes me wonder about her.

"Yeah, maybe she will I haven't seen her in a long time ago," I said. Agreeing about what he just said.

"Yeah but I know she will be glad if she knows that you are here now, she will quickly run over you if she found out.." Evan replied thinking about the possibility to happen. I just smiled and looked down.

"Uhh, About that, umm I don't think that's a good idea," I said. That makes him look at me in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, umm, I don't think we should see each other," I said. That makes him even more confused.

"Why not? She's your long time friend." He said but I just patted his shoulders and surpassed him. I know he's still confused but I can't see her right now. I don't know but I feel ashamed of myself right now and I don't want her to see this side of me, I don't want anyone to involve in me again. It just happens that I and Evan bump into each other.

Once I'm inside my grandfather's house, I looked everywhere. It's so dusty but I can handle that. Until there's something popped up in my head remembering what Fairy Liz and I conversation this last week. My grandfather's notes! But where is it? I quickly went looked around and search everywhere to look at the notes. The notebook contains his ability which is also my ability. I have to know everything about my ability. That is the only chance I had to know more about myself to where did I came from, where my ability starts, or anything. Maybe there's a clue on it to help me not to get nightmares. I search every room, every corner of the house but I can't see anything. I already tried finding it everywhere, I still can't find it anywhere around the house. I laid on the floor and look at the ceiling thinking where would my grandfather hide it. Until I notice something strange in the ceiling above me. There's some kind of square that looks like there's something that must be inside of it. It looks like an exit way to the house.

I looked around to find the staircase but none, until I saw those monoblock chairs, I put all the monoblock chairs and layer it to where I saw that square. I pushed it then the ceiling opened. It was just a small square that will only fit in my hand. I tried to groped anything if my answer is here until I felt something hard so I pulled it only to know a box with a keyhole. This box looks like a treasure chest or something. I groped once again but there's nothing else inside so I turned back to the ceiling and get down on the monoblock chairs together with this box.