
Dream Trip { HIATUS! ]

the daily life of a Supreme Being. English is not my native language. I like Mc Op . . DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY SERIOUSLY.

Biggubosu · Anime & Comics
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Holding up a mirror and showing her her appearance, her face was a little flushed, her hair was messy and she had a suspicious golden liquid in the corner of her lip.


Seeing this she just sighed and went to what seemed to be the bathroom, a few minutes later she came back completely normal with nothing that could incriminate her.


( Merlin ) I'm leaving this time, don't break anything while I'm gone.


Giving me a second look, she began to teleport to the castle.

Not forgetting to tease her.


( Noa ) Bye, sweetheart.

( Merlin ) Don't call me sweetheart.

( Noa ) Sure, honey.


Leaving me in his laboratory to go to the castle. I start to look closely at what is inside the laboratory, an alchemy cauldron, some defective potions, test tubes with eyes inside and a shelf with some animal and human skulls.

Going to the couch in the corner of the room, sitting down on it, I started talking to *game *

> Game how many gachas I have ?


( Only 1, do you want to open it ? )


> Yes, open it.



( Item added ) ( Rare )

The best pizza in the multiverse

made by one of the best chefs in the world.


Creating a magical bubble of low temperature fire, leaving the pizza inside the bubble.


I removed all my clothes and went to the bathtub filling it with water magic, not too hot and not too cold, warm was the ideal to be able to relax.


I created a box of wine and left it on the floor to try to drink until I couldn't stand it anymore .


( Change of POV. ??? )



(???? ) Did you guys get that ?

(???? ) Yes, Galand was killed and his progress was forcibly removed.

(??? ) So the old man died.

(??? ) Was it Meliodas?

( ???? ) No... it wasn't Meliodas .

(??? ) Should we continue the plan?

(??? ) Yes, we will still destroy all of Britannia in the name of the Demon King!




( Change POV. Merlin )



Teleporting to the castle, is I realized that my magic felt different. I will need to do some tests with my magic, I still need to know what changed.

Going to the room where everyone was, to come up with an effective plan against the

Ten Commandments.



> Skip Time 20 Minutes <




( Meliodas ) So the plan is to try to find Escanor and get my power back that you sealed away.

( Merlin ) Exactly, you've already had to be able to control your anger.

( Meliodas ) Do you think I'm capable of controlling my anger, Merlin?

( Merlin ) After all the training you've done, let's say yes.




> Jump Time 10 minutes <



Opening the door to my lab, a delicious smell began to waft out of the lab. searching for the source i found a sphere floating in the middle of the room, realizing that the delicious smell was '' Grawr '' hearing my stomach rumbling, only made me hungrier.

Not seeing Noa inside the lab, I just decided to call him to it.



( Merlin ) Noa, where are you?

( Noa ) bathroom .




( POV change> Meliodas )




( King ) Captain, we have a problem!

( Meliodas ) What's the problem, King ?

( King ) Diane ... she's lost her memories!

( Meliodas ) Elizabeth and Hawk let's go to Merlin, she may have a solution.

( Meliodas ) King stay here and keep an eye on Diane.




( Change POV> Merlin )




Going into the bathroom, I found Noa relaxing in the tub, completely naked, with her back to me. There were a few empty wine bottles on the floor and I went over to Noa and took a bottle of wine from her hand and tried some of the wine, it was the best wine I had ever had in my life.

( Merlin ) So, what do you think of MY bathtub Noa.

(Noa) it's great Merlin, it's still missing a big space, don't you want to come in, it'll be much better .


(Merlin) Why not.



(Change POV> Noa)




I look suppressed at this woman, but not letting it show on my face.

Seriously this woman was acting cold with me until a while ago and now she's thinking about taking a shower with me, women sure are strange creatures.


This woman is serious, she started to undress little by little just so she could tease me, being unable to swallow and dry when looking at her body.

A beautiful physique full of curves. perfect breasts neither too small nor too big fit perfectly in my hands, thin waist, flat belly, thick thighs and a medium ass. But everything was perfectly balanced.

Entering the bathtub and sitting down on the other side of the tub. she soon started to relax and held out her hand wanting my bottle of wine. giving her the bottle of wine she soon started to drink as if it was the most normal thing to do. waiting for her to finish her drink, I took the bottle of wine and took another sip.

( Noa ) Merlin, that magic artifact that that talking pig uses, do you have another one?

( Merlin ) Balor's magic eye. I gave it to Hawk-dono, I can borrow it for you, if you like.

( Noa ) That would be great.