
Dream Trip { HIATUS! ]

the daily life of a Supreme Being. English is not my native language. I like Mc Op . . DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY SERIOUSLY.

Biggubosu · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs


Letting out a murmur of annoyance, she got up from the couch and climbed like stairs toward our bedroom.

Lifting me off the couch, she let out a groan of annoyance, ignoring her annoyance. I picked her up princess-style and carried her to her room.

Leaving her on the bed, I tried to pull away from her, but she put her arms around my neck, preventing me from pulling away from her.


Noa - What happened?

Merlin - Where are you going?

Noa - I intended to go to the laboratory to do some things. Why?

Merlin - Nothing, just stay here with me.

Noa - Alright then, go to sleep.

Merlin - Good night.

Noa - Goodnight.


> Next Day <



Waking up once again with the desire to destroy the sun, Gently removing Merlin from on top of me, I went downstairs to make breakfast, opening the fridge to get the carton of eggs the sliced bacon and a carton of orange dirt.

Finishing making breakfast I placed them on the table for the girls who were already awake.

Finishing breakfast, I went to the living room to see if my little slime left behind any pieces of Magic Gold.

I picked up two small pieces that were lying on the floor, put them in the inventory and went back to the kitchen to tell the girls that I was going to make some weapons.


Noa - Girls - I am going to the laboratory to make some weapons.

Morana - Alright . '' Morana said this with a usual disinterested tone and went back to watching a reincarnated spider '' ?

Merlin - Since you two have unlimited energy , I'll go back to sleep some more . '' Merlin said rather tiredly , as she walked up the stairs to go back to sleep .


Pretending not to hear her, I teleported into the underground lab to drop off some things inside the lab.

Walking to where there was a large empty space I left the alchemy table, the fascinating table was now a silver bracelet that increases the number of minions by 1 and increases by 15% the damage of minions.

A pistol , a few dozen gold coins , dynamite and a large amount of bone.

Looking at everything that was on the countertop, I thought about the usefulness of all the items on the countertop and realized that only the pistol and the bracelet were of any real use.

I put the rest of the items aside, leaving only the pistol and the bracelet in front of me, removing the only two pieces of Magic Gold that were in the inventory.

Observing that small piece of Magic Gold, for a moment I thought of delaying the construction of a weapon, but ... I don't need a weapon that destroys galaxies, I already have some of them stored or I can simply create them from scratch.

But I still need a weapon that doesn't destroy everything in my path, I don't want to recreate a galaxy from nothing, let alone all the life that inhabits it.

Taking the pistol, I opened the lock, dropping the comb on the bench, removing all the bullets from inside the comb, I took one of the Magic Gold nuggets and used the bench as a support.

Using my thumb to press the nugget until it took on an almost round shape, drawing a rune so that I would never need to reload it.

Taking the gun's comb and the rune, I set them aside.

Taking the gun and the last piece of Magic Gold, doing the same process, I inserted the rune that disappeared inside the gun, shining for some instants.

Repeating the same process with the comb of the weapon, it glowed for a few moments before gaining a golden glow.

Putting the comb on the weapon, I dropped a drop of my blood on the weapon to finish it off.

Finishing glowing the gun was now gold with white stripes .

Putting away weapon and bracelet , I teleported into the house , looked at the girls who were watching the deadly sins fighting , more precisely Merlin fighting Galand of the Ten Commandments .


Merlin - You took long enough, something happened?' Merlin said still watching the fight.

Noa - Did I take too long? How long am I there ? Noa asked the girls.

Merlin - An hour ago . said Merlin .


Only an hour I thought I had been there longer than their way of saying it.

[ Justiceira ]

Dano 400

Durabilidade 9999

Efeito - Evenenamento Mágico


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