
Chapter 110: Caged from her nightmare...

Diana POV...

When the boys figure out where is Jessy all of us girls stayed for a minute to talk where possibly Sapphire was...

We think of something where she might be... But we don't have a clue where she is... All of us were almost lost hope until Uncle Manuel went inside the tent.

"Oh... Why all of you still here?" Uncle Manuel asks.

"Umm... We were..." I said then look at all of us girls before turning back my gaze at Uncle who is waiting for my answer. "Talking to where we could find Sapphire," I added. He looked shocked.

"Is that true? She is still alive?" He asks.

"We still don't know uncle, that is why we need to see where we could save her. She was inside the cage, like a prison that is why we were thinking of where could she possibly caged" I said.

Uncle Manuel thought for a moment when he asks us about Sapphire's condition. All of us look at each other before told him where is Sapphire.