
Global Cup (3)

When the New Castle coach sees this, he decides to make a change. At the start his formation was 4--4-2 now it's all or nothing he decides to change the formation and brings in an attacker.

Despite this, it is very difficult for them to score a goal since we have withdrawn to our camp and leaves very little space for them. The end of the match was played out like this. "We can see that they are giving everything for another goal"

"But the good organization of the defense of the opposing team prevents them from fully deploying their game."


He reminds, a few days before the match my teammates joked about it saying that it was a stroke of luck that allowed them to win the league.

We didn't even take them seriously. We are not too centered on the league since we have won ​​several times.

So we are 3 in the ranking. What I see on the field is not at all lucky but a well organized team who came to win.

We really underestimate our opponent. And that's what put us in this situation.

Beep !!

"And it's DLS FC's victory over 2 goals to 1."

" It was an exciting match but I might add that the New Castle team missed this match."

"No I wouldn't say that but rather that the opposing team is well prepared. They know that the opponent is strong so from the start they applied and took the match seriously.

" So it's another well-deserved victory for them."

We exchange congratulatory words between us. We were very happy this victory we wanted it.

The coach did a good job with us so we must not forget that. In a few minutes everything was arranged and the players were already called to give them their medal.

Then it was me again.

Let's call Alan Dos Santos the best player and top scorer in this league 15 goals and 3 decisive passes.

This impression of deja vu.

For me all this is just on my journey to the top. All I want is to have fun while playing soccer. On the field I am in my element and scoring goals is my passion.

The crowd was there and cheered loudly. Then the rest of the team climbed onto the platform and our team captain Shaars stepped forward and received the trophy which he lifted.

We took a bunch of photos together. This is important since there are many of us who will no longer be on the team. In the future we may be opponents where we can play together again.

"Diedhiou what do you have to say about this defeat."?

'Not much, except that I can say that we greatly underestimate the opponent. The coach warned us but we didn't take it so seriously including me so I can say that they won it fairly. Thank you I have nothing to add." Then without another word he left.

"Okay, so I'm going to try to speak to the coach. Coach Garrick a word on your defeat tonight."

"Well I think that Diedhiou has said everything since then a great lesson for the players also like that in the future they will no longer make this kind of mistake."

"So according to you, if you did not underestimate the opponent you could have won."

" No, but our chance of winning would be much higher. There are good players in our team as in theirs. Unfortunately when they decided to wake up it was already too late." "Ok, thank you for your answers."

" Ah Prince Alan over here."

"Prince I wasn't really aware of this title."

" Of course everyone has been calling you like that since you appeared in Spring magazine. Tonight you have won another cup for the first time what is your impression.?"

"Ah yes I am happy to be able to win the cup we have worked a lot and from the beginning we made that our goal. We really wanted to win it so on the ground we did what was necessary."

" I see that at the end of the match you no longer think of carrying out an attack."

"No we have already scored two goals so I went up to help my team in defense since the opponent was pressing us a lot. We do not want to risk conceding another goal since it was not very easy to score it."

" It does what for you to be the top scorer of this league from your first participation."?

" I am happy and I must also thank my teammates who supported me and allowed me to score as many goals."

" Thank you and good luck in your career. We hope you win several other cups."

"Thank you."

"It was Helene from the Kator stadium. We listened to the impressions of key players from each team. It was a big surprise for everyone since we were expecting a victory from New Castle. But the opposite has happened. It is time for me to put an end to this retransmission goodbye, see you next time."

Tonight the internet was on fire

"@ Camille: My God have you watch the Global Cup match"?

"@Fire: What so good about them, there is only young people in these teams these, matches are not often interesting."

"@Camille: If you haven't seen it, I advise you to go watch it because the winner is a surprise for everyone."

"@ Candid: it really was a fantastic match and this young man Alan was the one on the front page de Spring magazine. I didn't know he was a soccer player."

There were all kinds of comments, good and bad. The journalists were very happy in their articles and for a few days we made the headlines.